debian-edu Feb 2011 by thread
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[Bug 1461] New: Shutdown-at-night do not work for a pxe client
[Bug 1461] Shutdown-at-night do not work for a pxe client
[Bug 1461] Shutdown-at-night do not work for a pxe client
[Bug 1461] Shutdown-at-night do not work for a pxe client
[Bug 1461] lenny: Shutdown-at-night do not work for a pxe client
Re: mounting folders on startup; using kde/startup?
David Goldstrom
Squid / LDAP authentication working but having trouble with aptitude blocked by proxy
David Goldstrom
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-lenny manual
Holger Levsen
<Possible follow-ups>
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-lenny manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-lenny manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-lenny manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual
Holger Levsen
<Possible follow-ups>
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
Holger Levsen
<Possible follow-ups>
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
Holger Levsen
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
Holger Levsen
Processed: owner
Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: Bug#612109: netcfg: Please auto-detect the need for an HTTP proxy
Holger Levsen
RE:RE:FW: Fona smiekli ar seksa incidentiem!
Judins Valerijs
Nicholai Vander Elst
Your Bugzilla buglist needs attention.
<Possible follow-ups>
Your Bugzilla buglist needs attention.
Liesma, Viktorija un Sigita dod Tev kveelus sveicienus
advice on security with external email and web server?
David Goldstrom
Re: italc-rlp integration into Skolelinux (was: Re: LINBO & italc-rlp integration (Re: Gosa vs. CipUX))
Patrick Winnertz
Re: italc-rlp integration into Skolelinux (was: Re: LINBO & italc-rlp integration (Re: Gosa vs. CipUX))
Holger Levsen
Re: evaluating (and soon possibly contributing) to Skolelinux
Holger Levsen
Re: evaluating (and soon possibly contributing) to Skolelinux
Angela Fuß
Re: evaluating (and soon possibly contributing) to Skolelinux
Angela Fuß
Re: evaluating (and soon possibly contributing) to Skolelinux
Angela Fuß
[Bug 1438] imap directory missing if user did not receive any mail yet
[Bug 1445] faulty lwat configuration in squeeze
[Bug 1402] Partitioning silently fail when the disk is too small, leading to failing installation
[Bug 1363] phpLDAPadmin wrong default config
[Bug 1379] etch: Ldap Crash with to many files open
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1379] etch: Ldap Crash with to many files open
[Bug 1379] etch: Ldap Crash with to many files open
[Bug 1438] mail setup works with gosa (was imap directory missing if user did not receive any mail yet
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1438] mail setup works with gosa (was imap directory missing if user did not receive any mail yet
[Bug 1447] Graphical login does not allow to use umlauts (ä, ö, ü etc.) in passwords
[Bug 1414] gnash is not recognized as a"correct version of flash player"
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1414] gnash is not recognized as a"correct version of flash player"
[Bug 1392] add josé's zombie hunter to /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/
[Bug 1263] protect IE^windows users and the network (block IE with squid)
[Bug 1434] smtp open on thinclients.
[Bug 1444] icon-sets for OOo is not installed by default
[Bug 1421] Error with single / partition; unable calculate size of /var/spool/squid
[Bug 1440] Inode usage on /skole/backup are growing with 20% each night
[Bug 1422] Error messages after installation using edu-ltsp-skip-make-client
[Bug 1437] Drop x font server from tasks?
[Bug 1453] unable to use custom xorg.conf in lts.conf
[Bug 1441] DNS broken in thinclient-network (192.168.x.x)
[Bug 1388] harmless (but confusing) nbd-server error message during boot
[Bug 1425] Sitewide changes to proxy settings do not affect PXE, APT and /etc/environment
[Bug 1455] Missing shutdown option from X session on workstations
[Bug 1341] please document: ltsp-client-builder failed on a system with two optical drives.
