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/skole/ (was Re: Login possible only with root)
[Bug 1145] needs documention (in the newdriftbook): how to use lwat
[Bug 1179] lwat-gui problem: "unable update nextID"
[Bug 1211] Unable to log into lwat using the admin user when ssl certificate checking is enabled.
[Bug 1242] unable to add user,group,machines with lwat
[Bug 1243] After changing my passwort to a simple passwd in lwat I lose my rights of admins group. :-)
[Bug 1244] lwat fails to remember new password
[Bug 1246] munin fails to graph diskpartitions containing +plusssign
[Bug 1247] #440441: German translation of LWAT needs update
[Bug 1248] New: Error message when only Hostname fileld is compiled
[Bug 1249] LWAT-error when try to add a machine
[Bug 1249] New: LWAT-error when try to add a machine
[Bug 1250] Login Manager (KDM) displays last user name
[Bug 1250] New: Login Manager (KDM) displays last user name
[Bug 1251] New: Provide Messaging System over KDE
[Bug 1251] Provide Messaging System over KDE
[Bug 1252] New: setup (see #440575 for howto)
[Bug 1253] New: Unable to regulate automatically the time
[Bug 1253] Unable to regulate automatically the time
[Bug 1254] dpt_i2o of installation-kernel vs i2o_block of installed 2.6.18
[Bug 1254] New: dpt_i2o of installation-kernel vs i2o_block of installed 2.6.18
[Bug 1255] New: provide installer from windows
[Bug 1255] provide installer from windows
[Bug 1256] New: automatic partition fails on cciss disk
[Bug 1258] installation fails on thin client server
[Bug 1258] New: installation fails on thin client server
[Bug 484] Unable to install on Adaptec 2100S raidcard when in Fujitsu Siemens TX150.
[Bug 543] lwat should make sure the automount map list all user partitions
[Bug 852] documentation: The arcitecture document FTBFS and is out of date
Re: [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Etch" by SteffenJoeris
[Fwd: Webbgränsnitt till skolelinux]
Re: [Fwd: Webbgränsnitt till skolelinux]
Re: [OT] XPlanet
Re: [ Re: Relations to Russia?]
Adaptec raid problems - still
ANN: GNota - A GTK+ teachers gradebook
Any experience with clonezilla?
Archive Policy updated (new stable update procedure)
boot time
Bug#437498: marked as done (education-common: Please don't Recommend sysutils anymore)
Bug#440575: please include the debian edu archive in p.d.o
Bug#441909: debian-edu-artwork: FTBFS: pngtopnm: command not found
Bug#441909: marked as done (debian-edu-artwork: FTBFS: pngtopnm: command not found)
Bug#443546: please provide more helpful errormsg on import-failures
Bug#444274: please provide script to cleanup homedirs from disabled users
Bug#444347: fixed
Bug#444622: sitesummary: documentation asks more questions than it answers
cdd-dev (Re: summary from the irc meeting 2007-09-10)
Re: CUPS printing question
debian edu talk at kieler linuxtage
Debian Edu user survey?
debian-edu 0.822 MIGRATED to testing
debian-edu-announce list
debian-edu-archive-keyring_2007.09.15_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu-archive-keyring_2007.09.15_i386.changes is NEW
debian-edu-artwork 0.0.23 MIGRATED to testing ACCEPTED
debian-edu-artwork_0.0.22_i386.changes ACCEPTED ACCEPTED
debian-edu-artwork_0.0.23_i386.changes ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.822_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian2DebianEdu. was: Adaptec raid problems - still
DESA 2007-011: linux-2.6 - several vulnerabilities
Re: DESA-2007-008: several vulnerabilities
Diskless Workstation problem..
Dual Boot Two Hard Drives
embarassing printing question
Extremadura 17-21.10 -- reminder
Extremadura Meeting on 17.10- 21.10 for Debian-Edu
final extremdura dates
Re: improve lwat strings / lwat übersetzung verbessern
improve lwat strings / lwat übersetzung verbessern
Inside The Market
Jury of Les Trophees du Libre (international free software awards) (fwd)
kde 3.5.5 translations
kiosk system pc wanted
Re: kursdok
Re: Ltsp Diskless Workstation (Low Fat Client)-questions
lwat 0.16 is released
Re: LWAT problems
lwat switched to svn + trac
lwat, ldap & attic
new debian-edu-announce ML
New Map View: Skolelinux Schools in (Greater) Europe
Re: new meeting date 2007.09.10 18:00 UTC
Please build debian-edu-artwork for s390
Please nudge the autobuilders for powerpc and amd64
Re: possible update exceptions for stable archive? (rules)
Preparations for a new version of lwat (0.16)
Re: Problem with Adaptec 2100s
Problem with userimport in lwat
Re: Problem with userimport in lwat - soved
Processing of debian-edu-archive-keyring_2007.09.15_i386.changes
Processing of debian-edu-artwork_0.0.22_i386.changes
Processing of debian-edu-artwork_0.0.23_i386.changes
Processing of debian-edu_0.822_i386.changes
Q: Howto spread news to users
Re: redefining priorities for 3.0r1
Relations to Russia?
Re: resize /usr in standalone
The schools using Debian-Edu in South America
Setting up debian-edu / wireless & pxe
Small live DVD update
Some of your Debian packages might need attention
Stable update proposal: cpufrequtils
Stable update proposal: debian-edu-artwork
Stable update proposal: discover
Re: Stable update proposal: discover-data
Stable update proposal: libpam-foreground
Stable update proposal: munin
Stable update proposal: slbackup-php
stable update proposals
Re: Stable update: debian-edu-artwork
Re: Suggestion for login Splash Screen
summary from the irc meeting 2007-09-10
Thanks for Skolelinux 3.0
Vote for meeting dates and Reminder: Next IRC-Meeting on Wednesday the 26th September
The last update was on 06:00 GMT Sun Jul 14. There are 249 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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