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Re: Introduction

2007/11/21, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> As suggested by Tolimar, there goes my introduction. You probably know
> me already, but just in case. I also want to encourage everyone in the
> Team to post a brief intro on themselves, and also (if they want)
> other people in the mailing list that might be interested in the
> project.

My name is Emmet Hikory (persia on freenode or OFTC).  I frequently
switch between different consultative roles in Tokyo, with a
background in Linux and UNIX back to 1984.  I was peripherally
involved with Debian for a while, and became more significantly
involved in Ubuntu in 2005.

With a daily habit of small puzzle, card, and board games, and regular
weekend explorations of simulations (e.g. vegastrike, torcs), my
efforts on games tend to be of the "I don't want that to be broken
anymore" variety, and I became involved with the Debian Games team in
the interest of reducing the variation between Ubuntu and Debian,
although I still actively watch a few games external to the team.

My knowledge is mostly of the make, C, sh, sed, and awk variety,
although I'm happy reading backtraces and willing to make small
patches to code in nearly any language.  I'm a big fan of .desktop &
menu entries, watch files, not crashing, and 64-bit safe code, so many
of my patches fall into these classes.  I'm also much happier
answering questions, reviewing work, or helping someone than actually
doing things, which tends to cause a low rate of patch production.


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