debian-tetex-maint Sep 2005 by subject
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BOUNCE Non-member submission from []
Bug#105830: Please provide a method for packages to register themselves to texdoctk
Bug#138394: marked as done (please provides fonts.dir for X11)
Bug#138506: marked as done (mozilla-browser: mathml font troubles)
Bug#146605: marked as done (mozilla-browser: Need package to install MathML fonts)
Bug#178712: Degrees Based On Your Knowlege
Bug#218105: TeX copyright
Bug#225004: marked as done (tetex-extra: Type1 fonts should be in a separate package)
Bug#250216: [tex-k] Plans about supporting TrueType/Type42 fonts in dvips?
Bug#266379: Bug # 266379
Bug#266379: Can't rm directory in postinst
Bug#299936: Debian adaptations for "updmap --enable" and "updmap --diable"
Bug#309637: Some warnings during upgrade
Bug#310321: followup
Bug#310321: marked as done (tetex-base: Package doesn't install because of ConTeX initialization bug)
Bug#310321: tetex-extra: this bug exists on upgrade from woody to sarge
Bug#312265: [Thomas Ruedas] Re: Error messages in texdoctk (was: Bug#312265: tetex-bin: texdoctk: gv is now in /usr/bin/)
Bug#316245: tetex-bin: postinst failure while building etex and pdfetex formats
Bug#322407 acknowledged by developer (Bug#322407: fixed in python2.4 2.4.1-4)
Bug#322433 acknowledged by developer (Bug#322433: fixed in scalable-cyrfonts 4.8)
Bug#322713: (fwd) Bug#322713: dvipdfm doesn't understand gs anymore
Bug#322713: [tex-live] (fwd) Bug#322713: dvipdfm doesn't understand gs anymore
Re: Bug#322821: libpng12-0: new version breaks pdflatex
Bug#322821: png problems on powerpc and s390 (was: Bug#322821: libpng12-0: new version breaks pdflatex)
Bug#322821: powerpc and s390: buildd environments screwed?
Bug#322821: powerpc and s390: buildd environments screwed? (was: Bug#322821: libpng12-0: new version breaks pdflatex)
Bug#322821: Quagga FTBFS on s390/sparc due to this tetex-bin bug, too
Bug#325529: tetex-base: lambda is missing
Bug#325537: tetex-extra: package fails to configure: Error: `omega -ini -jobname=lambda -progname=lambda lambda.ini' failed
Bug#325891: tetex-doc: should not include xcolor documentation
Re: Bug#326772: Processed: bug clone
Re: Bug#326774: More problems with bugs closed in experimental
Bug#327082: Problems with powerpc build environment? (was: Bug#327082: tetex-bin: pdflatex segfaults on iclusion of png images)
Bug#327082: similar bug against libpng2-0
Bug#327082: tetex-bin: pdflatex segfaults on iclusion of png images
Bug#327129: tetex-bin: missing links and formats
Bug#327341: texdoctk: links to missing file pgfuserguide.pdf
Bug#327480: Please separate the .pfb files of Type1 fonts and make them available to X11
Bug#327741: (fwd) tetex-extra: undistributable files included in package
Bug#327741: it's more interesting than it looks like.
Bug#327741: please feed information into copyright and Copyright.Files (was: Bug#327741: it's more interesting than it looks like.)
Bug#327741: tetex-optional: undistributable files included in package
Bug#327785: minor things in tex-common
Bug#328291: Bug#328292: debconf, tex-common and the management of ls-R and .cnf files
Bug#328291: debconf, tex-common and the management of ls-R and .cnf files
Bug#328291: [Frank Küster] Re: debconf, tex-common and the management of ls-R and .cnf files
Bug#328291: [Norbert Preining] Re: debconf, tex-common and the management of ls-R and .cnf files
Bug#328291: tex-common: could manage the permissions of the ls-R files like tetex did
Bug#329189: tetex-base: dvips -Poutline not using .pfb fonts
Bug#329228: tetex-extra: would you consider including the "clrscode" algorithm typesetting package?
