debian-powerpc Jan 2003 by thread
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HELP - can't boot into OSX - can I restore my data from debianppc? Jim McLoughlin
Debian using GCC-3, causing problems. David Röhr
Sound issue on wake Everett Coleman II
Powermanagment of the new iBook (11.2002) Roland Wegmann
running Gnome2 (unstable) in testing: any problems? Roland Wegmann
Saving battery power on iBooks/Powerbooks/... Claas Langbehn
great news for november 2002 ibooks (w. radeon) Martin Karger
I'm looking for Keymap for a french powerbook G4 Willy Morin
How-To backup hole harddisk of ibook olli
Airport: Tx excessive retries Michel Lanners
alsa snd module Fred Heitkamp
Getting a Performa 6360 to boot off of Debian Steven Schlansker
movie editing programs & options Curtis Vaughan
gdm 2 Jorge Arcas
Need of a Kernel Kevin Smith
Keyboard messed up Warren A. Layton
what can be done with broken packages Roland Wegmann
disabling DRI ? christophe barbe
ibook3 dvd/cdrw problems Jon Michaelchuck
1/8 inch jack... Shawn Powers
Re: PowerMac 7100/80 won't boot Marc Stergionis
Re: PowerMac 7100/80 won't boot Clive Menzies
console rows/cols -- configurable? Allan Streib
Problem with ati r128 and xfree86 4.2.1 (unstable) Jérémie Pierson
Best news for users of iBook (11-2002) Marta Pla i Castells
create HFS partition martin krung
iBook modem Antonio Messina
cannot make system bootable (PMac 6500) Allan Streib
cups alain
Got this far on a 7100/80 Philip Larkin Waters
ibook HD upgrade Norberti Lange-Schäfer
iBooks and power savings (was: Re: fan in ibook3) Rogério Brito
X on ibook2 ? Paul Reilly
update drm-trunk-module-src Roland Wegmann
DRI Permission denied Clemens Mangler
Who's in charge? Philip Larkin Waters
ibook2 airport card monitor mode problem Knight Industries 2k
smbfs 1970 date problem Brendan J Simon
Keycodes Problem Steven Schlansker
Suggest a really good email client Kevin Smith
gnome instability since yesterday update christophe barbe
archives? VincePanero
bash binary needed Kevin Smith
netatalk Jean-Christophe Michel
Problems with 3com812 José Salavert Torres
alias and symbolic links with netatalk Jean-Christophe Michel
tftp boot troubles (IBM p655) Jonathan D. Proulx
powerbase240 won't boot, install problems VincePanero
BIG oops, bounced message simon
NuBus HowTo in Spanish... CaRLoS mOGUeL
Looking for quiet Harddisk Roland Wegmann
how can i improve open gl performance on a tibook 400? Matthew Yee-King
pmacpow(scheduled auto startup) for ibook? Olliwolli
adb mouse button emulation does not work benjamin lämmle
Debian on PowerBook G4 Titanium 15-inch 1 GHz w/SuperDrive Etienne M. Gagnon
external vga + ibook2 Waldemar Brodkorb
PowerMac 7300 debian 3r1 X-Server thomas
Ethernet Adpater Kevin Smith
OpenGL support? Michael Ladwein
Re: ide-controller ACARD 6260M not working with debian 3.0 Michel Lanners
TerraSoft PPC Motherboard. Craig Morehouse
The last update was on 20:17 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 765 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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