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Re: Fast blas1

On Thu 10 Feb 2000, Adam C Powell IV wrote:

> $2K machine...)  The old compiled FORTRAN gave about 50 MFlops, so this
> is over 15x faster!

Well done!

> There are a couple of catches:
>    * It's, um, inelegant. :-)

Ah well...

>    * I can't figure out how to do cp */*.o *.i as in, rename those files
>      to the same thing with .i instead of .o, so I can't make the static
>      lib work.

    for i in *.o
        mv $i ${i/%\.o/.i}

>    * Goto's BLAS are GPL!  So it's illegal to link non-GPL apps!!

Hmm, what's blas's license? If not GPL, using your diff is illegal
as well (at least redistributing the result etc; take it to debian-legal
if you want to debate the subtleties :-)

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
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