debian-sparc Feb 2004 by thread
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- RE: Strange ucd-snmp actions Baevsky, Igal
- Re: Problem with ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, ...) David S. Miller
- Re: Diskless NFS Root Philipp Michels
- По вопросу отправки Кугултинов
- New kernel images... Ben Collins
- 2.6 kernel packages available Ben Collins
- Re: Issues installing on a SPARCServer 1000E David Johnson
- undefined reference to `ceil' Jim Watson
- NOTICE: Virus detected in email sent mailscan
- Wire mesh. Robinson Cheer
- [exim4] Where did the build go? Andreas Metzler
- vserver on sparc Giovanni Scudeller
- RE: xfree86 on ultra 60 with elite3d Chanslor, Michael David
- RE: Wire mesh.? ? ? Chanslor, Michael David
- Specify boot device Carsten Friede
- sparc ISOs James McNeill
- Re: openoffice for sparc Andy Tolonen
- Re: kwan-lin
- strange mouse Warner, William - Perot
- procps doesn't buildd - /lib versus /lib64 Craig Small
- Re: [Suns-at-Home] debian (IPX *and* ultra1) as mailserver Mauricio
- Обновл Леонид
- Solve Your Health Problems Now Ora Bourgeois
- New nic & kernel modules question Gary Parker
- ssh on sparc with md5 passwords ? Dr. Zimmermann
- SCSI-problems with kernel 2.6.2 Peter Bivesand
- Таможенная очистка грузов т ог шы х л у хк "ДeльтаКаcтомз" Белокур
- filesystem corruption Marc Horowitz
- Re: Installation Problem Alex Flores
- [no subject] Дональд Д
- [ Re: Sparc netboot] Jeff Bailey
- [no subject] Aman Gupta
- building slrn on sparc Norbert Tretkowski
- 64bit libs daniel_e
- Problems with NIC card on SPARC 20 pete
- boot net fails in openprom davis
- unable to boot net via openprom davis
- machine hangs after high disk IO load Noèl Köthe
- Power-off on UltraSPARC 10 Koen Vermeer
- Smp Benchmarking Jason Parvu
- Network card problem: carrier lost Janos Sziliczi
- Поддержи сборную России Format T. Sideswipe
- Carzy braagins on xnaax Mcnamara
- mguesser, xmule, vserver, soya, myodbc, ispellcat, gnusound, arkrpg and amsn stuck in state uploaded Goswin von Brederlow
- Hey Gregg
- BitDefender found an infected object bitdefender
- SMP & compile kernel Egor Tur
- Capstan wheels for Archive 2150s Steve Mendez
- Ultra 5 available for testing Jan Houstek
- Sparc d-i status Jeff Bailey
- Installation of Debian 3.0.23 hangs on Sun Netra t1 Wilfried Lesnik1
- Can't boot off CD-ROM David Carlin
- /etc/apt/sources.list John Hedge
- Re: Sarge on SS5? EGAN,Andrew
- Some (I hope) useful infos from your local Sparc guy :) Antonello
- netinst or install cd for a 150... Marco Gaiarin
- raptor gfx philippe mortier
- 2.6.3 kernel will not boot - cannot mount root dev lhack
- New 2.6.3 kernel packages available Ben Collins
- libc-sparc64 problem Bryan Schmidt
- apt-get problem Bryan Schmidt
- E10000 available for development (trying to) Submissions
- Boot woody on SS5 Christoph
- Bridging on U60 with qfe Small, Jim
- SparcStation 20 dual with kernel 2.6 Hartwig Atrops
- sugper viagrga, grandiloquent be big man in bed mercer Myron Bates
- 2.6.3-sparc64 and xfree86 Jim Watson
- Таможенная очистка "Континeнталь" Мартын
- Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed Mail Delivery
- Очистка Тамож. "Deльта-Каctомз" Шлагин
- Confused keyboard, ULTRA 5, XF86Config-4 Jack Liddle
- BootP problems with Netra T1 (ARP/RARP) Neil D. Roberts
The last update was on 06:31 GMT Mon May 11. There are 236 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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