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Bug#809326: ITP: php-mongodb -- MongoDB driver for PHP

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Ondřej Surý" <ondrej@debian.org>

* Package name    : php-mongodb
  Version         : 1.1.1
  Upstream Author : Derick Rethans <derick@php.net>, Jeremy Mikola, Hannes Magnusson <bjori@php.net>
* URL             : http://pecl.php.net/package/mongodb
* License         : Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : MongoDB driver for PHP

 The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue
 between MongoDB and PHP, implementing only fundemental and
 performance-critical components necessary to build a fully-functional
 MongoDB driver.

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