debian-devel Dec 2015 by thread
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- Bug#806767: ITP: libzstd -- fast lossless compression algorithm, targeting real-time compression scenarios Kevin Murray
- Bug#806774: ITP: mchange-commons-java -- General-purpose Java utilities by Machinery For Change, Inc. tony mancill
- Re: vim plugin dependency and libruby Vincent Danjean
- Bug#806828: ITP: dawg -- program to simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences Kevin Murray
- Bug#806838: ITP: lua-nginx-redis-connector -- Connection utilities for lua-nginx-redis 陳昌倬
- Bug#806854: ITP: python-multi-key-dict -- Multi key dictionary implementation Thomas Goirand
- Bug#806953: ITP: koji -- RPM-based build system Ximin Luo
- Bug#806956: ITP: commons-pool2 -- Apache Commons Pool 2 - Pooling implementation for Java objects Emmanuel Bourg
- Bug#806972: ITP: bloomd -- High-performance bloom filter service 陳昌倬
- sid on openvz James Cloos
- Work-needing packages report for Dec 4, 2015 wnpp
- Re: django-ajax-selects lintian errors/warnings Brian May
- Re: Debian is not welcome on Microsoft Azure Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars)
- Old Debian mails showing up in your mail? No worries. Raphael Hertzog
- Bug#807037: ITP: letsencrypt -- CLI tool for obtaining certs from Let's Encrypt Daniel Stender
- Bug#807039: ITP: python-openstackdocstheme -- extension support for Sphin OpenStack docs Thomas Goirand
- Bug#807040: general: System hangs and then restarts (kernel panic) Nigra Truo
- Bug#807053: ITP: flask-api -- browsable web APIs for the Flask micro web framework Stefano Zacchiroli
- Bug#807054: ITP: flask-testing -- unit testing utilities for the Flask micro web framework Stefano Zacchiroli
- Re: Bug#806642: ITP: ruby-flowdock -- Practiced debian packaging Andrei POPESCU
- Upcoming version of apt-file - using apt-acquire and incompatibilities Niels Thykier
- Bug#807121: ITP: golang-github-dgryski-go-bits -- amd64 optimized bit operations Alexandre Viau
- Bug#804621: ITP: liblightify -- library to control OSRAM LIGHTIFY products Tobias Frost
- Bug#807146: ITP: koji -- RPM-based build system Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
- tracking bin-num - broken unison due to binnmu upload Norbert Preining
- dbconfig-common: near future change in dependency stack Paul Gevers
- Bug#807241: ITP: archlinux-xdg-menu -- Convert freedesktop files to a format used by various WMs Nicholas Bamber
- Re: Bug#782264: grub-install fails in nested LVM Pierre-Elliott Bécue
- Bug#807255: ITP: libgen-test-rinci-funcresult-perl -- Perl module that generates a test function for a function Lucas Kanashiroo
- Bug#807271: ITP: libstring-trim-more-perl -- Perl module with various string trimming utilities Lucas Kanashiroo
- Future of the Linux upstream tracker Ponomarenko Andrey
- Bug#807309: ITP: montage-wrapper -- Python wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit Ole Streicher
- Bug#807315: ITP: memtool -- manipulate and read memory mapped registers Uwe Kleine-König
- Processed: your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#807242: ITP: bacula-fd5.2 -- legacy bacula file daemon Carsten Leonhardt
- Bug#807330: ITP: python-os-win -- Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects Thomas Goirand
- Bug#807333: ITP: pilkit -- Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL Michael Fladischer
- Bug#807405: ITP: python-senlinclient -- OpenStack Clustering API Client Library Thomas Goirand
- Bug#807412: ITP: python-protobix -- Python implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol Jean Baptiste Favre
- Bug#807415: ITP: gwamar -- genome-wide assessment of mutations associated with drug resistance in bacteria Andreas Tille
- mail forwarding, SPF and Postfix Daniel Pocock
- Bug#807426: ITP: elpa-aggressive-indent-mode -- Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change Sean Whitton