[Bug 1268] add test case to check if samba is setup correctly
[Bug 1418] source DVD build partly fail and the result is incomplete
[Bug 1376] Removable media (like usb sticks) inserted into ltsp server show up on ltsp clients
[Bug 1460] needs documentation: package firmware-linux-nonfree missing in ltsp chroot
[Bug 1159] needs documentation: desktop restrictions and how to change them
[Bug 1332] OCS Inventory server is not installed properly
[Bug 537] LDAP schema should be FEIDE compatible
[Bug 1013] confirm: imap: passwordless auth or different password wished
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1013] confirm: imap: passwordless auth or different password wished
[Bug 1274] Add Packages: KDE Addons (Kicker applets)
[Bug 1345] /boot/grub/menu.lst contains quiet twice under defoptions
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1345] /boot/grub/menu.lst contains quiet twice under defoptions
[Bug 1250] Login Manager (KDM) displays last user name
[Bug 1221] Should the Fifodir edits in kde3/kdm/kdmrc be dropped?
[Bug 1428] Default Iceweasel start page should not be about:blank
[Bug 1443] Apache config causes warning from cron (logrotate)
[Bug 1426] Missing way to set default iceweasel home page for all users
[Bug 1451] syslinux is not installed on thin-client-server profile.
[Bug 1366] please document: Grub splash image missing when / and /boot is the same partition (manual partitioning)
[Bug 1174] update documentation on printer-setup on thinclients
[Bug 1222] flashplugin-nonfree should probably be installed
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Holger Levsen
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Holger Levsen
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Mike Gabriel
Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Jonas Smedegaard
documentation for choosing desktop environments (Re: r72930 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config/debian
Holger Levsen
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn72930_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu_0.852~svn72937_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
Holger Levsen
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
L. Redrejo
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
L. Redrejo
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
Holger Levsen
Need in Extremadura for LDAP admin interface
Jonas Smedegaard
Re: Need in Extremadura for LDAP admin interface
L. Redrejo
Re: Need in Extremadura for LDAP admin interface
Jonas Smedegaard
Re: Need in Extremadura for LDAP admin interface
Finn-Arne Johansen
Re: Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
Christian Kuelker
Re: Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
L. Redrejo
Bug#613553: document school workflow with gosa
Holger Levsen
Bug#602863: from bind9 to powerdns and back to bind9
Holger Levsen
debian-edu_0.852~svn72937_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Bug#602859: netgroup support for gosa
Holger Levsen
Bug#602859: netgroup support for gosa
Mike Gabriel
Bug#602859: netgroup support for gosa
Andreas B. Mundt
Bug#613167: kerberized nfs4 mounting
Holger Levsen
experiences with ltsp thin clients and kde4
Holger Levsen
Re: experiences with ltsp thin clients and kde4
Philipp Huebner
Re: experiences with ltsp thin clients and kde4
Mike Gabriel
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Mike Gabriel
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Mike Gabriel
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Mike Gabriel
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#613214: use libpam-krb5 for uidNumbers greater than 10000 only (as opposed to the default > 1000)
Mike Gabriel
on releasing Debian Edu Squeeze in 6.0.1, 2 or 3? or 4? or 2012?
Holger Levsen
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn72965_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
How to get better video editing working now on a workstation?
David Goldstrom
debian-edu_0.852~svn72937_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Nigel Barker
Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Andreas Tille
Re: Make LibreOffice part of Debian Edu
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Mike Gabriel
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Christian Kuelker
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Christian Kuelker
migrate users to debian-edu squeeze (was: Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups)
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Mike Gabriel
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: ldap: ou=group versus ou=groups
Mike Gabriel
Is this package relevant for Debian-edu Squeeze?: slapd-smbk5pwd
Jonas Smedegaard
Re: Is this package relevant for Debian-edu Squeeze?: slapd-smbk5pwd
Andreas B. Mundt
WebSVN broken for Debian Edu on
Mike Gabriel
Re: WebSVN broken for Debian Edu on
Holger Levsen
Re: WebSVN broken for Debian Edu on
Mike Gabriel
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn72977_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Wolfgang Schweer
Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Wolfgang Schweer
Re: Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Andreas B. Mundt
Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Wolfgang Schweer
Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Vagrant Cascadian
Processed: Re: Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#613167: /etc/hosts on Diskless Clients
Holger Levsen
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn72992_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Mike Gabriel
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Wolfgang Schweer
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Holger Levsen
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Andreas B. Mundt
cron for ldap2bind and exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: cron for ldap2bind and exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Jürgen Leibner
Re: exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: exim brocken in test debian-edu-squeeze?
