debian-devel-games Nov 2007 by thread
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conquest Barry deFreese
Goplay still out of testing Cyril Brulebois
Request for comments/help: conquest Barry deFreese
RFS: pingus/0.7.2-1 Cyril Brulebois
RFS: lincity-ng/1.1.2-1 (Was: Bug#449367: New upstream release fixes important bugs) Cyril Brulebois
Re: Fixed.. Gerfried Fuchs
Vegastrike and copyright problems Vincent Fourmond
btanks 0.6 is out Richard Hartmann
prboom icons: a thought Jon Dowland
original simcity to be GPLed Jon Dowland
Watch Files Barry deFreese
Request for comments/help: quake2 Barry deFreese
RFS: alien-arena and alien-arena-data (updated package) Andres Mejia
Request for packages to sponsor Vincent Fourmond
RE: Request for help: Secondlife viewer Miriam Ruiz
RFS: kanatest 0.4.4 Barry deFreese
Best practices for changelogs Vincent Fourmond
foobillard Debian patches, bugs Paul Wise
ogreal packages Andres Mejia
Help with a japanese license for music in a videogame Miriam Ruiz
warzone2100 stuff Paul Wise
Re: Bug#440227: ITP: silvertree -- high quality 3D RPG for a single player Barry deFreese
lxdoom and prboom Raphael Geissert
Re: Bug#xxx: Gerfried Fuchs
Adding secondlife viewer to Debian games SVN Robin Cornelius
RFS: parsec47 and val-and-rick (Kenta Cho's Abstract Shooters) Miriam Ruiz
impressions from someone looking for a game Holger Levsen
New member in the Team: Mario Iseli Miriam Ruiz
about qonk 3.0.1 Martín Ferrari
Introduction Miriam Ruiz
Re: Any Debian Legal experts going to 2008? Miriam Ruiz
Warzone needing some love? Cyril Brulebois
Re: OpenAL in AMD64 Emmet Hikory
RE: r4793 - packages/trunk/prboom/debian Miriam Ruiz
RE: Bug#452570: ultrastar-ng.desktop points to an inexisting .xpm file Miriam Ruiz
Re: old homepage pseudo-field (future mass-bug filing?) Miriam Ruiz
Removing the Homepage pseudo-headers in the descriptions Miriam Ruiz
The last update was on 13:42 GMT Wed May 01. There are 186 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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