debian-devel Jan 2020 by thread
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- Re: Be nice to your fellow Debian colleagues Andrew McGlashan
- Bug#947876: ITP: python-gpsoauth -- Client library for Google Play Services OAuth Stein Magnus Jodal
- Bug#947877: ITP: python-gmusicapi -- Unofficial API for Google Play Music Stein Magnus Jodal
- Appstream + Gnome Jeff
- Re: Help needed: conflicting interests between Salsa admins and Salsa users (Re: Git Packaging Round 2: When to Salsa) Otto Kekäläinen
- Bug#947924: ITP: haskell-bytestring -- Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface Mike Gabriel
- Migration to testing blocked by broken piuparts? W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#947935: ITP: opentmpfiles -- standalone utility written to process systemd-style tmpfiles.d files Thomas Goirand
- opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Mo Zhou
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Simon McVittie
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Andrej Shadura
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Ansgar
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Matthias Klumpp
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Simon McVittie
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Simon McVittie
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Simon McVittie
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Bastian Blank
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Shengjing Zhu
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Ansgar
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Marco d'Itri
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy The Wanderer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Lorenz
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Andrej Shadura
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Bastian Blank
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Marco d'Itri
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Russ Allbery
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Marco d'Itri
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Sam Hartman
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Marco d'Itri
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Thomas Goirand
- Re: opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy Bernd Zeimetz
- Bug#947954: ITP: vmatch -- large scale sequence analysis software Sascha Steinbiss
- Re: Idea: frontend tool for more efficient license reviewing based on tree-structured IR Sam Hartman
- Bug#947955: general: Windows on second (external) screen are blurry after notebook sleep Matthias Brennwald
- Regressions in keeping minbase variant minimal since buster Andreas Henriksson
- Bug#947962: ITP: aerc - aerc is an email client for your terminal. rajudev
- Work-needing packages report for Jan 3, 2020 wnpp
- Bug#947988: ITP: python-msoffcrypto-tool -- Python tool and library for decrypting MS Office files Sascha Steinbiss
- Bug#948038: ITP: gfsecret -- Tools to make secret sharing easier. Thomas Perret
- Bug#948041: impossible to update libbpf without updating the kernel Sudip Mukherjee
Bug#948073: ITP: tedana -- TE-dependent analysis (tedana) of multi-echo fMRI Yaroslav Halchenko
Bug#948113: ITP: golang-github-checkpoint-restore-go-criu -- CRIU bindings for Golang Dmitry Smirnov
Bug#948169: ITP: libvdestack -- network namespace as a library Andrea Capriotti
Bug#948170: ITP: libvdeslirp -- libslirp for Linux made easy peasy Andrea Capriotti
Bug#948171: ITP: python-exchangelib -- Client for Microsoft Exchange Web Services Michael Fladischer
Bug#948177: ITP: vdens -- Create User Namespaces. Andrea Capriotti
Bug#948190: ITP: golang-github-russellhaering-gosaml2 -- Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0 Christian Barcenas
Issues with piuparts blocking testing migration John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
[debian] git depency on git-man Anatoly Pugachev
