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Re: Take over of texinfo/info packages

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

>> it should work (I only tried with --force-depends).  Just tried, it
>> does, although there's now an ugly circular dependency between texinfo
> Can we circumvent this?

By uploading new packages of tetex-base which don't depend on texinfo -
but since there's no real bad effect, we can as well wait until we
upload, anyway.  By the way, 

  * changed dependency to tex-common | tetex-bin (<< 3.0) to be installable
    on current sid.

This is only understandable when you know the history of texinfo
packages not uploaded to Debian.  I'd write something like "Now depends
on tex-common, or tetex-bin until teTeX-3.0 is in unstable".  On the
other hand, isn't #253124 also fixed by this upload?

> New -1 packages are on the tug server.

Unfortunately, one more important thing is missing:  

* New maintainer.  Taking over because...

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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