debian-alpha Feb 2000 by subject
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Re: 2 days till Bug Horizon
Alpha issues (SRM installation)
Alternative set of Alpha boot floppies available
Re: apt-get upgrade dies badly ...
Autobuilder status
Binary incompatibility between RH6.1 and potato on Alpha
Boot-floppies documentation
booting a noname via SRM
Bug#43401: (c++ unaligned traps) DWARF2 exception support in gcc is broken
Re: Bug#57617: mutt: segmentation fault when leaving attachment list
Bugreport bootfloppys (was :What set of bootfloppys for alphaserver 1200?)
bus mouse problem
Can i degrade packages?
ccc: undefined reference to: `__builtin_next_arg'
Compact C compiler for Debian.
RE: Compaq 4000/4100
Re: configure the base-system
configure the base-system ( Was: Unidentified subject!)
constructing a bootp'able kernel image
debian on an XP1000a
.debs uploaded to frozen/unstable only going into unstable?
dec multia
Re: detecting SCSI tape drive
Does anyone know why...
dump + TZ87?
Fast blas1
floppies for potato
ftp segfaults
Getting an unsupported xserver-svga card to work.
Grave concerns on releasing alpha with the rest of potato
How to install Netscape for debian.
IMPORTANT: [boot-floppies] Path name changes
kernel-image-2.2.13-eb164 milo problems
librep2 for sawmill
linux rc and alpha
locales and unaligned traps
'machine check while in PAL mode'?
Memory axppci 33
MILO 000209: works great
RE: MILO status (was Re: Test boot floppies (from CVS) and other
MILO status (was Re: Test boot floppies (from CVS) and others)
my passwd problem fixed!
need help badly with problem: can't access system!!
networking/route add
New (unofficial) alpha Alpha (sic) boot-floppies
nis tools package
non-us out-of-date
OT:Compaq 4000/4100
Re: Palm Pilot tools on Alpha?
Potato and AS200 4/166 (avanti)
Problems booting an AS200 4/166 with "current" avanti slink disk
problems with kernel 2.2.14
Problems with new scsi card on multia
RE: Problem with my Network Card
PWS 500a PPP / network setup
RAID and booting an initrd
Re: Reopening this bug
root on a raid 1 ?
Size of (long double) ??
Slow memory leak...
Status of testing different milo versions for eb164
Re: Test boot floppies (from CVS)
Re: Test report: Alpha boot floppies
Tried to install Mozilla but broke slink instead.
Unaligned traps!?
Unidentified subject!
update on 2.1r5 status...
upgrade troubles with nis
Upgrading slink to potato
Volunteer for compiling pkg for Alpha
Voodoo banshee/ PC164SX
Weird Lockups II
what set of bootfloppys for alphaserver 1200?
Why is this?!?
Workaround for Alpha libstc++ unaligned access problem
zsh under alpha
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