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Bugreport bootfloppys (was :What set of bootfloppys for alphaserver 1200?)

I got the machine to boot.

The reason that I got a ext2 read error was that I was booting the file linux
on the commandline of the srm console (I got that from the readme) which is a
symlink to a nonexisting file on /var... .  The real kernel was linux.gz.
Giving that as a filename helped.

I used the rawhide kernel and drivers. They worked fine.

rootdisk problems
* keyboard: it tries to load de-latin1-nodeadkeys.bmp instead of *.bmap
* sed of busybox is broken: when generating my fstab it crashed and the
  busibox output was dumped to fstab.
  This blocked the whole rest of the install process.

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