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#573127 sphinxsearch should use prefix for utlilities The 'git' Debian package in squeeze and possible mass bug filing AUTO: Hans-Christian Dirscherl ist außer Haus. (Rückkehr am Mo, 26.04.2010) [New pre-depends] SElinux support for findutils. [OT] Re: Binary package names for mozilla plugins [Was: Bits from the Mozilla Extension Packaging Team] Re: [OT] Re: Binary package names for mozilla plugins [Was: Bits from the Mozilla Extension Packaging Team] Re: About new source formats for packages without patches Re: Advice needed on howto take care about /usr/share/pyshared/scikits Re: Applied-Upstream field for Patch Tagging Guidelines (DEP-3) Architecture Nomenclature Re: Best practices for development workstations Re: Binary package names for mozilla plugins Re: Binary package names for mozilla plugins [Was: Bits from the Mozilla Extension Packaging Team] Re: Binary package names for mozilla plugins [Was: Bits from the Mozilla Extension Packaging Team] bindv6only again Re: Bits from the 3nd Debian Groupware Meeting Re: Bits from the Release Team: Scheduling, transitions, how to help Re: Bug#540215: Introduce dh_checksums Bug#573070: ITP: hivex -- Windows Registry "hive" extraction library Re: Re: Bug#575938: ITP: dh-autoreconf -- debhelper add-on to call autoreconf and clean up after the build Re: Bug#575953: ITP: gmock -- Google's framework for writing and using C++ mock classes Bug#576128: ITP: otcl -- an extension to Tcl/Tk for object-oriented programming Bug#576160: ITP: tclcl -- TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface Bug#576184: ITP: jidanni -- a natural intelligence to find many bugs Bug#576194: ITP: mercurial-hgshelve -- scalable distributed version control system (shelve extension) Bug#576214: ITP: libticket-simple-perl -- A basic ticket system Bug#576215: ITP: cpan -- All possible perl modules you could ever need Bug#576241: ITP: ns2 -- Ns is a discrete event simulator targeted at networking research Bug#576253: ITP: cssparser -- Java CSS2 Parser Bug#576258: ITP: gst123 -- GStreamer based command line media player Bug#576259: ITP: nam -- Nam: Network Animator Bug#576260: ITP: javacc-maven-plugin -- Maven Plugin which uses the JavaCC parser generator to process JavaCC grammar files Re: Bug#576262: ITP: django-countries -- Provides fixtures, models and flags for countries by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code Bug#576262: ITP: django-countries -- Provides fixtures, models and flags for countries by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code Bug#576271: RFP: libgrss -- A Glib-based library to manage RSS and Atom feeds Bug#576310: ITP: python-cloudservers -- Python bindings for Rackspace's Cloud Servers API Bug#576311: ITP: springpython -- Python extension of Java-based Spring and Spring Security frameworks Bug#576383: ITP: python-restkit -- Restkit is an HTTP resource kit for Python Bug#576406: ITP: libfusioninventory-agent-task-snmpquery-perl -- SNMP devices scan support for FusionInventory Agent Bug#576437: ITP: python-gevent -- a coroutine-based Python networking library Bug#576479: ITP: libhttp-server-simple-psgi-perl -- simple HTTP server with PSGI application support Bug#576510: ITP: libformat-human-bytes-perl -- Format a bytecount and make it human readable Bug#576622: ITP: libspring-ldap-java -- Java library for simpler LDAP programming Bug#576642: ITP: xserver-xorg-video-qxl -- X.Org X server -- QXL display driver Bug#576681: ITP: tivion -- a simple streaming player for TV, Radio and Sopcast channels Bug#576693: ITP: haskell-maybet -- Haskell MaybeT monad transformer Bug#576702: ITP: haskell-hjavascript -- Haskell abstract syntax for a type subset of JavaScript Bug#576704: ITP: haskell-hjscript -- Haskell DSL for writing JavaScript programs Bug#576714: ITP: libopenspotify -- an opensource libspotify-compatible implementation Bug#576716: ITP: drupal6-mod-ldap-integration -- LDAP integration module for Drupal Bug#576718: ITP: spokify -- a KDE