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Re: Alpha issues (SRM installation)

On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 11:16:24PM +0100, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> * Greg Johnson (gjohnson@physics.clarku.edu) [000224 20:26]:
> > Let me know if you are interested in either of these.  As I mentioned I
> > have been hesitant to upload an aboot package with these new features
> > this late in the freeze, but I think it would be nice if the aboot in
> > the boot-floppies was the same as the one in the package.
> What I needed most when I was confronted with the need to use swriteboot were
> more relevant examples and better documentation. I also would have liked more
> verbose and helpful errors and --help.
> I can't be more specific right now, since the Alpha is on the CeBIT right now
> (thanks for your help, everybody), but I can help with it when it is back.

I am planning on writing/updating man pages for all the parts of aboot.
Perhaps I'll get a chance to start it tonight.  The documentation is
definitely lacking at the moment. :-(

If anyone wants to help with aboot documentation, let me know. :-)


Greg Johnson                          gjohnson@physics.clarku.edu
http://physics.clarku.edu/~gjohnson            finger for PGP key

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