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lwat 0.16 is released

It's availible from http://bzz.no/lwat

>From the ChangeLog:
* Release 0.16
* Added code for setting up samba stuff in setup.php
* included setup.php into Makefile, to include it into debian packages
* updated translations
* Bugfixes
  - Removed some more htmlspecialchars() calls that was wrongfully
  - Made all forms use method post
  - fixed typo that made lwat use imported passwords
  - rewritten the code to check if a user is authenticated
  - test if script exists before it's called from cron.d
  - better translations

When uploaded to debian it should close the following bugs:
 #435997: lwat: crontest failure /usr/share/lwat/scripts/createhomedir:
          No such file or directory
 #440441: German translation of lwat has some typos

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
EE2A71C6403A3D191FCDC043006F1215062E6642 062E6642

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