debian-sparc Apr 2002 by thread
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- TUN/TAP Linux Module 2.2 Chris Mason
- ultras10 install problem Matthew Faulkner
- help w/X etc. Victor Gulevich
- Please build current version of dxpc Colin Watson
- Penguin Logo Chris Mason
- Re: correctable memory problems Mario Lombardo
- [ Re: boehm-gc test failure on sparc-linux] Christian Jönsson
- Postinst problems upgrading locales to 2.2.5-4 Christian Jönsson
- RE: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Chris Mason
- Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Graeme Mathieson
- Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Karsten Heymann
- Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Joshua Uziel
- Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Christian Jönsson
- How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Christian Jönsson
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Wilmer van der Gaast
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Christian Jönsson
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Ben Collins
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Graeme Mathieson
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Andrew Sharp
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Wilmer van der Gaast
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Andrew Sharp
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Andrew Sharp
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Ben Collins
- Re: How about sparcv7, sparcv8, and sparcv9 binary debian packages? [Was Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems] Andrew Sharp
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: improving ssh2 performance on SPARCv8/SPARCv9 systems Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
- What is needed when upgrading woody from 2.2.x to 2.4.x kernel? Christian Jönsson
- Ultra 5 Aravind Vinnakota
- New boot disks... Ben Collins
- Woody and Sparcs David Morris
- Parallel printer port on Ultra 1 Rob Walsh
- Gnome big toe icon Mario Lombardo
- Audio issues Mario Lombardo
- Rebuilding debian packaged from debian source package? Christian Jönsson
- SMP support Mario Lombardo
- OpenC++ not rebuilt on sparc ? Yann Dirson
- quick help booting a Ultra5 david howe
- [chj: Re: Trying the 2.4.19-pre6 kernel on UP sun4m (SS20)] Christian Jönsson
- SILO question Markus Pfeifer
- Okay folks How do I get my SS1000 to run in SMP? Clark CONT Philip L
- Updated boot images ready Ben Collins
- linux-2.4.19-pre6 on sun4m SMP running woody Christian Jönsson
- Ultra 1 ethernet problem Nenad Antonic
- Ethernet Cards and MAC Addresses David Morris
- Sound questions for SparcStation 5 Daniel Lönn
- problems with installing Woody on Ultra 1 Johanka Dolezalova
- debian-sparc bill
- PHP4/Session problems on Debian/Sparc Vincent Magnin
- Xfree86 4.0 david howe
tftp boot for installation Wolfgang Hottgenroth
X Aravind Vinnakota
System Hangs on X login Aravind Vinnakota
Quotas on Sparc64 Debian Ricardo Nunez
Debian SPARC net install ISO Ben Collins
[ Pretty good gcc-3.1 on sparc32-linux] Christian Jönsson
Kickstart on Ultra 5 Aravind Vinnakota
Kernel 2.4 on Sparc in generall ... Jan-Hendrik Palic
DNS Server Chris Wren
Re: Shape shifting reptilians are about to achieve complete control over this planet D.J.
missing K widgets david howe
guide to installing debian on a javastation Bram Stolk
How tp change X Windows resolution on SparcSTATION 5 Daniel Lönn
Questions regarding craphic(s) at SparcSTATION5 Daniel Lönn
Boot CD-ROM issues Mario Lombardo
IMPORTANT - Z-contrast Imaging and EELS SWI Laboratories
Annoying problem with X on Sun Ultra 5 Eloy A. Paris
how powerfull ?
glibc compiling question Armijn Hemel
Anyone having problems with mozilla? Eloy A. Paris
Please ignore - Anyone having problems with mozilla? (fwd) Eloy A. Paris
Problems with kernel-image package Tille, Andreas
FC-AL controller (A5000)
SPARC v8 libc and libssl packages Andrew Sharp
support for HME PCI card Bob Van Cleef
Need Sparc CDs ASAP Michael Mueller
Sunray 1? Dan White
starting (booting) Sparc 2 peter_easthope
SILO prompt Michael Mueller
SILO error Mario Lombardo
Flash plugin ? david howe
KDE source files? david howe
APT can't find CDROM Michael Mueller
X and mouse problems...again Michael Mueller
Never mind: X and mouse problems...again M . Mueller
FC-AL: FC: Cannot enque FLOGI/REPORT_MAP packet on socal0 port A
Making sparc CDs bootable? Philip Hands
Booting off CD's - serial FAQ... Bob Van Cleef
The last update was on 06:45 GMT Sat May 25. There are 214 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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