debconf-team Jan 2015 by author

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René Mayorga

Louis-Philippe Véronneau

Martín Ferrari

Louis-Philippe Véronneau

Martín Ferrari

Aigars Mahinovs

Allison Randal

Ana Guerrero Lopez

Andreas Tille

Bernelle Verster

Brian Gupta

Carl Karsten

Daniel Kahn Gillmor

David Bremner

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki

Gaudenz Steinlin

Giacomo Catenazzi

Graham Inggs

Guido Trotter

Gunnar Wolf

Jonathan McDowell

Laura Arjona Reina

Marcelo Gutierrez

Margarita Manterola

martin f krafft

Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

Maximiliano Curia

Michael Banck

Moray Allan


Patty Langasek

Philipp Hug

Richard Hartmann

Stefano Rivera

Steve Langasek

Tassia Camoes Araujo

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz

The last update was on 06:00 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 171 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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