- Bug#807449: ITP: klaus -- simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Jelmer Vernooij
- Bug#807450: TP: libperinci-sub-util-perl -- Perl module that is a helper to write functions Lucas Kanashiroo
- Re: replaces for email subscriptions Charles Plessy
- Bug#807486: ITP: INDELible -- A powerful and flexible simulator of biological evolution Fabian Klötzl
- postfix seems unmaintained Stefan Pietsch
- Userscript to manage reports directly from Gioele Barabucci
- Bug#807579: [patch] CUDA 7.5 works well with GCC5, while CUDA 7.0 fails to. lumin
- Bug#807581: ITP: python-websocket-client -- low level APIs for WebSocket Thomas Goirand
- Administrators and moderators of ubuntu-devel list, please erase all the messages that I not should have posted here in debian-devel list! françai s
- Re: The sixth field (fs_passno) should be zero Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
- Bug#807615: ITP: printer-driver-indexbraille -- CUPS printing to Index Braille printers Samuel Thibault
- Work-needing packages report for Dec 11, 2015 wnpp
- Bug#807626: RFS: taskwarrior/2.5.0+dfsg-1 Sebastien Badia
- Bug#807627: RFS: taskd/1.1.0+dfsg-1 [ITP] Sebastien Badia
- Bug#807628: ITP: spacemacs -- An Emacs distribution combining philosophical elements of both Emacs and Vim Sean Whitton
- Re: generic binary names? was Re: Bug#614917: ITP: libfont-ttf-scripts-perl Daniel Glassey
- Bug#807702: ITP: django-user-accounts -- infrastructure for dealing with user accounts Michael Fladischer
- Re: Bug#807481: ITP: hamara-themes -- A GTK2/3, metacity and xwfm4 theme and an icon theme used by Hamara Linux. Andrei POPESCU
- Bug#807739: ITP: sunpy -- Software library for solar physics based on Python Ole Streicher
- Bug#807778: ITP: pyephem -- Compute positions of the planets and stars Ole Streicher
- Bug#807779: ITP: snpomatic -- fast, stringent short-read mapping software Sascha Steinbiss
- Results for Update Standard Resolution Procedure devotee
- Bug#807802: ITP: pbsuite -- software for Pacific Biosciences sequencing data Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#807803: ITP: python-intervaltree-bio -- interval tree convenience classes for genomic data Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#807804: ITP: python-intervaltree -- mutable, self-balancing interval tree Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#807839: ITP: projectile -- project interaction library for Emacs Sean Whitton
- Bug#807846: ITP: flx -- sorting algorithm for fuzzy matching in Emacs Sean Whitton
- Bug#807851: ITP: emacs-async -- simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs Sean Whitton
- Bug#807856: RFP: golang-github-mitchellh-reflectwalk -- Go library for "walking" complex structures Daniel Stender
- Bug#807859: ITP: emacs-noflet -- Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice Sean Whitton
- Bug#807863: ITP: epl -- Emacs Package Library Sean Whitton
- Bug#807864: ITP: pkg-info-el -- Emacs Lisp library providing information about Emacs packages Sean Whitton
- Bug#807868: ITP: zjump -- Jump to frequent directories matching regex Thomas Ross
- Bug#807882: ITP: f-el -- Modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs Lisp Sean Whitton
- Bug#807894: ITP: soup-sharp -- CLI bindings for libsoup2.4 Andrew Shadura
- Updating ruby-minitar / ruby-archive-tar-minitar Markus Frosch
- Bug#807905: RFP: golang-github-ugorji-go-codec -- idiomatic codec and rpc library Daniel Stender
- Bug#807907: RFP: golang-github-mitchellh-multistep -- Go library for building up complex actions using discrete steps Daniel Stender
- Bug#807910: RFP: golang-github-mitchellh-panicwrap -- Go library for catching and handling panics Daniel Stender
- Bug#807912: RFP: golang-github-pierrec-lz4 -- LZ4 compression and decompression in pure Go Daniel Stender
- Bug#807913: ITP: webkit-sharp -- CLI bindings for WebKitGTK+ 3.0 using GObject Introspection Andrew Shadura