Bug#948216: ITP: boxfort -- simple, cross-platform sandboxing C library powering Criterion SZALAY Attila
Bug#948233: ITP: golang-github-powerman-check -- Helpers to complement Go testing package Eric Dorland
Bug#948234: ITP: golang-github-hectane-go-acl -- Go library for manipulating ACLs on Windows Eric Dorland
Bug#948237: ITP: dnstwist -- domain name permutation engine Peter Wienemann
Condorcet Internet Voting Service Felix Lechner
Re: Vital fix to console-common stuck in testing for three months Oskar Berggren
Bug#948282: ITP: djangorestframework-api-key -- API key permissions for Django REST Framework Adam Cecile
Re: Next attempt to add Blends to Debian installer Steve McIntyre
Bug#948303: ITP: aionotify -- Simple, asyncio-based inotify library for Python Adam Cecile
bitte ueberprueft die Energy settings unter Linux Harald Dunkel
Bug#948324: ITP: pymdown-extensions -- extension pack for Python Markdown Andrej Shadura
Bug#948361: ITP: vagrant-bindfs -- Vagrant plugin to automate bindfs mounts in the VM Jonas Meurer
migration from cron.daily to systemd timers Noah Meyerhans
Bug#948389: ITP: php-pubsubhubbub-publisher -- WebSub publisher library for PHP James Valleroy
Cross-build Qt Debian package Carsten Behling
OpenGL, GLVND and default values for packages Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
Bug#948451: ITP: python-cliapp -- cliapp is a Python framework for Unix-like command line programs. It contains the typical stuff such programs need to do, such as parsing the command line for options, and iterating over input files. JAIR REIS
Bug#948483: RFP: broot -- an interactive CLI directory browser Christian Kastner
Hey. lange nichts von dir gehört Tanisha
Bug#948525: ITP: mopidy-gmusic -- Mopidy extension for playing music from Google Play Music Stein Magnus Jodal
Bug#948526: ITP: genomethreader -- software tool to compute gene structure predictions Sascha Steinbiss
Bug#948534: ITP: ignition-math6 -- A small, fast, and high performance math library (v6) Jose Luis Rivero
Bug#948537: ITP: ignition-common3 -- Ignition common classes and functions for robot apps (v3) Jose Luis Rivero
Bug#948539: ITP: ignition-transport8 -- Ignition Transport library v8 Jose Luis Rivero
Work-needing packages report for Jan 10, 2020 wnpp
Bug#948547: RFP: libmill -- Go-style concurrency library for C Dmitry Smirnov
Re: Bits from the Debian Community Team (Jan 2020) Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Bug#948586: ITP: golang-github-youmark-pkcs8 -- Go package to parse and convert private keys in PKCS#8 format, as defined in RFC5208 and RFC5958 Drew Parsons
Bug#948592: ITP: golang-github-mattn-go-ieproxy -- Drew Parsons
Bug#948659: ITP: pinball-table-hurd -- HURD Pinball table for emilia pinball Philippe Coval
Bug#948696: ITP: libtimezonemap -- GTK+3 timezone map widget Norbert Preining
Bug#948699: ITP: pytest-mpi -- a plugin for pytest testing MPI-related code Drew Parsons
Bug#948701: ITP: libsqlitecpp -- smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper Eduard Bloch
[Resent, wrong email]: Working around the firefox nodejs dependency on riscv64 et al John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Working around the firefox nodejs dependency on riscv64 et al John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Bug#948762: ITP: dark-gtk-themes -- dark GTK2/GTK3/Metacity theme Adam Borowski
Bug#948776: ITP: ocaml-astring -- alternative String module for OCaml Stéphane Glondu
Re: Wouter Verhelst
Re: default firewall utility changes for Debian 11 bullseye Iustin Pop
Consumer Electronics Show 2020 USA Ruby Thomas
Uploading of libjpeg-turbo 2.0.x to unstable Mike Gabriel
Bug#948868: ITP: ocaml-fmt -- OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators Stéphane Glondu
Bug#948944: general: File Premissions broken, Group write access denied Travis Eddy
Bug#948968: ITP: python-fastjsonschema -- Validation of JSON documents by JSON schema drafts 04/06/07 Adam Cecile
Deprecating regex/fnmatch fallback for package arguments, and 1.9.6 highlights Julian Andres Klode
