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Re: Weird Lockups II

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Matthew R. Pavlovich wrote:

>I am assuming you mean compile the kernel module for ia32, as well.  The
>card works fine on any ia32 box.  I have a dual 400 that it worked w/o a

Ok. Giving it a try on 2.3.x may be interesting to know if it still

>> Last thing that gone in is alpha irq rewrite is in 2.3.47pre2. Other
>> things (like the imb before running self modifying code) are coming now.
>Sounds good.  Should we be focusing our efforts on 2.3, now or wait for
>the rest of your patches to get in?

I certainly just need help in 2.3.x from people who has access to alpha
platforms that I don't have under my hands here. 2.3.47 is going to
compile only as DP164 or SX164 :(.

Now I am updating PC164 in 2.3.47pre2 for kuznet.

As soon as I'll get a report from somebody who has a platform not yet
updated I'll do my best to get it fixed soon.


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