Hello world, (Cc'ed to the two ports that are most affected) It seems that some of the autobuilt packages intended for frozen and unstable both are only getting added to unstable. For example: [ajt@master ~]$ ls {woody,potato}/main/{binary-alpha,source}/*/alevt*.??? potato/main/binary-alpha/x11/alevt_1.5.1-3.deb potato/main/source/x11/alevt_1.5.1-4.dsc woody/main/binary-alpha/x11/alevt_1.5.1-4.deb woody/main/source/x11/alevt_1.5.1-4.dsc@ Note that the sources are the same (and even symlinked appropriately), but the potato .deb is out of date. The .diff.gz includes "frozen unstable" in the changelog, so I can't see any *obvious* reason why this would happen. The stats (numberr .deb's in woody that should be in potato as well) are: 157 alpha 0 i386 21 m68k 19 powerpc 203 sparc Anyway, the complete list of .debs (as generated by [0]) is at http://master.debian.org/~ajt/woody-not-potato.txt Cheers, aj [0] for a in woody potato; do for b in alpha i386 m68k sparc powerpc; do echo $a $b; (cat $a/main/binary-$b/Packages; echo) | sed 's/^source: \([^ ]*\) (\([^)]*\))$/source: \1 \2/' | awk '/^Package:/ {P=$2; S=P} /^Version:/ {V=$2; SV=V}; /^source:/ {S=$2; if (NF == 3) SV=$3} /^$/ { print S, SV, P, V }' | sort > $a.$b; done; done for a in woody potato; do echo $a; (zcat $a/main/source/Sources.gz; echo) | awk '/^Package:/ {S=$2} /^Version:/ {SV=$2} /^$/ {print S, SV}' | sort > $a.source; done for a in potato woody; do for b in i386 alpha sparc m68k powerpc; do echo $a $b; perl -e 'open S, "<potato.source"; while(<S>) { chomp; @x = split / +/; $srcv{$x[0]} = $x[1]; } close(S); while(<>) { chomp; @x = split / +/; if ($x[1] eq $srcv{$x[0]}) { print "$_\n"; } }' $a.$b > $a.$b.match; done; done for a in alpha i386 m68k powerpc sparc; do diff potato.$a.match woody.$a.match | sed -n 's/^> //p' > diff.$a; done for a in alpha i386 m68k powerpc sparc; do echo "$a:"; cat diff.$a | while read s sv p v; do printf " %s %s\n" $p $v; done | sort; echo; done -- Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/> I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG encrypted mail preferred. ``The thing is: trying to be too generic is EVIL. It's stupid, it results in slower code, and it results in more bugs.'' -- Linus Torvalds
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