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Re: Volunteer for compiling pkg for Alpha

I am trying to help compile a few packages from the list at 
http://master.debian.org/~paul/alpha/diff/.  I am currently having a
problem with vim.  I execute the command dpkg-buildpackage -b -m"Lonnie
Sauter <sauter@debian.org>" -rfakeroot.  This works just fine, execpt a
file for all arch's is put into the .changes file.  So I guess my
question is how do I build the package and tell it not put _all files in
the list for upload?



                     Lonnie Sauter
Department of Mathematics	http://www.math.ukans.edu/~sauter	
651 Snow Hall			(785)864-3913 Office
University of Kansas		(785)864-5255 Fax
Lawrence, KS  66045

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