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Re: improve lwat strings / lwat übersetzung verbessern


On Monday 24 September 2007 10:11, Finn-Arne Johansen wrote:
> I can see that it can be confusing. As I've always used ldaptools to
> add/remove automount share, this was kind of new terretory for me when I
> was to include that kind of functionality in lwat. I think I asked for
> testers, but I cant remember now.
> Lets instead head over to explain how automount is set up in lwat.
> There is 3 type of "points" to be used in automount (as I know of):
> - the topmost point, from where everything is mounted/exported under
>   (like /skole in a normal debian-edu installation), this is called
>   "root-point" in lwat.
> - A virtual point, that's not directly mounted from the server, but that
>   holds other mountpoint ("tjener" in "/skole/tjener" in a normal
>   debian-edu installation). This is called a "submount point" in lwat.
> - When something is to be mounted from the server, it has to specify a
>   NFS-exported share, with some options (home0 in "/skole/tjener/home0"
>   in a normal debian-edu installation). This is called an "automount
>   share" in lwat.
> In lwat there is one reference to "child mountpoint and shares". This is
> when you try to delete either a "root point" or a "submount point", and
> references that to delete "submount point" "tjener" in "/skole/tjener",
> you first have to delete the child "home0", and to delete the "root
> point" "/tjener", you first have to delete all of it's children "home0"
> which is a "automount share", and "tjener" which is a "submount point".
> I'm sure there could be better naming of this, but I've asked for
> proofreading without getting any feedback. If someone has a better maes
> for "root point", "submount point" and "automount shares", then I'm all
> for it. A "child mountpoint and shares" references the "submount point"
> and "automount shares" that is located under the referenced mountpoint.

Thanks for the explaination. Do you think it would be useful to forward the 
abvove to the BTS and turn it into a wishlist bug, to have this in the lwat 


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