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Hey. lange nichts von dir gehört
MiniDebConf Maceió (Brazil) March 25-28, 2020
Re: MiniDebConf Maceió (Brazil) March 25-28, 2020
[debian] git depency on git-man
[PATCH reproducible-notes] Remove non-sense wireguard note
Re: [Piuparts-devel] Migration to testing blocked by broken piuparts?
[Resent, wrong email]: Working around the firefox nodejs dependency on riscv64 et al
Adding security features (was: Kernel parameters protecting fifos and regular files)
Appstream + Gnome
Re: Be nice to your fellow Debian colleagues
Re: Bits from the Debian Community Team (Jan 2020)
bitte ueberprueft die Energy settings unter Linux
Bug#947876: ITP: python-gpsoauth -- Client library for Google Play Services OAuth
Bug#947877: ITP: python-gmusicapi -- Unofficial API for Google Play Music
Bug#947924: ITP: haskell-bytestring -- Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface
Bug#947935: ITP: opentmpfiles -- standalone utility written to process systemd-style tmpfiles.d files
Bug#947954: ITP: vmatch -- large scale sequence analysis software
Bug#947955: general: Windows on second (external) screen are blurry after notebook sleep
Bug#947962: ITP: aerc - aerc is an email client for your terminal.
Bug#947988: ITP: python-msoffcrypto-tool -- Python tool and library for decrypting MS Office files
Bug#948038: ITP: gfsecret -- Tools to make secret sharing easier.
Bug#948041: impossible to update libbpf without updating the kernel
Bug#948073: ITP: tedana -- TE-dependent analysis (tedana) of multi-echo fMRI
Bug#948113: ITP: golang-github-checkpoint-restore-go-criu -- CRIU bindings for Golang
Bug#948169: ITP: libvdestack -- network namespace as a library
Bug#948170: ITP: libvdeslirp -- libslirp for Linux made easy peasy
Bug#948171: ITP: python-exchangelib -- Client for Microsoft Exchange Web Services
Bug#948177: ITP: vdens -- Create User Namespaces.
Bug#948190: ITP: golang-github-russellhaering-gosaml2 -- Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0
Bug#948216: ITP: boxfort -- simple, cross-platform sandboxing C library powering Criterion
Bug#948233: ITP: golang-github-powerman-check -- Helpers to complement Go testing package
Bug#948234: ITP: golang-github-hectane-go-acl -- Go library for manipulating ACLs on Windows
Bug#948237: ITP: dnstwist -- domain name permutation engine
Bug#948282: ITP: djangorestframework-api-key -- API key permissions for Django REST Framework
Bug#948303: ITP: aionotify -- Simple, asyncio-based inotify library for Python
Bug#948324: ITP: pymdown-extensions -- extension pack for Python Markdown
Bug#948361: ITP: vagrant-bindfs -- Vagrant plugin to automate bindfs mounts in the VM
Bug#948389: ITP: php-pubsubhubbub-publisher -- WebSub publisher library for PHP
Bug#948451: ITP: python-cliapp -- cliapp is a Python framework for Unix-like command line programs. It contains the typical stuff such programs need to do, such as parsing the command line for options, and iterating over input files.
