debian-l10n-french Jan 2007 by thread
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- pas de modif sur le wiki lexique la semaine derniere debian-l10n-french
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel index.wml Pierre Machard
- [ITT] wml://devel/{debian-jr,debian-med}/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://ports/{arm,mips}/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel constitution.1.2.wml Pierre Machard
- traduction du guide de référence Debian Guillaume Erbs
- [ITT] wml://intro/cn.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://Bugs/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://international/Romanian.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://consultants/{anurix,centrologic,cybertec,josefsson,opticnoise}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Re: [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Re: [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Stephane Blondon
- Re: [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Stephane Blondon
- Re: [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Stephane Blondon
- Re: [RFR] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Stephane Blondon
- [done] wml://events/2006/{0624-froscon-report,0909-come2linux-report,0909-come2linux,0914-wizardsofos,1008-lit-dresden,1021-plgiessen,1025-lweuk}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://events/{0224-fosdem,index}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2006 0624-froscon-report. ... Pierre Machard
- [DONE] wml://users/edu/tilburguniversity.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://users/com/{ecomputecorp,geodatadk,santiagoengenharia,silverstorm,telsystem,teracorp,websynergy}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [RFR] wml://users/com/{ecomputecorp,geodatadk,santiagoengenharia,silverstorm,telsystem,teracorp,websynergy}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Re: [RFR] wml://users/com/{ecomputecorp,geodatadk,santiagoengenharia,silverstorm,telsystem,teracorp,websynergy}.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [done] wml://users/com/{ecomputecorp,geodatadk,santiagoengenharia,silverstorm,telsystem,teracorp,websynergy}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://users/edu/{rocva-hilversum,university_of_milan-bicocca}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2007 0224-fosdem.wml Make ... Pierre Machard
- [ITT] wml://users/gov/{anvisa,itgrenchen}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] wml://users/org/hivos.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Re: [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2006/42/index.wml Max
- Re: [RFR] wml://devel/index.wml Max
- Re: [RFR] wml://Bugs/pseudo-packages.translated-description Frédéric Bothamy
- Re: [RFR] wml://News/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] wml://News/weekly/2006/42/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [RFR] wml://intro/help.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Re: [D-I manuel] Philippe Batailler
- Re: [D-I manuel] Comment relire le manuel ? Philippe Batailler
- [RFR] wml://vote/howto_proposal.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/com ecomputecorp.wml geoda ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2006/42 index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-accessibility index ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/consultants anurix.wml centrolog ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/edu rocva-hilversum.wml un ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/org hivos.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/gov anvisa.wml itgrenchen.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/intro help.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/events/2007 index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/edu university_of_milan-bi ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/gov itgrenchen.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/Bugs index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/international Romanian.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/intro cn.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/ports/arm index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-jr index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/vote howto_proposal.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-med index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/ports/mips index.wml Pierre Machard
- Re: [LCFC] po-debconf://em8300/fr.po 11f9u Nicolas Boullis
- [LCFC] po://aptitude/doc/fr.po Simon Paillard
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (03 Jan 2007) - ERRORS DURING BUILD Frans Pop
- [MAJ] man://kernel-package/fr.po Sylvain Cherrier
- [RFR] po-debconf://debian-installer/fr.po (s390-dasd) Christian Perrier
- [RFR] d-i-manuel://fr/appendix/graphical.xml Philippe Batailler
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (04 Jan 2007) - ERRORS DURING BUILD Frans Pop
- Re: [ITT] man://procps/top/fr.po ... soucis avec les macros Philippe Piette
- [TAF] po-debconf://conserver/fr.po 1f Thomas Huriaux
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (05 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- [LCFC] wml://Bugs/pseudo-packages.translated-description Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] wml://News/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] wml://releases/sarge/debian-installer/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [MAJ] po://apt-listbugs/fr.po 1f2u Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po4a://pkg-manpages-fr/cron/fr.po 3f4u Thomas Huriaux
- [MAJ] po4a://man-db/fr.po 4f Thomas Huriaux
- [MAJ] po4a://defoma/fr.po 17f Thomas Huriaux
- [RFR] po://synaptic/fr.po 13f5u Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
- [TAF] po://ikiwiki/fr.po 77u Thomas Huriaux
- [ITT] wml://devel/constitution.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [TAF] po-debconf://rocksndiamonds/fr.po Thomas Huriaux
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (07 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- [DONE] webwml://{20061017,20061113}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [DONE] wml://devel/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- suivi des commits dans le svn pkg-manpages-fr Thomas Huriaux
- Une seule page modifiee la semaine derniere sur le wiki lexique debian-l10n-french