Jonas Smedegaard
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Holger Levsen
Hardisk format problems with virtualbox 4.0 and netinstall.
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: Hardisk format problems with virtualbox 4.0 and netinstall.
Holger Levsen
Re: Hardisk format problems with virtualbox 4.0 and netinstall.
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: Hardisk format problems with virtualbox 4.0 and netinstall.
Holger Levsen
Re: DVD works again: please test, report and contribute to debian-edu-squeeze
Frank Weißer
Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Holger Levsen
Linux-PC blocked/filtered in the network. (Was: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny)
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Linux-PC blocked/filtered in the network.
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Providers proxy? (was: Where do I see the DNS settings used i Lenny)
Oded Naveh
SRV records can't point to CNAMEs (Was: r73002 - in trunk/src/debian-edu-config: debian etc/bind ldap-bootstrap)
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs (Was: r73002 - in trunk/src/debian-edu-config: debian etc/bind ldap-bootstrap)
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: SRV records can't point to CNAMEs
Andreas B. Mundt
Turnig of squid
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Turnig of squid
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Turnig of squid
Ole-Anders Andreassen
Re: Turnig of squid
Klaus Ade Johnstad
Re: Turnig of squid
Oded Naveh
Re: Turnig of squid
Petter Reinholdtsen
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73004_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20110218~6.0.0~alpha1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
workstation problem is a ldap problem?
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: workstation problem is a ldap problem?
Andreas B. Mundt
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73026_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Re: Bug#385919: bogl: requesting removal
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
Re: Bug#385919: bogl: requesting removal
Lucas Nussbaum
[Bug 1379] Ldap Crash with to many files open
Processing of debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73040_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73040_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Can we get rid of network-manager?
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Andreas Tille
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Klaus Knopper
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Andreas Tille
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Klaus Knopper
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Mike Gabriel
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
L. Redrejo
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Klaus Knopper
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Mike Gabriel
Re: Can we get rid of network-manager?
Finn-Arne Johansen
Pablo Pita
DNS for the thin client network should be handlet by Gosa (Was: r73056 - in trunk/src/debian-edu-config: . cf debian etc/bind ldap-bootstrap)
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: DNS for the thin client network should be handlet by Gosa (Was: r73056 - in trunk/src/debian-edu-config: . cf debian etc/bind ldap-bootstrap)
Andreas B. Mundt
Problem handling thin clients' "subnet" within GOsa (was: Re: DNS for the thin client network should be handlet by Gosa)
Andreas B. Mundt
Re: Problem handling thin clients' "subnet" within GOsa (was: Re: DNS for the thin client network should be handlet by Gosa)
Mike Gabriel
Re: DNS for the thin client network should be handlet by Gosa (Was: r73056 - in trunk/src/debian-edu-config: . cf debian etc/bind ldap-bootstrap)
Holger Levsen
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73028_amd64.changes REJECTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73058_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73059_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73040_amd64.changes REJECTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73069_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
Squeeze Debian-Edu is working more and more.
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: Squeeze Debian-Edu is working more and more.
Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: Squeeze Debian-Edu is working more and more.
Andreas Schockenhoff
Re: Squeeze Debian-Edu is working more and more.
Mike Gabriel
debian-edu-config_1.446~svn73084_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Skolelinux archive Installer
The last update was on 20:29 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 241 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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