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my passwd problem fixed!

What a relief!

I obtained the preliminary rescue/root diskettes from


Then I could mount the drives and found a local copy of my passwd
file.  Somehow, my original passwd file got deleted in the process of
installing a debian package (i believe).

Anyway folks, I'm back in business!

|James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.|Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L | A |
|Oak Ridge National Laboratory |FAX:    (423)574-9172  | H | I | L |
|Research Reactors Division    |work e-m: fea@ornl.gov | F | N | P |
|P. O. Box 2008                |home fea@ispchannel.com| I | U | H |
|Oak Ridge, TN. 37831-6392     |world's best neutrons  | R | X | A |

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