Re: 2.2.10 on Mac IIcx: SCSI doesn't work :-(
[ Please CC: me as I'm not subscribed to ]
On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 12:26:15AM -0400, Ray Knight wrote:
> Alexander try the 2.2.16 kernel available from
> this was built
> using the latest CVS source from which has had some
> further work done on the 5380 SCSI driver. Let us know the results on
> the mailing list
I've tried it. Now the disk partition is being recognized correctly and system
proceeds with Init. But not very long, unfortunately :-( After writing
Calculating module dependencies...
('depmod -a' was running) the kernel crashed and started to output tons of
trace and stack information which scrolled away too fast to be recorded. I
only could see repeating patterns of
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Data write fault at [some changing hex number] in Super Data (pc=.......)
In a couple of minutes it all stopped with the last words of kernel being:
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill idle task!
No interrupt handler - not syncing
When I've tried to reboot, the same happened even earlier at the beginning of
fsck test (as the partition was unclear unmounted). I guess this happens at
the first try to write something to the disk, as when I didn't have
appropriate modules on the computer (and depmod was exiting immediately) it
all went further till network setup. I suspected the problem to be in the lack
of modules, installed them, and got what I've just described.
I've also tried as someone suggested vmlinux-2.2.14-073100.gz, but it didn't
find SCSI at all and died quietly after writing
Mac68K Z8530 serial driver version 1.01
That's all what I got up to now.
--- Alexander.
PS Could someone point out to a FAQ about how to make a Mac-DB9 null-modem
cable. I'm already fed up with writing that criptic kernel output down with a
pen instead of simply loging on a serial console. Thanks in advance!
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