debian-user Aug 2016 by thread
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samba (and netbios) Pol Hallen
Icedove crashes after recent update Emile Antonios
Debian 8.4 sgtreamer plugin memory leak arusev
Sound troubles on crashed Jessie on Skylake Lisi Reisz
Lost /var/backups Tilo Werner
Scratchy, Noisy Music Playback Thomas H. George
IceWeasel (Firefox) Update? afamilyofbetatesters hendersonpark
repository uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1) Matthias Bodenbinder
only one user with access to vt consoles in multiseat set ups ... Albretch Mueller
Mythtv has lost all its on screen text Alan Chandler
nosh and redo have moved Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Limiting internet access by time Mark Fletcher
(OT) Disable Secure Boot, et al Patrick Bartek
How to prevent /tmp files from being deleted at reboot Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
New Distro Satya Prakash Prasad
Setting info on received mail after changing home_mailbox in Postfix soko.tica
Re: Info Mark Fletcher
gcc-doc in stretch Steven Tan
nosh version 1.28 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Aplication's Help cant find iceweasel Gary Roach
Changing background for GDM3 in /etc/gdm3/greeter.gconf-defaults not working ML mail
Sopcast (Olympics) on OMX? Emanuel Berg
invoke-rc.d & systemd Andre Majorel
Help on investigating partition-related changes Parsa Hassan Abadi
Re: boot times out after dist-upgrade on Stretch Borden Rhodes
X dies after upgrade Gareth de Vaux
Re: lost sound upgrading to Jessie Mark Copper
KDE - reset of graphics? Hans
Re: How to blocks clients between them in subnet Darac Marjal
Re: Chromecast Darac Marjal
problem with kermit Christian Groessler
Debian installation for 1st time haleem safi
NFS no_root_squash not working (permission denied) Greg Wooledge
Re: Debian 8.2 ISO Andrew M.A. Cater
How to get rid of M10 Maureen L Thomas
script stops responding for browsers Haines Brown
IPMI on stretch Lister
Re: problem with Samba on Jessie francis picabia
i8042 controller not found Maureen L Thomas
Re: i8042 controller not found Maureen L Thomas
Debian Testing, Icedove and Xombrero Startup Issues Following Updates of 08/09/2016 Jape Person
More problems Maureen L Thomas
you iso's may have been hacked phil hall
Networking: unable to get multi-homed host working in Debian 8 Tom Browder
machine checks on Dell R815 under jessie Jeffrey Mark Siskind
My iso may have been hacked, too! Andrew F Comly 康大成
Trying to collect samples of USB descriptor data Daniel Kopeček
pulseaudio, derivative problems Levi Darrell
The DISPLAY variable. peter
Re: 2 attempts failed: 1) cmp; 2) /home/a/scripts/check_debian_iso Andrew F Comly 康大成
iso hacked suspicious: answers Andrew F Comly 康大成
QEMU accessing VLAN Andrew Wood
BEA Systems Users List Johanna Goodwin
my email in box is full of posts from your list phil hall
(OT kinda) Newly-discovered TCP flaw Curt
Are Debian online manpages down? Richard Owlett
cannot POST in Icedove Hugo Vanwoerkom
Video problem Maureen L Thomas
problem with version numbering in packages openssl and libssl1.0.0? Daniel
Networking: unable to get multi-homed host working in Debian 8 [SOLVED] Tom Browder
Decentralized reliable instant messaging? Stefan Monnier
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