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Re: new cm-super package available (with md5sum and pfb under dpkg hack)

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Rogério Brito wrote:
>> if [ -e /usr/sbin/updmap-sys ]; then
>>    /usr/sbin/updmap-sys
>> else
>>    /usr/bin/env updmap
>> fi
> Good idea. But: Does update-updmap exist in tetex-2? In the postinst
> there is
> 	/usr/bin/env update-updmap
> 	/usr/bin/updmap-sys
> and I guess I have to catch both of them.

update-updmap does exist in tetex-2.  The user could choose not to use
it, but this wasn't working properly, anyway.  The formally correct way
would be to ask debconf about tetex-bin/upd_map, and not do anything if
it is set to false; otherwise call update-updmap and updmap.

However, I doubt that many packages did this.  Either they were
completely unaware of update-updmap and just informed their users to
edit updmap.cfg, or they used it unconditionally.  

Since generating updmap.cfg will be mandatory in etch, I wouldn't bother
with that.  Just use update-updmap; if a sarge user has chosen otherwise
and complains that their hand-crafted updmap.cfg is overwritten, you can
tell them they're on their own when using software that hasn't been
released with sarge.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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