client for Spotify Bug#576754: ITP: nall -- a user-script based everything notifier on the system tray Bug#576757: ITP: libhttp-oai-perl -- API for the OAI-PMH Bug#576760: ITP: liblocale-currency-format-perl -- Perl functions for formatting monetary values Bug#576761: ITP: libmemoize-memcached-perl -- use a memcached cache to memoize functions Bug#576762: ITP: libpdf-api2-simple-perl -- wrapper for PDF::API2 modules Bug#576763: ITP: libtext-csv-encoded-perl -- encoding aware Text::CSV Bug#576807: ITP: libdevel-perlysense-perl -- Perl IDE backend with Emacs frontend Re: Bug#576817: ITP: drupal6-l10n-ru -- Russian translation for Drupal 6 Re: Bug#576817: ITP: drupal6-l10n-ru -- Russian translation for Drupal 6 Bug#576817: ITP: drupal6-l10n-ru -- Russian translation for Drupal 6 Bug#576833: ITP: drupal6-thm-arthemia -- Arthemia theme for Drupal 6 Bug#576834: ITP: libpath-dispatcher-declarative-perl -- dispatcher module with syntactic sugar Bug#576846: ITP: drupal6-mod-masquerade -- masquerade module for Drupal6 Bug#576849: ITP: drupal6-mod-inline -- inline module for Drupal 6 Bug#576860: ITP: drupal6-mod-i18n -- i18n module for Drupal 6 Bug#576881: ITP: fsmap -- Graphical description in a concept map of the free software world Bug#576907: ITP: libplack-perl -- interface between web servers and Perl web applications Bug#576956: ITP: vowpal-wabbit -- fast and scalable online learning algorithm Bug#576964: ITP: libchart-clicker-perl -- module for powerful, extensible charting Bug#577044: ITP: libmath-polygon-perl -- Polygon calculations Bug#577068 acknowledged by developer (close) Bug#577068: Acknowledgement (Why does bash make itself unconditionally /bin/sh?) Bug#577087: ITP: spim -- MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator Bug#577107: ITP: gunicorn -- Event-based HTTP/WSGI server Bug#577124: ITP: xen-unmodified-drivers -- Kernel drivers for paravirt-on-hvm devices Bug#577130: ITP: libcrystalhd2 -- Library for Broadcom Crystal HD video decoder cards Bug#577178: ITP: libgtk2-sourceview2-perl -- Enhanced source code editor widget Bug#577193: ITP: django-markupfield -- Custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields Bug#577200: ITP: xacobeo -- XPath (XML Path Language) visualizer Bug#577270: ITP: postfix-cluebringer -- Policydv2 (cluebringer) is a rewrite of the policyd anti-spam plugin for Postfix. Bug#577413: ITP: ttf-thabit -- fixed width OpenType Arabic fonts Bug#577415: ITP: libanyevent-i3-perl -- communicate with the i3 window manager Bug#577425: ITP: python-tweepy -- Python twitter library Bug#577430: ITP: libfusioninventory-agent-task-netdiscovery-perl -- Network device discovery for FusionInventory Agent Bug#577450: ITP: browserlauncher2 -- Library for opening a browser from a Java application Bug#577469: ITP: libspring-security-2.0-java -- Java libraries that provide security services for the Spring Framework Bug#577512: ITP: libmemoize-expirelru-perl -- Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration Bug#577562: ITP: fsrunner -- KDE krunner plugin for instant file or directory access Bug#577656: ITP: github-cli -- command-line interface to the GitHub Issues API Bug#577667: ITP: weboob -- Allows for out-of-browser interaction with websites implementing specific capabilities Bug#577712: ITP: unicorn -- Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix Re: Bug#577715: FTBFS: 7 of 7 tests failed Bug#577775: ITP: drupal6-mod-flexifilter -- Module that allows to create configurable custom filters Bug#577778: ITP: ocaml-buddy -- ocaml bindings for buddy bdd Bug#577819: ITP: amavisd-milter -- New interface between sendmail-milter and amavisd-new Bug#577820: ITP: aeromail -- PHP-based webmail with minimal dependencies Bug#577833: ITP: haskell-haskore -- Haskore Computer Music System Bug#577924: ITP: php-text-wiki -- Transforms Wiki and BBCode markup into XHTML, LaTeX or plain text markup. This is the base engine for all of the Text_Wiki sub-classes. Bug#577928: ITP: drupal6-mod-pearwiki-filter -- pearwiki_filter