Bug#948483: RFP: broot -- an interactive CLI directory browser
Bug#948525: ITP: mopidy-gmusic -- Mopidy extension for playing music from Google Play Music
Bug#948526: ITP: genomethreader -- software tool to compute gene structure predictions
Bug#948534: ITP: ignition-math6 -- A small, fast, and high performance math library (v6)
Bug#948537: ITP: ignition-common3 -- Ignition common classes and functions for robot apps (v3)
Bug#948539: ITP: ignition-transport8 -- Ignition Transport library v8
Bug#948547: RFP: libmill -- Go-style concurrency library for C
Bug#948586: ITP: golang-github-youmark-pkcs8 -- Go package to parse and convert private keys in PKCS#8 format, as defined in RFC5208 and RFC5958
Bug#948592: ITP: golang-github-mattn-go-ieproxy --
Bug#948659: ITP: pinball-table-hurd -- HURD Pinball table for emilia pinball
Bug#948696: ITP: libtimezonemap -- GTK+3 timezone map widget
Bug#948699: ITP: pytest-mpi -- a plugin for pytest testing MPI-related code
Bug#948701: ITP: libsqlitecpp -- smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper
Bug#948762: ITP: dark-gtk-themes -- dark GTK2/GTK3/Metacity theme
Bug#948776: ITP: ocaml-astring -- alternative String module for OCaml
Bug#948868: ITP: ocaml-fmt -- OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators
Bug#948944: general: File Premissions broken, Group write access denied
Bug#948944: marked as done (general: File Premissions broken, Group write access denied)
Bug#948968: ITP: python-fastjsonschema -- Validation of JSON documents by JSON schema drafts 04/06/07
Bug#949014: ITP: php-slim -- PHP micro framework for writing simple applications and APIs
Bug#949155: ITP: tvm -- Deep Learning compiler
Bug#949186: ITP: python3-clap -- command line arguments parser
Bug#949198: (no subject)
Bug#949250: ITP: libyaml-pp-perl -- pure-perl YAML framework
Bug#949307: ITP: disk-filltest -- Simple Tool to Detect Bad Disks by Filling with Random Data
Bug#949308: ITP: digup -- A Digest Updating Tool
Bug#949313: ITP: php-nikic-fast-route -- Fast request router for PHP
Bug#949328: ITP: fcitx5-chinese-addons -- Pinyin and table input method for fcitx5
Bug#949344: ITP: cbang -- C! supports cross-platform networking, debugging, crypto, embedded JavaScript and event driven C++ development.
Bug#949371: ITP: lwt-ssl -- OCaml OpenSSL binding with concurrent I/O
Bug#949376: ITP: lybniz -- mathematical function graph plotter
Bug#949381: ITP: python-pot -- Python optimal transport library
Bug#949382: ITP: r-cran-rdbnomics -- access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics API
Bug#949383: ITP: qiskit-ibmq-provider -- Quantum Information Science Kit (Qiskit): IBM Q Provider
Bug#949463: ITP: fonts-pc -- TrueType conversions of PC ROM fonts
Bug#949467: ITP: ocaml-domain-name -- RFC 1035 Internet domain names
Bug#949470: ITP: pytest-filter-subpackage -- Allow sub-packages to test to be selected with e.g. -P io.fits,modeling
Bug#949474: ITP: wlcs -- Wayland Conformance Suite
Bug#949476: ITP: cog -- Simple web browser based on WPE WebKit
Bug#949531: ITP: qiskit-aer -- Quantum Information Science Kit (Qiskit): Aer
Bug#949569: ITP: vtkplotter-examples -- Examples set for vtkplotter
Bug#949590: ITP: xsocs -- Automatic analysis of 5D sets of data
Bug#949594: ITP: liac-arff -- library for reading and writing ARFF files in Python
Bug#949624: ITP: minipro -- Utility for Minipro TL866 memory chip programmers
Bug#949628: ITP: python-configspace -- module to manage configuration spaces
Bug#949692: ITP: tpot -- Automated Machine Learning built on top of scikit-learn
Bug#949765: ITP: babeltrace2 -- A trace manipulation toolkit
Bug#949781: RFH: mawk
Bug#949782: ITP: python-ezcolor -- Python colorizing strings library (Python 3)
Bug#949784: ITP: pep517 -- Specifies a standard API for systems which build Python packages
Bug#949787: ITP: python-certbot-dns-gandi -- Gandi LiveDNS plugin for Certbot
Bug#949792: ITP: merkaartor -- map editor for
Bug#949796: ITP: python-publicsuffix2 -- Python3 module to get a domain suffix using the Public Suffix List
Bug#949827: ITP: traceshark -- Graphical viewer for the Ftrace and Perf events.
Bug#949932: ITP: glasscoder -- minimalist audio encoder for generating live streams
Bug#949948: ITP: gnu-apl -- GNU APL
Bug#949950: ITP: libh5cpp-dev -- H5CPP is a novel approach to persistence in the field of machine learning and science, it provides high performance sequential and block access to HDF5 containers through modern C++ templates. It supports major linear algebra libraries such as armadillo, eigen3, dlib, itpp, blaze, boost::ublas in addition to stl::vector. And it has an amitious plan to provide quality non-intrusive persistence for arbitrary C++ objects.
