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Re: t1lib0

On Wed 09 Feb 2000, David Huggins-Daines wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 05:42:59PM +0100, Paul Slootman wrote:
> > I guess this means that grace and xpdf need to be recompiled....
> > Luckily xpdf is out of date anyway; grace isn't, unfortunately.
> > I'll have a look this evening (and check for any others that depend on
> > t1lib0).
> Hm, I thought grace was recompiled for t1lib1.  The maintainer (either Guy
> or Enrique, I believe) has been mostly absent for a while, and didn't
> respond to my e-mails advising of the t1lib change (I'm the t1lib
> maintainer)  but I could have sworn someone else was going to recompile it.

I've just uploaded version 5.0.5-1.2.0 to frozen and unstable;
it was indeed still depending on t1lib0. Maybe the autobuilder
got to it sooner and still had t1lib0-dev installed?

xpdf is also uploaded, as is bock (which depended on libgc4 which isn't
in debian/alpha anymore; now it depends on libgc5).

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
work:       paul@murphy.nl       http://www.murphy.nl/
debian:     paul@debian.org      http://www.debian.org/
isdn4linux: paul@isdn4linux.de   http://www.isdn4linux.de/

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