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Re: [Debconf-team] Food costs for externals

On 20.01.2015 19:31, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <cate@debian.org> [2015-01-19 16:04 +0100]:
>> - We need the lunch and dinner costs for non-hosted attendees.
> Each meal will be about 7€.
> Just for the record, I am not much in favour for catering to
> externals. The youth hostel has a high standard and we would like an
> integrative conference. If John Doe thinks he's too good for
> a hostel bed, then he can pay us e.g. 25 € or so per day for food.

IMHO it is good to have an high price (lunch and dinner) for external
(and possibly only a combined price).

But it is a fact that some people want to lodge externally (company pay,
with family, just preference, etc.). IMHO by having lunch and dinner
together, also for external, could help the integrative parts.  So,
IMHO, we should propose it, but we must not think it too much. I think
something simple: pre-booked, 20 EUR per day (lunch and dinner) [no
exception for conference dinner, daytrip, etc.]

And the mail thread went about sponsored people. The original topic was
"DC15 - Prices and deals for non-sponsored attendees", so
*non-sponsored* attendees.

We discussed in meeting about sponsored attendees without accommodation:
there are exceptions ("local locals"), but we keep them as exceptions.


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