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Re: [Debconf-team] DC15 - Sprints during DebCamp (and DebConf)


On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 05:58:21PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> ...
> This is not a silver bullet to avoid people coming to DebCamp on
> vacation.  But we think it's something that will help many people make
> the most of that time.

[quoting my mail to content@debconf.org]
I beg to disagree.  While I certainly would find a sprint topic I see no
reason at all to force people into defining a sprint topic in contrast
to a certain work plan.  I considered DebCamp always a very productive
time and pressing people into predefined workplans might IMHO reduce
the creative environment.
> Are there any concerns with this plan?

Yes.  I never had the impression that people are doing vacation at
DebCamp.  While we had some non-hacking activities at DebCamp this
was no difference to DebConf and this is IMHO part of the sense of
meeting Debianistas.

Kind regards



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