- Bug#807914: RFP: golang-github-pierrec-xxhash -- Pure Go implementation of xxHash (32 and 64 bits versions) Daniel Stender
- Bug#807918: RFP: golang-gopkg-xmlpath.v2 -- XML parser for Go Daniel Stender
- Bug#807925: RFP: golang-github-hashicorp-atlas-go -- The official Go client for HashiCorp's Atlas Daniel Stender
- Bug#807927: ITP: ripe-atlas-tools -- command-line client for RIPE Atlas Apollon Oikonomopoulos
- Bug#807932: RFP: golang-github-klauspost-pgzip -- Go parallel gzip (de)compression Daniel Stender
- Bug#807934: ITP: python-ripe-atlas-cousteau -- Python wrapper around the RIPE Atlas API Apollon Oikonomopoulos
- Bug#807936: ITP: python-ripe-atlas-sagan -- parsing library for RIPE Atlas measurement results Apollon Oikonomopoulos
- Bug#807944: RFP: golang-github-klauspost-compress -- optimized compression packages for Go Daniel Stender
- Bug#807947: RFP: golang-github-klauspost-cpuid -- CPU feature identification for Go Daniel Stender
- Bug#807951: RFP: golang-github-klauspost-crc32 -- CRC32 hash with x64 optimizations for Go Daniel Stender
- Re: RFH: os-autoinst and make test script for d-i Holger Levsen
- Bug#807953: ITP: golang-github-digitalocean-godo -- DigitalOcean API client library for Go Daniel Stender
- Bug#807956: ITP: doit -- unofficial DigitalOcean Interactive Tool Daniel Stender
- Bug#807958: RFP: golang-github-google-go-querystring -- Go library for encoding structs into URL query parameters Daniel Stender
- Bug#807962: ITP: appindicator3-sharp -- CLI binding for appindicator3 Andrew Shadura
- Bug#807977: ITP: libtabixpp -- C++ wrapper to tabix indexer Sascha Steinbiss
- Re: AppStream / DEP-11 support now available in the Debian archive Charles Plessy
- Bug#807981: ITP: shut-up -- Emacs Lisp macros to quieten Emacs Sean Whitton
- Bug#807982: ITP: undercover-el -- a test coverage library for Emacs Sean Whitton
- Bug#808026: RFP: g++-arm-linux-gnueabi -- GNU Arm cross compiler Amd64 Mélaine Aubin Guifo
- Bug#808062: ITP: brotli -- generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm and format Tomasz Buchert
- Bug#808072: ITP: mdp -- command-line based markdown presentation tool Lev Lamberov
- Bug#808097: ITP: ruby-semantic-puppet -- Useful tools for working with semantic versions with Puppet Sebastien Badia
- Bug#808098: ITP: ruby-puppet-forge -- Access the Puppet Forge API from Ruby Sebastien Badia
- Bug#808137: ITP: eclipse-titan -- Eclipse Titan offers a free and open source (FOSS) compiler both for TTCN-3 and for ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One). Gergely Pilisi
- Bug#808142: ITP: r-cran-httpuv -- GNU R package of HTTP and WebSocket Server Library Joost van Baal-Ilić
- Bug#808152: ITP: pixelmed-codec -- some imaging codices for pixelmed DICOM image and ECG viewer Andreas Tille
- Bug#808182: general: realtek Hight definition audio not found lukash
- Bug#808192: ITP: libfm-qt -- library providing components to build desktop file managers 陳昌倬
- Bug#808194: ITP: ruby-memoist -- Ruby library providing method memoization dai
- Bug#808202: ITP: pbbarcode -- annotate PacBio sequencing reads with barcode information Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#808219: ITP: ruby-minitar -- Provides POSIX tarchive management for Ruby Markus Frosch
- vixie-cron small patch Stanislav Zaharov
- Bug#808250: ITP: abi-monitor -- monitor new versions of a software library Peter Spiess-Knafl
- New list: Iain R. Learmonth
- Work-needing packages report for Dec 18, 2015 wnpp
- Bug#808288: ITP: profitbricks-sdk-python -- ProfitBricks REST API client library for Python Benjamin Drung
- Bug#808295: general: sound and locale dependency lukash
- Bug#808326: ITP: phybin -- binning/clustering newick trees by topology Andreas Tille
- Bug#808350: ITP: libtest-files-perl -- Test::Builder based module to ease testing with files and dirs Sascha Steinbiss
