debconf-team Jun 2007 by thread
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[Debconf-team] Rota kev
[Debconf-team] Building volunteers Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Registration Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Team Rota Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Organiser meetings Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Status Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] [: Meeting Details] Kevin Campbell
Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-press] Debian Day Press Release martin f krafft
[Debconf-team] Team Meeting Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] debday press release live martin f krafft
[Debconf-team] Status (Monday) Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Accommodation data entry Mark Brown
[Debconf-team] Wireless network meeting minutes Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Status Tuesday 12th Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Front reception Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Night venue Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] reschedule from ddtp-workshop Michael Bramer
[Debconf-team] name badges that aren't done yet Jon Dowland
[Debconf-team] sipgate Voicemail: you have a new voicemail Sipgate Voicemail
[Debconf-team] Minutes 20070613 Mark Brown
[Debconf-team] Paper schedules Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Petter Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Wireless network link Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] DebConf7 Night Venue Report Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
[Debconf-team] Minutes 20070614 Mark Brown
[Debconf-team] Inventory Report (20070614) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
[Debconf-team] Minutes 20070615 Mark Brown
[Debconf-team] Rota / Talks Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Inventory Report (20070615) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
[Debconf-team] Debian Etch LinuxTag DVDs for Debian Day Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Re: [Debconf-team] dc9 bids Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Agenda Items Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] Minutes 20070617 Mark Brown
[Debconf-team] Invoice for Hostel? Javier Fernandez-Sanguino
Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf Tshirt Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Bdale's daytrip information Patty Langasek
[Debconf-team] debconf9 presentations Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Noritada Kobayashi not in ? Junichi Uekawa
[Debconf-team] Ceilidh Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Need prof of partitipation in Debconf7 Jose Calhariz
[Debconf-team] night venue issues with braille-net Jon Dowland
Re: [Debconf-team] my direction Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Leaving DebConf7 22.jun.2007 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
[Debconf-team] orga team group photo Jon Dowland
[Debconf-team] Back home / Missing orga/volunteer shirts Gunnar Wolf
[Debconf-team] Final windup meeting Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Still missing stuff Steve McIntyre
Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-announce] Lost property box Jon Dowland
[Debconf-team] Thanks David Moreno Garza
The last update was on 04:33 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 146 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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