module for Drupal 6 Bug#577931: ITP: php-text-wiki-mediawiki -- Mediawiki parser for Text_Wiki Bug#577932: ITP: prey -- simple yet powerful application for tracking stolen computers Bug#577971: (no subject) Bug#578039: ITP: drupal6-mod-textile -- textile module for Drupal 6 Bug#578054: ITP: metis-edf -- Adaptation of METIS for Code_Aster purpose Bug#578058: ITP: pylotage -- Python interface between Code_Aster and Salome services Bug#578061: ITP: ibus-table-code -- additional input methods on IBus Table under IBus framework Bug#578067: ITP: ibus-table-tv -- Thai and Viernamese input methods based on ibus-table Bug#578093: ITP: flask -- microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentios Bug#578108: ITP: jutils -- Common utilities for Java Game Technology Group projects Bug#578120: ITP: python-modbus -- full Modbus protocol implementation Bug#578153: Multiple clipboards and cut and paste buffers in X11 Bug#578157: ITP: bitcoin -- peer-to-peer network based anonymous digital currency Bug#578170: ITP: mic2 -- A tool for creating and manipulating Moblin and MeeGo images. Bug#578214: ITP: glogg -- A smart interactive log explorer using Qt4 Bug#578215: RFP: ggaoed -- a high-performance AoE (ATA over Ethernet) target implementation Bug#578228: ITP: kdevelop-php-docs -- PHP documentation plugin for KDevelop Bug#578229: ITP: libfog-ruby -- Ruby cloud computing library Bug#578230: ITP: libfog-ruby -- Ruby cloud computing library Bug#578240: ITP: kdevelop-pg-qt -- a LL(1) parser generator based on Qt Bug#578288: ITP: etsf-io -- Library of F90 routines to read/write the ETSF file format. Bug#578314: ITP: tempest-for-eliza -- demostrate electromagnetic emissions from computer systems Bug#578326: ITP: libbrahe -- A heterogeneous C library of interesting numeric functions Bug#578328: ITP: python-prctl -- Python interface to the prctl() syscall Bug#578387: ITP: log4cplus -- C++ logging API modeled after the Java log4j API Bug#578411: ITP: libmusicbrainz-discid-perl -- Perl interface to the MusicBrainz libdiscid library Bug#578421: virtual-packages: Retire java-compiler, java2-compiler and java-virtual-machine Bug#578454: ITP: php-ogr -- OGR module for php5 Bug#578491: ITP: bley -- intelligent greylisting daemon for Postfix Bug#578518: RFP: libmojolicious-perl -- A next generation web framework for the Perl programming language. Bug#578580: ITP: skipfish -- A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool Bug#578605: ITP: libjsr311-api-java -- JSR 311, JAX-RS, Java API for RESTful Web Services Bug#578623: ITP: django-openid-auth -- OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth Bug#578627: ITP: jersey -- JAX-RS (JSR 311) implementation for building RESTful Web services Bug#578690: ITP: mygui -- Library for creating GUIs for games and 3D applications Bug#578703: ITP: cytadela -- old-school first person shooter Bug#578710: ITP: libsvdrp -- Interface library for the SVDRP protocol Bug#578750: ITP: kmid -- MIDI/Karaoke player for KDE Bug#578787: ITP: openoctave -- MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor Bug#578829: ITP: wannier90 -- Maximally Localized Wannier Functions Bug#578864: dpkg-source -b in 3.0 (quilt) package modifies timestamp of manually changed files Bug#578921: ITP: libdessert1 -- a simple and extensible routing-framework for testbeds Bug#579076: ITP: bitfrost -- Python library for BIOS security on the OLPC XO laptop Bug#579104: ITP: libopengl-xscreensaver-perl -- Helper module for writing OpenGL-based XScreenSaver hacks Bug#579121: RFP: guice -- lightweight dependency injection framework for Java Bug#579147: ITP: libapp-cpanminus-perl -- Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN Bug#579153: ITP: drumstick -- Qt4/C++ wrapper for ALSA sequencer Bug#579177: ITP: xul-ext-monkeysphere -- Iceweasel/Firefox extension for using Monkeysphere on the web Bug#579231: ITP: mricron -- magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis Bug#579233: ITP: libhtml-template-dumper-perl -- Output template data in a