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Re: [Debconf-team] Question to the Montreal team: facilities, security and food

On 27/01/15 12:34 PM, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> Hi Montreal team,

> I visited the building yesterday to re-check the space being proposed.

Wow, that is nice. Thanks for taking the time to do so.

> There was an event going on and I figured out that the rooms 202 and 203 (MadeleineParent+LevBukhman) can be joined. The combined room would be able to handle 150 people, which is a good thing for us. So IMHO, we should aim for the ballrom + rooms Madeleine+LevBuck for the whole DebConf period. As it is currently stated, I think we'll have a great overflows during DC sessions.
> Could someone provide total prices according to this configuration? (I'm sorry to not do it myself, I'm in class right now)

Do you mean without hacklabs during Debconf, or these 3 rooms + the hacklabs during Debconf?

If you meant the latter, this means we would not have to rent the Club Lounge and Room B-30. From the prices I got, venue price would be 13 200 CAD +
security (instead of 16 000CAD + security). Security prices can vary a lot depending on what we want. Our wiki page is clear on this.

> Would this change affect the security quotation?

Nope. Security is based on how many people will be present, not on room rental.

> Also, do you have any quotes for catering?

Sadly, no. We did not have time to do this. An extra week or two would have been necessary for this and networking info for McGill.

> I wonder if any of the SSMU caterers would be able to handle the whole conference alone, so I'd suggest approching the 3 of them.
> And sure, Midnight Kitchen could be approached for vegan food, but only closer to the coference, since the collective members might not be the same by 2016.

I do think that The Nest would be able to do so. The people I met at SSMU implied so. Still, I think it would be a good idea to get quotes from the 3.
For the Midnight Kitchen, I agree 2016 might be a bit far for them. I would like to see with them if we meet their social contract though.

> Last thing... any news from the mcgill network admins?

I did not have time to email them at all. Sorry...

Louis-Philippe Véronneau a.k.a pollo

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