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Re: upgrade troubles with nis

In article <cistron.14512.28752.988889.941921@saturn.math.uaa.alaska.edu>,
George A. Dowding <dowdingg@math.uaa.alaska.edu> wrote:
>I have done two slink->potato upgrades.  For the most part the went
>fairly smooth (aside from the unalignment problem).  The server that
>is set up as a shell box has had no problems with nis.  However on the
>machine I use for more administrative purposes (bind, dhcp, samba,
>etc.) I cannot get nis to work.
>Here is the message I get in /var/log/daemon.log
>ayes ypbind[31584]: (unable to register YPBINDPROG YPBINDVERS, udp)
>ayes icmplogd: destination unreachable from localhost []

It means the portmapper is not running (/sbin/portmap). It is part
of the "netbase" package.

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