debian-kde Apr 2004 by thread
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- Re: file associations in 3.2.1 Sylvain Joyeux
- Re: customize menu all users Raul Montagne
- kde 3.2 in Sarge ? jmdeleu
- [support #245828]: Re: Administration Demon Internet Support
- Re: *** POSSIBLE SPAM DETECTED *** Fwd: Warning again Tiscali news
- Power Mgt on Laptop Jeff Coppock
- kde 3.2 noatun and mpeg Ralph Alvy
- kmail and imap Christoph Kaminski
- 3.2.1 and krfb Christoph Kaminski
- does kmail in kde 3.2 fully support procmail? Mauro Darida
- Help.. Leafy
- k3b Jeff Elkins
- Re: Failed to install window styles on KDE 3.1.4 Nick Boyce
- /usr/bin/kde-update-menu: No such file or directory Thomas E. Vaughan
- KFind 2.0 crashes Ralph Alvy
- Konqueror does not work with international domain names Hendrik Sattler
- Konqueror (Audio CD Browser) causes system freezes Frans Pop
- Quanta, new project Alan Chandler
- KDE3.2.1 "use system bell" option doesn't work Nick Leverton
- Konqueror fonts disappear with 3.2 upgrade Ville Koivisto
- Re: kmix with kernel-2.6 - volume up/down osd Adeodato Simó
- Re: Konq - open in background tab Nick Leverton
- unsubscribe Friedhelm Serwane
- Thank you for contacting Technical support/Customer service Mail Notification
- KDE Logout Script Bub Slug
- Some problems in kde 3.2 bar icons James Ng Yuen Sum
- how to disable graphic login Mauro Darida
- Re: Notify Angela Ofori-Atta
- Re: REMOVE,,REMOVE Dan Stevens
- Problem with matrix Screensaver Caveman
- Re: kde 3.2: kdm and desktop lock fails Michael Kirchhof
- KDM "end session only" doesn't work Rafael Osuna
- cursor problems on kde multi-head using matrox g450 Dale E. Edmons
- kde 3.2.0 woody kuickshow does not work Philippe Merlin
- Where can I set $PATH when login from kdm blue_stone
- Re: Re: No sound on Debian with KDE 3.2, kernel 2.6.3 Ton van Oostveen
- Arson Crashing Tom Simnett
- Re: SAV ha rilevato una violazione in un documento di cui siè autore. Carmelo F.
- Korganizer deletes its std.ics + wrong menu behaviour Tobias Niwi
- Quanta slowing down Tom Simnett
- Noatun crash at startup? Tom
- locale settings and non-kde apps Gabriele Persia
- Re: KDE 3.2: Control Center almost gone Bruce
- konsole shortcuts Elmar Höfner
- translation mouse gesture Elmar Höfner
- Where taskbar menus popup Nick Leverton
- [no subject] ann burniston
- Konqueror, Mime Types, & Following Links Sean Kellogg
- arts, alsa, 2 soundcards: no sound in kde johnny geling
- Re: does it belong to you? Autoresponder
- Kmail: addressbook import Nyitrai Tamas
- Kate sorts file list, but shouldn't Tim Ruehsen
- needs help Josh Metzler
- manually compile kdebindings? Raphael Bauduin
- KDE, Fonts, Migrating from Gentoo. Edgar
- KDE 3.2.2 for woody? Ian Eure
- mpeglib broken? Michael Schuerig
- Why fonts are available with X and not with KDE ? Hervé Piedvache
- KDE and libart-2.0-2 Jorge
- Recording DVDs with k3b Joan Tur
- my cdwriter is recognized as hard disk by kde mount watcher Wolfgang Mader
- Qt3 libraries not found while compiling Ville Koivisto
- Unidentified subject! Bjorn Brox
- MIME / Wav files Nyitrai Tamas
- KDE 3.2.2 packages.. Michael Peddemors
- KDE 3.2.2 for Woody... Careful upgrading.. Michael Peddemors
- KDE 3.2.2 upgrade woes Colm . Connolly
- Pogo vs. Kicker? Bob Tilley (AT&T)
- How to determine konsole tab name? Rob Sims
- Re: kde322/woody Colm . Connolly
- Could not contact DCOP ? Gavin Hamill
- kdm_greet Nyitrai Tamas
- kopete and file send Christoph Kaminski
- New KDE 3.2.2 in Debian SID extremely slow Carlos Acedo
- problem with accent in konsole and konqueror [KDE 3.2.2 on Woody] Jean Darcoux
- konqueror and windows 2003 shares (smb://)? Olaf Stetzer
- [no subject] Chris Rees
- KDM (3.2.2 woody) login without password??? Steffen Evers
- Konqueror Ferdinand Smit
- Mail Gateway Content violation Symantec_AntiVirus_VAFB
- Installing Agypten with KDE 3.2 Joseph A. Martin
- Where are my fonts ? Hervé Piedvache
- KAB access error after update Daniel Andor
- icons license Kenneth Dombrowski
- KDE322: libqt-mt => libqt3c102-mt Henning Moll
- Mail geweigerd, bevat virus/ Mail with virus refused. Mailadministrator
- name sessions in konsole Wolfgang Mader
- Lost my K Menu Paul Johnson
- Lost the Debian submenu Alejandro Exojo
- problems with knotes (kde3.2.2) Jean Pierre Charalambos
- KOrganizer 3.2.2 does not save any entries Dominik Karall
- Konqueror password dialog Yannick Roehlly
- Japanese characters in konqueror Anders Ellenshøj Andersen
- kde: problems with dcop and kded Pascal Mainini
- Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore Charles de Miramon
- Регистрация оффшорных компаний и анонимных счетов ///может человек делать что ему угодно. Живого Heavily A. Baudouin
- problem with kmail/1.6.2, kde/3.2.2 Matt Collier
- Galeon freezes Olavi Ivask
- kde menu structure Markus
- The unsubscribe How-to Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- kdeinit: Fatal IO error Egbert
- delete memory of konqueror Martin Wegmann
- kde problem with woody sam kupar
- "debian" desktop item stopped working Ross Boylan
The last update was on 14:31 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 345 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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