debian-powerpc Oct 2005 by thread
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- qemu and skype Jack Malmostoso
- Bluetooth on a Powerbook Christopher Molnar
- Bluetooth on Aluminum Powerbook Christopher Molnar
- Illegal instruction on Powerbook 12'' Paolo Ardoino
- Re: ioreg for linux Benjamin Herrenschmidt
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Hans Ekbrand
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Rogério Brito
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Rogério Brito
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels IvanK.
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Rogério Brito
- How to configure a bluetooth mouse Philippe Hupé
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Rogério Brito
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Rogério Brito
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Brad Boyer
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Stefan Berndtsson
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Sven Luther
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels Meelis Roos
- sleep with ibook G4 (july05-modell) Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni
- gnome uninstallable on Etch? Matthew T. Atkinson
- Re: open power 710 install Xavier Grave
- nvidia driver on ppc. problems josep29
- Hwo to get the display on external monitor or videoprojector Philippe Hupé
- serial console KokHow Teh
- Problem with clock on Beige G3 Sylvain Joyeux
- Software search Howard Daniels
- Re: Call for testers, daily build debian-installer isos ... Niklaus Giger
- D-LINK USB DWL-G122 Marcos Medeiros
- Orinoco/hermes (original Airport) WPA support status Julien BLACHE
- ndiswrapper kohzak
- Re: Install debian RS/6000 44P Model 170 Treep, Johan
- Yaboot for Cdroms and qemu disk images Dave B. Sharp
- yaboot not coming up Joubin Moshrefzadeh
- ibook G4 Feb 2005 freeze after wakeup Thorsten Gunkel
- iMac g3 and kernel 2.6.12 >= Wesker
- 'gdm could not write to the auth file' -- ubuntuPPC_5.04 Kim Cascone
- Recent kernels bombing when compiling them with CUDA but without PMU support Rogério Brito
- Anyone experiencing bash hangs? Junichi Uekawa
- Another battle with Pismo won ;) - resolution scaling works Wojciech Owczarek
- Linux-tiny (Was: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now.) Jérôme Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Jérôme Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Jérôme Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Jerome Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Jérôme Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Jérôme Warnier
- Re: powerpc d-i daily builds reactivated, use 2.6.12 kernels, including 64bit kernels, miboot floppies dropped for now. Sven Luther
- powerpc Etch Release Certification Roger Leigh
- Re: Airport Extreme works on linux! Bin Zhang
- Resolution 800*600 on Powerbook 15' 1.67 Jay States
- How to get rid of sungem at boot time? Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- apt (intentionally?) brain dead? Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- miboot+2.6.12-initrd = success Hans Ekbrand
- pbbuttonsd and ikeyd Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni
- [debian-ppc] Disable the first apple DOOOONG!! Saladino
- my .config for miboot floppy IvanK.
- Where to get Gnome 2.12 via apt? Mannequin*
- how to play .mkv files? William Xu
- FN KEY and 2.6.1(3|4) Elimar Riesebieter
- Package to Download Themes from J. De Salvo
- Error and Warning Messages at Boot J. De Salvo
- Idiot's DRM/DRI/FB question, tibook Josh Narins
- unmet dependencies Peter Plessas
- Home made kernel 2.6.14rc4 on ibook Tsai Dung-Bang
miboot+2.6.12+nfsroot = success Hans Ekbrand
Re: Boot message : Unknown symbol ... Martin Habets
3D acceleration Philippe Hupé
kernel hangs at boot on dual G5 Lucio Crusca
What to buy for linux : iBook G4 12" or PowerBook G4 12" ? Cédric Boutillier
problem with debootstrap Xavier Grave
unsubscribe Imobach González Sosa
Linux driver for Airport Extreme Jack Malmostoso
Alternative to G3 ibook Rory Campbell-Lange
Re[5]: Разговорный английский язык c преподавателями из США poluchajuschihsja Zaelow Zaira
Airport stops working. Enric Nadal
synaptic touchpad not found Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni
2.6 SMP support for dual G4 Xserve. Is there any? jack
unable to compile kernel 2.6.13-4 William Xu
Sound on powermac g3 blue and white derek o
Request for help to identify some bugs (part two) Yannick Roehlly
wireless, ural-linux driver doesn't work Paolo Ardoino
SMP G4 Digital Audio with Radeon 9000. F. Heitkamp
Feedback on patch to PowerPC ports pmac page requested Shyamal Prasad
reinstalling tiger kohzak
Netboot install trouble on a blue and white G3. Patrick Finnegan
what and why cause DAM recovery retry du shirley
Re: sound problem with g4 pb and selfmade 2.6.12 Panu Luosto
kernel 2.6.8 and 2.6.12 fail to boot on blue&white G3 Patrick Finnegan
2.6.14-rc5 uploaded to experimental available at Sven Luther
Experimental PPC build of Avahi Ross Burton
ural-linux and kernel 2.6.14-* Bin Zhang
Request for help to identify some bugs (part one) Yannick Roehlly
experimental Xorg 6.9 packages available at Sven Luther
3d acceleration on pci radeon 9200 mac edition? derek o
Installing Lame anthony iles
Compiling kernel for ppc64 Eduardo Trápani
iMac G5 and fan control Eduardo Trápani
Re: g5 install Enrique Morfin
Debian Sarge for PowerPC on QEMU -- preinstalled image & HOWTO Vesselin Peev
Xorg and DRI on Pismo Peter Plessas
12'' Aluminium G4 PowerBook dilemma Rory Campbell-Lange
Howto install Host-Ap-Driver Rainer Gutkas
Install on OldWorld Jérôme Warnier
linux does not see my RAM Tamas K Papp
backup of the whole hd Tamas K Papp
Re: Was: backup of the whole hd Now: Partition type significant? Chadwick
status of fn-key.patch for 2.6.14 Yves-Alexis Perez
The last update was on 19:58 GMT Wed May 01. There are 610 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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