debian-l10n-french Oct 2008 by thread
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[RFR] po-debconf//fwsnort/fr.po Franck Joncourt
[RFR] po://kernel-package/fr.po Jean-Christophe
[RFR] d-i-manuel:/fr/install-methods/boot-usb-files.xml Philippe Batailler
[erreurs typo] po://glibc/fr.po Colin Darie
xmame 0.106-3: Please update debconf PO translation for the package xmame Bruno Barrera C.
[D-I Manual] Build log for fr (23 Oct 2008) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
[TAF] wml://News/2008/20081023.wml Simon Paillard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillar: webwml/french/releases/etch index.wml Pierre Machard
[BTS#503319] po-debconf://xmame/fr.po Christian Perrier
[D-I Manual] Build log for fr (25 Oct 2008) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Re: Quel client utilisez vous pour les listes comme celle-ci ? Geoffroy Youri B.
[DONE] wml://security/crossreferences.wml Simon Paillard
[RFR] wml://doc/cvs.wml [maj] Simon Paillard
Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillar: webwml/french/doc cvs.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french social_contract.1.1.wml Pierre Machard
Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french social_contract.1.0.wml Pierre Machard
[RFR] po-debconf://lilo/fr.po Christian Perrier
Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french/security/2008 dsa-1615.wml Pierre Machard
[ Manuel de sécurisation de Debian] Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
help with an apt french translation bug report Andre Felipe Machado
Re: Bug#503894: [] intro/organization French translation error for "Debian Maintainer Keyring Team" Simon Paillard
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