Bug#949014: ITP: php-slim -- PHP micro framework for writing simple applications and APIs James Valleroy
Is running dpkg-buildpackage manually from the command line forbidden? Daniel Schepler
Is distro-tracker accessible by some sort of API? Roberto C. Sánchez
Work-needing packages report for Jan 17, 2020 wnpp
Source-only upload and build profiles Pirate Praveen
Bug#949155: ITP: tvm -- Deep Learning compiler Wookey
Bug#949186: ITP: python3-clap -- command line arguments parser Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Bug#949198: (no subject) Thiago Andrade Marques
MiniDebConf Maceió (Brazil) March 25-28, 2020 Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Bug#949250: ITP: libyaml-pp-perl -- pure-perl YAML framework gregor herrmann
Request for packaging two simple tools: disk-filltest and digup Timo Bingmann
Bug#949307: ITP: disk-filltest -- Simple Tool to Detect Bad Disks by Filling with Random Data Sudip Mukherjee
Bug#949308: ITP: digup -- A Digest Updating Tool Sudip Mukherjee
Bug#949313: ITP: php-nikic-fast-route -- Fast request router for PHP James Valleroy
Bug#949328: ITP: fcitx5-chinese-addons -- Pinyin and table input method for fcitx5 Boyuan Yang
Re: Debian event pre FOSDEM? Jurgen Gaeremyn
Bug#949344: ITP: cbang -- C! supports cross-platform networking, debugging, crypto, embedded JavaScript and event driven C++ development. Joseph Coffland
Bug#949371: ITP: lwt-ssl -- OCaml OpenSSL binding with concurrent I/O Stéphane Glondu
Bug#949376: ITP: lybniz -- mathematical function graph plotter Drew Parsons
Bug#949381: ITP: python-pot -- Python optimal transport library Gard Spreemann
Bug#949382: ITP: r-cran-rdbnomics -- access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics API Sébastien Villemot
Bug#949383: ITP: qiskit-ibmq-provider -- Quantum Information Science Kit (Qiskit): IBM Q Provider Diego M. Rodriguez
Bug#949463: ITP: fonts-pc -- TrueType conversions of PC ROM fonts Adam Borowski
Bug#949467: ITP: ocaml-domain-name -- RFC 1035 Internet domain names Stéphane Glondu
Bug#949470: ITP: pytest-filter-subpackage -- Allow sub-packages to test to be selected with e.g. -P io.fits,modeling Ole Streicher
Bug#949474: ITP: wlcs -- Wayland Conformance Suite Mike Gabriel
Bug#949476: ITP: cog -- Simple web browser based on WPE WebKit Alberto Garcia
[PATCH reproducible-notes] Remove non-sense wireguard note Jason A. Donenfeld
Bug#949531: ITP: qiskit-aer -- Quantum Information Science Kit (Qiskit): Aer Diego M. Rodriguez
Bug#949569: ITP: vtkplotter-examples -- Examples set for vtkplotter Drew Parsons
Bug#949590: ITP: xsocs -- Automatic analysis of 5D sets of data Alexandre Marie
Bug#949594: ITP: liac-arff -- library for reading and writing ARFF files in Python Christian Kastner
Bug#949624: ITP: minipro -- Utility for Minipro TL866 memory chip programmers Lubomir Rintel
Bug#949628: ITP: python-configspace -- module to manage configuration spaces Christian Kastner
Riesgos Ergonomicos en el Trabajo STPS NOM-036
Bug#949692: ITP: tpot -- Automated Machine Learning built on top of scikit-learn Christian Kastner
Work-needing packages report for Jan 24, 2020 wnpp
Bug#949765: ITP: babeltrace2 -- A trace manipulation toolkit Michael Jeanson
Bug#949781: RFH: mawk Boyuan Yang
Bug#949782: ITP: python-ezcolor -- Python colorizing strings library (Python 3) Marcos Fouces
Bug#949784: ITP: pep517 -- Specifies a standard API for systems which build Python packages Scott Kitterman
Bug#949787: ITP: python-certbot-dns-gandi -- Gandi LiveDNS plugin for Certbot Unit 193
Bug#949792: ITP: merkaartor -- map editor for Jerome Benoit
Bug#949796: ITP: python-publicsuffix2 -- Python3 module to get a domain suffix using the Public Suffix List Scott Kitterman
Bug#949827: ITP: traceshark -- Graphical viewer for the Ftrace and Perf events. Sudip Mukherjee
Bug#949932: ITP: glasscoder -- minimalist audio encoder for generating live streams Kyle Robbertze
Outreachy / GSoC this year? Andreas Tille