- Bug#808351: ITP: libfile-grep-perl -- find matches to a pattern in a series of files and related functions Sascha Steinbiss
- Bug#808352: ITP: swauth -- alternative authentication system for Swift novy
- Bug#808373: ITP: libwaive -- Allow processes to waive their rights Riley Baird
- Re: Bug#808171: ITP: ruby-fog-xenserver -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER Andrei POPESCU
- Rename security suite to *-security Ansgar Burchardt
- Bug#808397: ITP: smali -- Assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format Roger Shimizu
- Bug 773245 - git-p4 package - lost in space? Luke Diamand
- Bug#808410: RFA: re2c -- tool for generating fast C-based recognizers Robert Edmonds
- Bug#808414: ITP: ms-sys -- Program for writing Microsoft compatible boot records Lucas Castro
- Automatic dbgsym packages built by default as of today! Niels Thykier
- Bug#808427: RFP: kaldi -- Kaldi speech recognition toolkit Balint Reczey
- Bug#808434: ITP: libkgeomap -- Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map. Steve M. Robbins
- Bug#808440: ITP: pkgdiff -- tool for visualizing changes in Linux software packages Peter Spiess-Knafl
- Bug#808445: ITP: vim-editorconfig -- EditorConfig Plugin for Vim Michael Fladischer
- Bug#508585: marked as done (Please provide an easy and official way to get debug symbols for all arch) Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#808495: ITP: roary -- high speed stand alone pan genome pipeline Sascha Steinbiss
- How shall I report a bug in the .deb packaging itself? Alberto Salvia Novella
- Can I suppress automatic creation of -dbgsym packages? Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Bug#808569: ITP: awsshell -- The interactive productivity booster for the AWS CLI 陳昌倬
- Bug#808605: ITP: python-flaky -- Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests Tristan Seligmann
- Bug#808611: ITP: juce -- Jules' Utility Class Extensions IOhannes m zmoelnig
- Bug#808680: ITP: python-knockpy: python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist Gianfranco Costamagna
- Bug#808690: ITP: fsa -- Fast Statistical Alignment of protein, RNA or DNA sequences Andreas Tille
- Bug#808708: ITP: falconkit -- genome assembly toolkit Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#808727: ITP: python-django-overextends -- reusable app providing circular template inheritance Thomas Goirand
- Bug#808764: ITP: python-csscompressor -- python port of YUI CSS Compressor Thomas Goirand
- Bug#808765: ITP: python-rcssmin -- CSS Minifier Thomas Goirand
- Bug#808767: ITP: apt-transport-gs -- APT transport for repositories privately held on GCS Marcin Kulisz (kuLa)
- Bug#808793: test, please ignore Phillip Susi
- Bug#808800: ITP: python-rjsmin -- javascript minifier written in Python Thomas Goirand
- Bug#808818: ITP: python-prometheus-client -- Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system Christopher Baines
- Bug#808828: ITP: mom -- Dynamically manage system resources on virtualization hosts Milan Zamazal
- Bug#808829: ITP: vdsm -- Virtual Desktop Server Manager Milan Zamazal
- Bug#808834: ITP: ioprocess -- Slave process to perform risky IO Milan Zamazal
- Bug#808841: ITP: gmplot -- matplotlib like interface to plotting data with Google Maps Sandro Tosi
- Bug#808880: ITP: betamax -- VCR imitation designed only for python-requests Daniele Tricoli
- Bug#808895: ITP: lofreq -- sensitive variant calling from sequencing data Afif Elghraoui
- Bug#808940: ITP: terraform -- tool for managing cloud infrastructure Daniel Stender
- Bug#808945: RFP: openrct2 -- theme park simulation game (clone of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2) chrysn
- Bug#808951: ITP: monafont-ttf -- Japanese TrueType font for 2ch ASCII art Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- Work-needing packages report for Dec 25, 2015 wnpp
- Bug#808962: ITP: python-keyutils: Python bindings for keyutils Gianfranco Costamagna
