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Re: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/dballe

On 1/17/20 6:55 AM, Sam Hartman wrote:
>>>>>> "Johannes" == Johannes Schauer <josch@debian.org> writes:
>     Johannes> or have a mechanism that allows maintainers to tell buildds "please build this
>     Johannes> source package with build profiles X and Y enabled". That would then build the
>     Johannes> binary packages necessary to do a full build in a second upload.
> That doesn't help.
> If I need version y+3 of rustcc to build y+5 of rustcc and only y is in
> the archive, no build profile is going to help me.

If I'm following correctly: The packager would use rustcc >= y+3 (in
practice, likely rustcc y+5) to locally build rustcc y+5 and then do a
binary upload. But if dak (or whatever, I'm not so familiar with the
server side here) throws away the binary, then we're sunk. So there
needs to be a way to note that the binary needs to be kept.

Assuming I'm on the right track, here are a couple of questions:

In such a case, would the source package have a Build-Depends of >= y+3?
It seems like it would.

Could that be the way to indicate a bootstrap upload? In other words, if
the package has a Build-Depends on one of the binary packages it
produces that is _not_ satisfied in the suite it's being uploaded to but
is satisfied by this upload, then it's a bootstrap upload, and the
binaries should be kept. This would avoiding adding a new field for this
and would ensure the Build-Depends are set correctly in bootstrapping

Regardless of how the "keep the binaries" flag is implemented... should
the uploaded binary be published, or should the package be rebuilt? I
think I'd argue for the latter. The uploaded binary package should be
installed on the buildd and then the package should be rebuilt from
source, with _that_ result being put into the archive. This doesn't
protect against the trojaned-compiler problem, but it does at least
ensure that the package builds from source.


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