Bug#949948: ITP: gnu-apl -- GNU APL Barak A. Pearlmutter
Bug#949950: ITP: libh5cpp-dev -- H5CPP is a novel approach to persistence in the field of machine learning and science, it provides high performance sequential and block access to HDF5 containers through modern C++ templates. It supports major linear algebra libraries such as armadillo, eigen3, dlib, itpp, blaze, boost::ublas in addition to stl::vector. And it has an amitious plan to provide quality non-intrusive persistence for arbitrary C++ objects. steven
Bug#949951: ITP: h5cpp-compiler -- This LLVM/clang based C++ source code transformation tool automates the otherwise time consuming, error prone process of generating type descriptors for HDF5 Compound datatypes by building the AST of a given TU translation unit, and identifying all POD datatypes referenced from H5CPP operators/functions. The result is a seamless, non-intrusive persistence much similar to python, java or other interpreted languages. steven
Bug#949953: ITP: ocaml-parsexp -- S-expression parsing library Stéphane Glondu
New fast porterbox for powerpc and ppc64 available John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Bug#949961: ITP: ppx-compare -- generation of comparison functions from OCaml types Stéphane Glondu
Bug#949978: ITP: gplugin -- GObject based plugin library Richard Laager
Bug#949977: ITP: libgnt -- GLib Ncurses Toolkit Richard Laager
Bug#949979: ITP: talkatu -- GTK+ widgets for instant messaging clients Richard Laager
Bug#950002: ITP: ppx-custom-printf -- printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion Stéphane Glondu
Bug#950003: ITP: ppx-fields-conv -- generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml records Stéphane Glondu
Bug#950004: ITP: ppx-variants-conv -- generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variant types Stéphane Glondu
Bug#950017: ITP: imx-code-signing-tool -- code signing tool for i.MX platform Andrej Shadura
Bug#950029: ITP: python-gvm -- Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library Sophie Brun
Bug#950085: ITP: mbpoll -- command line utility to communicate with ModBus slave (RTU or TCP) Martin
Bug#950095: ITP: pyout -- interface for writing structured records as a table in a terminal Yaroslav Halchenko
Bug#950109: ITP: chez-srfi -- SRFI libraries for Chez Scheme Göran Weinholt
Bug#950119: ITP: gajim-syntaxhighlight -- highlights source code blocks in chat window Martin
Kernel parameters protecting fifos and regular files Craig Small
Bug#950125: ITP: go-mmproxy -- Golang implementation of mmproxy Dmitry Smirnov
Bug#950162: ITP: ruby-faraday-middleware-aws-sigv4 -- Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4 Sruthi Chandran
Bug#950178: ITP: bonzomatic -- Live shader coding tool Nicolas Braud-Santoni
Bug#950179: ITP: libjsonpp -- A set of C++ classes to support JSON Nicolas Braud-Santoni
Bug#950180: ITP: kissfft -- A mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library Nicolas Braud-Santoni
Bug#950181: ITP: miniaudio -- single file library for audio playback and capture Nicolas Braud-Santoni
Bug#950215: ITP: gvm-tools -- Remote control a Greenbone Vulnerability Manager Sophie Brun
Bug#950260: ITP: lprint -- lprint - A Label Printer Application Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Work-needing packages report for Jan 31, 2020 wnpp
Bug#950315: ITP: m4api -- access Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies Vagrant Cascadian
Bug#950325: ITP: libjs-milligram -- Lightweight and responsive CSS framework Federico Ceratto
Bug#950328: ITP: librepcb -- EDA software to develop printed circuit boards Federico Ceratto
Bug#950352: ITP: pfetch -- A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh. Grzesiek Jedenastka
Bug#950353: ITP: joplin -- An open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities Grzesiek Jedenastka
The last update was on 19:27 GMT Sun Jan 10. There are 400 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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