- Relecture manuel d'installation: cédérom/CD-ROM Christian Perrier
- Relecture manuel d'installation: bookinfo.xml Christian Perrier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french/ports/amd64 index.wml Pierre Machard
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (08 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-accessibility softw ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/ports/alpha links.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel constitution.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by florian: webwml/french/international Romanian.wml Pierre Machard
- [HS] adresse de la page web des traductions en cours Steve
- [MAJ] po-debconf://mantis/fr.po 1f Thomas Huriaux
- [DONE] wml://devel/debian-med/imaging.wml Charles Plessy
- [DONE] wml:// Charles Plessy
- Souris port usb sous Gnu/Hurd yann Nego
- [RFR] po-debconf://libnss-ldap/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [rfr] wml://intro/cn.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (10 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- problème avec les images DVD via bitorrent panthere
- Typo dans une URL de « man bts » Cyril Brulebois
- [RFR] wml://News/2007/{index.wml,20070110.wml} Frédéric Bothamy
- Relecture manuel d'installation: boot-installer/intro-cd.xml Christian Perrier
- [LCFC] po://synaptic/fr.po 13f5u Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2007 Makefile index.wml 200 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/french/events/2006 1114-lwe.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/french/events/2006 1227-23c3.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2007 20070110.wml Pierre Machard
- [MAJ] po-debconf://debian-edu-install/fr.po 1f Thomas Huriaux
- [RFR] wml://devel/debian-med/microbio.wml Charles Plessy
- [rfr] webwml://{130-solutionslinux,210-scale5x}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2007 0130-solutionslinux. ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2007 0210-scale5x.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by adn: webwml/french/ports/hurd hurd-devel-debian.wml Pierre Machard
- [MAJ] po-debconf://oops/fr.po 3f Thomas Huriaux
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (13 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- Re: [RFR] po://pootle/fr.po Nicolas François
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (14 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- [RFR2] wml://devel/debian-med/microbio.wml Charles Plessy
- Relecture manuel d'installation: install-methods/install-tftp.xml Christian Perrier
- Relecture manuel d'installation: install-methods/tftp/bootp.xml Christian Perrier
- Relecture manuel d'installation: install-methods/tftp/dhcp.xml Christian Perrier
- Relecture manuel d'installation chap.7 : boot-new/mount-encrypted.xml Christian Perrier
- [D-I manuel] Relecture Max
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (16 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- [LCFC] ddp://manuals.sgml/release-notes/fr/ Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] ddp://manuals.sgml/developers-reference/ Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] wml://international/french/translations/ Frédéric Bothamy
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package ppp 2.4.4rel-5 eddy . petrisor
- Manuel de securisation de debian - faute ? franck
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (17 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- RE : demande koutpunda bycha austene
- [MAJ] po://ikiwiki/fr.po 3f1u Thomas Huriaux
- problème avec exim GONZALEZ Joaquim (Marseille SICCRF)
- (forw) [Translate-devel] Version 0.11rc, with new strings for Pootle interface Christian Perrier
- His explosive, bawdy laugh and devilish glint in his eyes is further evidence of his being a bit touched in the head. Jimmy B. Puckett
- [RFR] po-debconf://acidlab/fr.po URGENT Christian Perrier
- Apropos de Quintino
- erreur de conjugaison - man utf-8 le père Léon
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980810.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980125c.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980125a.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french/News/weekly/2006/42 index.wml Pierre Machard
- [BTS] po-debconf://ddclient/fr.po #407774 Thomas Huriaux
- [rfr] wml://devel/debian-accessibility/software.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-accessibility index.wml Pierre Machard
- Re: Abandon de mes traductions de pages webs Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/events/1998 1118-sane.wml 1205-v ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/events/2003 0605-softwarelivre.w ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/events/2004 0907-linuxkongress.w ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/events/2005 0125-linuxdays.wml 0 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/international Dutch.wml Esperant ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/international/l10n/po pot.wml ra ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/consultants atrc.wml alexander_l ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2004 20040515.wml 20040904. ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2002 20020202.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/1999 19990204.wml 19990212. ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/1998 19980104.wml 19980125b ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2005 20050602.wml 20050724.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/2001 20010125.wml 20010321. ... Pierre Machard
- [RFR] wml://News/1998/19980826e.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/1998 19980826e.wml Pierre Machard
- [RFR] po-debconf://postfix/fr.po Michel Grentzinger
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (24 Jan 2007) Frans Pop
- [rfr] wml://international/Romanian.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Broken links in translation of D-I wiki page Frans Pop
- [TAF] po-debconf://conserver/fr.po 6f Thomas Huriaux
- Beautiful Selim CUTEWGIRLS In Fjishnet Sutrips In Office Damien
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2007/{01/index.wml,index.wml} Frédéric Bothamy
The last update was on 07:25 GMT Fri May 17. There are 560 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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