test-friendly format Bug#579278: ITP: trac-icalviewplugin -- Provides iCalendar feeds for ticket queries Bug#579279: ITP: latexila -- LaTeX editor designed for the GNOME desktop Bug#579284: ITP: voxbo -- processing, statistical analysis, and display of brain imaging data Re: Bug#579373: ITP: zthreads -- A platform-independent, multi-threading and synchronization library for C++ Bug#579373: ITP: zthreads -- A platform-independent, multi-threading and synchronization library for C++ Bug#579379: ITP: pyimport-relative -- relative import of a module for older versions of Python (i.e. pre 2.6) Bug#579398: ITP: openfst -- weighted finite-state transducers library Bug#579401: ITP: pyopenfst -- Python bindings for the OpenFst library Bug#579470: ITP: mrtrix -- diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography Bug#579475: ITP: libcache-memcached-fast-perl -- Perl client for memcached, in C language Bug#579476: ITP: libclass-accessor-class-perl -- simple class variable accessors Bug#579477: ITP: libnetsds-util-perl -- supplementary NetSDS packages Bug#579478: ITP: libnetsds-perl -- Service Delivery Suite by Net Style Bug#579481: ITP: plconfig -- a tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges Bug#579484: ITP: libnetsds-kannel-perl -- Service Delivery Suite framework - Kannel SMS gateway API Bug#579509: ITP: ctpl -- A template engine written in C Bug#579569: ITP: ants -- advanced normalization tools for brain and image mapping Bug#579588: ITP: itksnap -- semi-automatic segmentation of structures in 3D images Bug#579600: ITP: sigrok -- Crossplatform logic analyzer and protocol decoder software Bug#579636: ITP: libdatetime-format-dbi-perl -- Finds a DateTime::Format parser class for a database connection Bug#579675: ITP: goban -- Goban screensaver Bug#579692: ITP: libtest-inter-perl -- framework for more readable interactive test scripts Bug#579735: O: gtkmathview Bug#579786: RFA: w3-recs -- Recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Bug#579787: RFH: hadoop Bug#579791: RFH: zookeeper -- Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family. Bug#579796: ITP: othman -- electronic Quran browser in Python Re: dash Debian package - RC bugs - the Debian ShortURL Service - beta test Re: - the Debian ShortURL Service - beta test - ciabot script added debconf vs cdebconf Re: Debian Project Leader Election 2010 Results Default value of net.ipv6.bindv6only should revert to 0 Re: document meaning of transition? Re: Hadoop in Debian, was:Re: Hardware trouble Handling optimization flags in Debian packages Hardware trouble - / release.d.o services back this weekend How does lintian detect embedded-zlib? Re: How does lintian detect embedded-zlib? Re: Invite to join the Release Team is BTS down? Is down? ITP: libfile-corresponding-perl -- Find corresponding files in the directory tree Keysigning near Rimouski, Quebec, Canada? Libreadline6 is GPLv3: incompatible with GPLv2-only software Light automatically and randomly reduces some secs. after it has been set to its maximum level Re: Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit Re: migration to testing New Kernel 2.6.32-4-amd -686 Package description review (in ITP) Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why? Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why? Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why? PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why? Popcon disabled? Processed: Re: Bug#578153: Multiple clipboards and cut and paste buffers in X11 proper edit-build-install-test cycle with v3 source packages? Re: Proposal: Automatic selection of hardware specific packages RESPECTED SIR Results for Debian Project Leader 2010 Election RFH: flite -- A small run-time speech synthesis engine RFH: poppler Re: ries, AKA back, status Rpath problem libdbd-oracle-perl samba y ldap Re: Some mail changes The last update was on 13:07 GMT Thu May 02. There are 538 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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