debian-l10n-spanish Mar 2007 by thread
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[ITT] po-debconf://{dtc-xen,lyskom-server,nws,zope-quotafolder} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://dtc-xen Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://lyskom-server Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[DONE] po-debconf://libapache2-mod-python Manuel Porras Peralta
[RFR] po-debconf://nws Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://zope-quotafolder Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[ITT] wml://devel/debian-volatile/submit.wml Juanjavier
Re: D-I Manual - String freeze - Call to update translations (deadline: Mar 18) Frans Pop
Impresionante! (nuevas traducciones/traductores) Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[BTS#414218] po-debconf://flashplugin-nonfree Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#414219] po-debconf://fiaif Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#414220] po-debconf://bindgraph Manuel Porras Peralta
[LCFC] po-debconf://laptop-netconf Manuel Porras Peralta
Sobre kdebase Manuel Porras Peralta
Fixing this bug in the spanish debconf translation for sing: NMU? Christian Perrier
[DONE] po-debconf://debian-edu-config Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[DONE] po-debconf://ibapache2-mod-python Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[DONE] po-debconf://laptop-net Manuel Porras Peralta
[ITT] po-debconf://{axyl-lucene,chdrv,linesrv,orville-write,penggy,radioclk} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
Sobre el paquete libmyodbc Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#414350] po-debconf://roxen4 Rudy Godoy
[BTS#414349] po-debconf://webfs Rudy Godoy
[BTS#414347] po-debconf://mailagent Rudy Godoy
[BTS#414345] po-debconf://mixmaster Rudy Godoy
Pregunta estúpida Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#383762] Re: Bash segfaults with user input Javier Ruano
[RFR] po-debconf://axyl-lucene Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://chdrv Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://linesrv Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://orville-write Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://penggy Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://radioclk Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[ITT] po-debconf://{mediamate,newpki-server,sbox-dtc,schoolbell,totd,wipl} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://teapop Rudy Godoy
[DONE] po-debconf://bindgraph Manuel Porras Peralta
[D-I Manual] Build log for es (11 Mar 2007) - ERRORS DURING BUILD Frans Pop
[BTS#414453] po-debconf://fltk1.1 Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#414454] po-debconf://flyspray Manuel Porras Peralta
[ITT] po-denconf://mailreader Rudy Godoy
Please update debconf PO translation for the package samba 3.0.24-4 Christian Perrier
[DONE] po-debconf://debsecan Manuel Porras Peralta
Solicitud de revisión del manual del instalador (versión etch) Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[RFR] po-debconf://mailreader Rudy Godoy
[D-I Manual] Build log for es (13 Mar 2007) Frans Pop
[LCFC] po-debconf://hotway Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://mod-mono Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://nullmailer Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://rssh Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://sash Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://util-vserver Steve Lord Flaubert
[LCFC] po-debconf://xsp Steve Lord Flaubert
[DONE] po-debconf://webfs Rudy Godoy
[DONE] po-debconf://atokx Manuel Porras Peralta
Pequeño error en el instalador Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
borre archivosde configuracion de apache2 andrezzs
[D-I Manual] Build log for es (14 Mar 2007) Frans Pop
[DONE] po-debconf://flashplugin-nonfree Manuel Porras Peralta
Consulta traducción Manuel Parrilla
[DONE] po-debconf://x10 Felipe Caminos
[BTS#414942] po-debconf://myphpmoney Felipe Caminos
[BTS#414940] po-debconf://atlas3 Felipe Caminos
[BTS#414945] po-debconf://phpgroupware Felipe Caminos
[RFR] po-debconf://openldap2.3 Felipe Caminos
[LCFC] po-debconf://wacom-tools Felipe Caminos
[BTS#414946] po-debconf://phpqladmin Felipe Caminos
[LCFC] po-debconf://lvm2 Manuel Porras Peralta
Sobre el paquete lvm10 Manuel Porras Peralta
[RFR2] po-debconf://ldap-account-manager Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#414996] po-debconf://laptop-netconf Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#415033] po-debconf://plptools Rudy Godoy
[BTS#415038] po-debconf://squidguard Rudy Godoy
[RFR] wml://devel/debian-volatile/submit.wml Juanjavier
[RFR] po-debconf://mediamate Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://newpki-server Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://sbox-dtc Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
Unirse al proyecto Debian Alfredo Gama Zapata
Re: Re: Consulta traducción Juanjavier
[DONE] po-debconf://netselect Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[BTS#415283] po-debconf://lprng Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[DONE] po-debconf://mldonkey Manuel Porras Peralta
[BTS#415181] po-debconf://mod-mono Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415182] po-debconf://hotway Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415185] po-debconf://rssh Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415184] po-debconf://nullmailer Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415201] po-debconf://sash Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415202] po-debconf://util-vserver Steve Lord Flaubert
[BTS#415203] po-debconf://xsp Steve Lord Flaubert
[RFR] PO-debconf://monotone Elias A.M.
[D-I Manual] Build log for es (18 Mar 2007) Frans Pop
[DONE] po-debconf://nullmailer Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
[D-I Manual] Build log for es (19 Mar 2007) Frans Pop
[RFR] PO-debconf://dhelp Elias A.M.
[RFR] po-debconf://schoolbell Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
Fwd: [RFR] po-debconf://totd Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://wipl Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[ITT] po-debconf://{hunglish,mopd,nagat,wide-dhcpv6,zope-exuserfolder} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
Please update debconf PO translation for the package dtc 0.25.1-1 Christian Perrier
[RFR] po-debconf://hunglish Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://mopd Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://nagat Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://wide-dhcpv6 Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://zope-exuserfolder Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[ITT] po-debconf://{emdebian-tools,jffnms,jspwiki,oops,openguides,pcd2html,pdsh,pileup} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
so plod Oscarw Lottv
Sell More Cars! Steve H
Duda Felipe Caminos
Please update debconf PO translation for the package xdm 1:1.0.5-2 Christian Perrier
[ITT] po-debconf://{xdm} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[ITT] po-debconf://{dtc} Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://dtc Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
[RFR] po-debconf://emdebian-tools Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)
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