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Packages with /outdated/ packaging style


Following my blog post yesterday with updated graphs about Debian
packaging evolution[1], I prepared lists of packages for each kind of
"outdatedness". Of course not all practices highlighted below are
deprecated, and there are good reasons to continue to do some of them.
But still, given that they all represent a clear minority of packages, I
thought that it would be useful to list the related packages.  (I
honestly didn't know if some of my packages would show up in the lists!)

[1] http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=891

The lists are available at https://people.debian.org/~lucas/qa-20151226/

I also pushed them to alioth, so you can either do:
  ssh people.debian.org 'grep -A 10 YOURNAME ~lucas/public_html/qa-20151226/*ddlist'
  ssh alioth.debian.org 'grep -A 10 YOURNAME ~lucas/qa-20151226/*ddlist'

the meaning of the lists is:

qa-comaint_but_no_vcs.txt (275 packages)

   Based on the content of Maintainer/Uploaders, the package is co-maintained,
   but there are no Vcs-* fields.

qa-format_10.txt (3153 packages)

   The package is still using format 1.0.

qa-helper_classic_debhelper.txt (3647 packages)

   The package is still using "classic" debhelper (no dh, no CDBS).

qa-helper_not_debhelper.txt (144 packages)

   The package is not using debhelper (nor dh, nor CDBS).

qa-patch_dpatch.txt (170 packages)

   The package is using dpatch.

qa-patch_modified-files-outside-debian.txt (1156 packages)

   The package has modified files outside the debian/ directory (not tracked
   using patches).

qa-patch_more_than_one.txt (201 packages)

   The package uses more than one "patch system". In most cases, it means that
   the package uses a patch system, but also has files modified directly outside
   of debian/.

qa-patch_other.txt (51 packages)

   The package has patches, but uses an unidentified/unknown patch system.

qa-patch_quilt.txt (445 packages)

   The package uses quilt (with 1.0 format, not 3.0 format).

qa-patch_simple-patchsys.txt (129 packages)

   The package uses simple-patchsys.

qa-vcs_but_not_git_or_svn.txt (290 packages)

   The package is maintained using a VCS, which is not either Git or SVN.

qa-vcs_more_than_one_declared_vcs.txt (1 package)

   The package declares more than one VCS.

If you don't understand why your package is listed, you can have a look at
allpackages-20151226.yaml that provides more details. If you still don't
understand, just ask me.

Excluding duplicates, a total of 5469 packages are listed. The dd-list for the
merged list is available at
https://people.debian.org/~lucas/qa-20151226/merged.ddlist (which isn't very
useful, except to know if you are listed; see how to grep individual lists

- Lucas

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