debian-68k Aug 2000 by subject

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2.2 CD images appearing 2.2.10 on Mac IIcx: SCSI doesn't work :-( [ Bug#70094: Pb with FBDev on Falcon/CT2] Re: [Re: Enabling FPU emulation] backed potato Re: Bug#67099: segfault on m68k Crosscompiling with autobild Debian 2.2 (potato) debian on powerbook 5300cs Debian Slink on Performa630 Illegal instruction on 68LC040? Install dies trying to loop mount rescue.bin Kernel 2.2.10 on an afterburner falcon Kernel issue with SE/30 and Debian 2.2 installation Latest working and stable kernels Re: LC040 FPU emulation LC040 FPU emulation (was: Illegal instruction) Lilo for potato? linux for HP 9000 300/400 series Linux on Mac Quadra 840AV? linux-mac68k list m68k install Mac SE/30 mac ypbind problems Macintosh IIsi Re: New experimental boot floppies (pre 2.2.17) available for testing New glibc 2.1.92 test packages (i386, powerpc, sparc) Now Alpha too (was Re: New glibc 2.1.92 test packages (i386, powerpc, sparc)) please read this!! Re: potato and macIIci Potato install problems potato ugrade confusion RamDisk Requirements SCSI Timeout error with m68K on Amiga Space and m68k test -- please ignore Where is kernel-image-2.2.10-mac_*.deb? XF86Config ypbind ypbind on mac 68k The last update was on 06:01 GMT Fri May 24. There are 134 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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