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Re: t1lib0

On Wed 09 Feb 2000, Luke Shulenburger wrote:

> I was recently trying to upgrade to the newest version of grace and I came
> across something saying that 
> grace depends on t1lib0 >= 0.9.1-0  which was not installable
> upon further inspection I found that t1lib0 has no available version, but
> t1lib-dev and t1lib-bin replace it.
> A similar situation occurred when I tried to upgrade xpdf. Does this mean 
> that the dependencies of grace and xpdf should be updated to reflect this?

I guess this means that grace and xpdf need to be recompiled....
Luckily xpdf is out of date anyway; grace isn't, unfortunately.
I'll have a look this evening (and check for any others that depend on

BTW, I appreciate these sort of messages! I haven't yet got round to
writing a script that checks this sort of thing automatically :-)
So everyone, check those packages!

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
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