Bug#949951: ITP: h5cpp-compiler -- This LLVM/clang based C++ source code transformation tool automates the otherwise time consuming, error prone process of generating type descriptors for HDF5 Compound datatypes by building the AST of a given TU translation unit, and identifying all POD datatypes referenced from H5CPP operators/functions. The result is a seamless, non-intrusive persistence much similar to python, java or other interpreted languages.
Bug#949953: ITP: ocaml-parsexp -- S-expression parsing library
Bug#949961: ITP: ppx-compare -- generation of comparison functions from OCaml types
Bug#949977: ITP: libgnt -- GLib Ncurses Toolkit
Bug#949978: ITP: gplugin -- GObject based plugin library
Bug#949979: ITP: talkatu -- GTK+ widgets for instant messaging clients
Bug#950002: ITP: ppx-custom-printf -- printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion
Bug#950003: ITP: ppx-fields-conv -- generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml records
Bug#950004: ITP: ppx-variants-conv -- generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variant types
Bug#950017: ITP: imx-code-signing-tool -- code signing tool for i.MX platform
Bug#950029: ITP: python-gvm -- Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library
Bug#950085: ITP: mbpoll -- command line utility to communicate with ModBus slave (RTU or TCP)
Bug#950095: ITP: pyout -- interface for writing structured records as a table in a terminal
Bug#950109: ITP: chez-srfi -- SRFI libraries for Chez Scheme
Bug#950119: ITP: gajim-syntaxhighlight -- highlights source code blocks in chat window
Bug#950125: ITP: go-mmproxy -- Golang implementation of mmproxy
Bug#950162: ITP: ruby-faraday-middleware-aws-sigv4 -- Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4
Bug#950178: ITP: bonzomatic -- Live shader coding tool
Bug#950179: ITP: libjsonpp -- A set of C++ classes to support JSON
Bug#950180: ITP: kissfft -- A mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library
Bug#950181: ITP: miniaudio -- single file library for audio playback and capture
Bug#950215: ITP: gvm-tools -- Remote control a Greenbone Vulnerability Manager
Bug#950260: ITP: lprint -- lprint - A Label Printer Application
Bug#950315: ITP: m4api -- access Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies
Bug#950325: ITP: libjs-milligram -- Lightweight and responsive CSS framework
Bug#950328: ITP: librepcb -- EDA software to develop printed circuit boards
Bug#950352: ITP: pfetch -- A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
Bug#950353: ITP: joplin -- An open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
Condorcet Internet Voting Service
Consumer Electronics Show 2020 USA
Cross-build Qt Debian package
Re: Debian event pre FOSDEM?
Re: default firewall utility changes for Debian 11 bullseye
Deprecating regex/fnmatch fallback for package arguments, and 1.9.6 highlights
Re: Help needed: conflicting interests between Salsa admins and Salsa users (Re: Git Packaging Round 2: When to Salsa)
Re: Idea: frontend tool for more efficient license reviewing based on tree-structured IR
Is distro-tracker accessible by some sort of API?
Is running dpkg-buildpackage manually from the command line forbidden?
Issues with piuparts blocking testing migration
Kernel parameters protecting fifos and regular files
migration from cron.daily to systemd timers
Migration to testing blocked by broken piuparts?
New fast porterbox for powerpc and ppc64 available
Re: Next attempt to add Blends to Debian installer
OpenGL, GLVND and default values for packages
opentmpfiles & opensysusers, and its use in the Debian policy
Outreachy / GSoC this year?
Processed: Re: Bug#947955: general: Windows on second (external) screen are blurry after notebook sleep
Regressions in keeping minbase variant minimal since buster
Request for packaging two simple tools: disk-filltest and digup
Riesgos Ergonomicos en el Trabajo
Source-only upload and build profiles
Uploading of libjpeg-turbo 2.0.x to unstable
Re: Vital fix to console-common stuck in testing for three months
Work-needing packages report for Jan 10, 2020
Work-needing packages report for Jan 17, 2020
Work-needing packages report for Jan 24, 2020
Work-needing packages report for Jan 3, 2020
Work-needing packages report for Jan 31, 2020
Working around the firefox nodejs dependency on riscv64 et al
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