- Bug#808963: ITP: libatteanx-store-sparql-perl -- Attean SPARQL triple store Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#809003: ITP: pygeoif -- basic implementation of the __geo_interface__ Sandro Tosi
- Bug#809004: ITP: fastkml -- Fast KML processing Sandro Tosi
- Bug#809014: ITP: chewing-editor -- libchewing user phrase editor 陳昌倬
- Packages with /outdated/ packaging style Lucas Nussbaum
- Bug#809036: ITP: ctf-gameserver -- Gameserver for A/D IT-Sec CTFs Christoph Egger
- Bug#809042: RFP: flint -- Linting tool to check your project for common sources of contributor friction Axel Beckert
- Bug#809044: ITP: libterm-termkey-perl -- perl wrapper around libtermkey gregor herrmann
- Re: General resolution: Changes to the Standard Resolution Procedure Andrew Starr-Bochicchio
- outdated/ packaging style -- all packages (my) hpfn
- Bug#809157: ITP: rakudo-star -- Perl 6 core modules Dominique Dumont
- Bug#809191: ITP: golang-github-creack-termios -- Multi Platform Golang terminal management: Raw mode, TTY size. gustavo panizzo
- Bug#809194: ITP: golang-github-docopt-docopt-go -- An implementation of docopt in the Go programming language. gustavo panizzo
- Bug#694308: non-DFSG postscript embedded in fontforge Hideki Yamane
- Bug#809223: ITP: python-nmea2 -- Python library for the NMEA 0183 protocol Dererk
- Orhpaned packages: imms, lwatch, rrdcollect Artur R. Czechowski
- Re: First sparc64 netinst image available Anatoly Pugachev
- New file in / of our mirros Joerg Jaspert
- Re: Bug#807019: tracking bin-num - broken unison due to binnmu upload Alexandre Rossi
- Bug#809326: ITP: php-mongodb -- MongoDB driver for PHP Ondřej Surý
- Bug#809362: ITP: opendht -- lightweight C++11 distributed hash table implementation Tomasz Buchert
- Bug#809370: ITP: lios -- Linux intelligent OCR solution Samuel Thibault
- Bug#809375: ITP: ngs-sdk -- Next Generation Sequencing language Bindings Andreas Tille
- Re: Re: dpkg maintainer script calls and arguments Abdelmouna Lebaane
- Bug#809403: ITP: pagemon -- interactive memory/page monitoring tool Colin Ian King
- What is the correct way to set owner to package's files? Dmitrii Kashin
- Progress on DPA? Ondřej Surý
- Bug#809421: ITP: telepathy-matrix -- Matrix connection manager for Telepathy Víctor Cuadrado Juan
- Bug#809450: ITP: python-neteria -- Simple game networking library Jacob Adams
- Bug#809460: ITP: ruby-appraiser-reek -- Run Reek inside RubyAppraiser 李健秋
- Bug#809461: ITP: ruby-appraiser-rubocop -- Run Rubocop inside RubyAppraiser 李健秋
- Bug#809462: ITP: ruby-combustion -- Elegant Rails Engine Testing 李健秋
- Bug#809463: ITP: ruby-json-pure -- JSON Implementation for Ruby 李健秋
- Bug#809464: ITP: ruby-jeweler -- Opinionated tool for creating and managing RubyGem projects 李健秋
- Bug#809465: ITP: ruby-rubysl -- Ruby Standard Library meta-spec 李健秋
- Bug#809468: ITP: ruby-rubysl-test-unit -- Ruby standard library unit. 李健秋
- Bug#809469: ITP: ruby-psych -- Psych is a YAML parser and emitter 李健秋
- Bug#809470: ITP: ruby-racc -- Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator 李健秋
- Bug#809471: ITP: ruby-rubinius-developer-tools -- A meta-gem for the Rubinius developer tools. 李健秋
- Renaming the Debian Project benjamin barber
- Vale, Ian Murdock (1973-04-28 – 2015-12-28) Ben Finney
- support for merged /usr in Debian Marco d'Itri
- Bug#809504: ITP: neat -- Nebular Empirical Analysis Tool - analysis of astronomical spectra with propagation of uncertainties Roger Wesson
- Bug#809507: ITP: alfa -- Automated Line Fitting Algorithm Roger Wesson
- Bug#809518: ITP: dtiprep -- automatic pipeline for DWI/DTI QC and preparation Yaroslav Halchenko
- Icedove now MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
- Debian name change Jihadi Jermane
- Bug#809533: ITP: lemur -- TLS certification manager Daniel Stender
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