Bug#329658: marked as done (tetex-extra depends on ptex-bin for installation but not specified in package requirement)
Bug#329658: tetex-extra depends on ptex-bin for installation but not specified in package requirement
Bug#329972: marked as done (Missing initex and virtex)
Bug#329972: Missing initex and virtex
Bug#330078: latex points to etex, not to tex
Bug#330078: marked as done (latex points to etex, not to tex)
Bug#330278: tetex-extra: Failed package install and missing dependency
Bug#330509: tetex-bin: updmapsys gives many warnings
Bug#330875: tetex-base: doesn't correctly detect that obsolete ini files are unchanged
Bug#51869: pitiful cries from
Re: changig fonts used by gs
cm-super with tetex 3
debconf, tex-common and the management of ls-R and .cnf files
Draft for announcment on debian-devel-announce
Re: Effect of Replaces in coexisting packages
Re: Font problems with pdflatex
Re: libkpathsea transition
ls-R file writeable by all users?
Re: luximono: problems and success
Re: mass bug filing on packages that are blocking use of cdebconf
More problems with bugs closed in experimental
moving tpm2deb to svn repository
new cm-super and cm-super-x11
new cm-super package available, should also work with tetex2
new cm-super package available (this time small)
new cm-super package available (with md5sum and pfb under dpkg hack)
package installation fails with teTeX 3.0
pdflatex: strange error when including png images
Re: pfb2t1c and cm-super
pfb2t1c and cm-super (was: Effect of Replaces in coexisting packages)
Problems using tetex-bin in autobuilders on s390/powerpc...
Processed: bug clone
Processed: close 316245
Processed: closing 325529
Processed: eurosym: Documentation in source form
Processed: Re: Bug#266379: Can't rm directory in postinst
Processed: Re: Bug#309637: Some warnings during upgrade
Processed: Re: Bug#322821: libpng12-0: new version breaks pdflatex
Processed: Re: Bug#325537: tetex-extra: package fails to configure: Error: `omega -ini -jobname=lambda -progname=lambda lambda.ini' failed
Processed: Re: Bug#327741: Acknowledgement (tetex-optional: undistributable files included in package)
Processed: Re: Bug#327741: tetex-optional: undistributable files included in package
Processed: Re: Bug#330078: latex points to etex, not to tex
Processed: Re: Bug#330278: tetex-extra: Failed package install and missing dependency
Processed: reopen 316245
Processed: Re: Processed: Re: SVN-Schreibzugriff
Proposal for tex-common postrm script
Registering files at installtion time
RFC: cm-super fonts for X11
Some other issues with tetex 3
Re: SVN tetex commit: r132 - in tetex-base/trunk/debian: . patches
SVN tetex commit: r150 and r151
SVN tetex commit: r184 - tex-common/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r185 - tex-common/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r186 - in tex-common/trunk: debian scripts
SVN tetex commit: r187 - tex-common/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r188 - tetex-bin/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r189 - tetex-bin/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r190 - tex-common/trunk/debian
SVN tetex commit: r191 - in tex-common/trunk/debian: . po
Re: Take over of texinfo/info packages
tex-common, ls-R and debconf
TeXlive for Debian - version 2004.05.09.25-1 soon online
TeXlive for Debian - version 2005.09.15-1 online
TeXlive for Debian - version 2005.09.15-2 online
Re: [tex-live] moving tpm2deb to svn repository
Re: [tex-live] TeXlive for Debian - version 2004.05.09.25-1 soon online
Re: [tex-live] TeXlive for Debian - version 2005.09.15-1 online
Re: Things to be fixed in TeX live or upstream
Unidentified subject!
Upgrade of pstricks package in tetex-extra
[VAC] 2005-09-10 to 09-25: Apt, Aix, Frejus
Re: VARIAS OFERTAS PROPIEDADES TENERIFE SUR 23-10-04 (for sale properties tenerife south)
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