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Re: "Ask HN: What do you want to see in Ubuntu 17.10?"
-all driver packages
/root directory
Help me
[WARNING] Intel Skylake/Kaby Lake processors: broken hyper-threading
Re: Accepted thermald 1.5.4-2.1 (source amd64) into testing-proposed-updates
alioth replacement survey
Bug#592985: ITP: pragha -- Lightweight Music Player
Re: Bug#630196: Shotwell publishing plugin status in stretch
Re: Bug#782654: ITP: bazel, but it builds against its earlier version.
Re: Bug#863799: ITP: redtick -- tiny pomodoro timer for Emacs
Re: Bug#863801: grub-coreboot: fails to upgrade from jessie to stretch if init-select was installed
Bug#863863: ITP: gmailieer -- Fast fetch and two-way tag synchronization between notmuch and GMail
Bug#863979: ITP: ruby-email-reply-trimmer -- Library to trim replies from plain text email
Bug#863985: ITP: node-chownr -- Javascript implementation of chown -R.
Bug#864079: ITP: backuppc-rsync -- rsync optimised for BackupPC backup utility
Bug#864255: ITP: vzlogger -- log a wide variety of measurements from smartmeters and sensors
Bug#864294: ITP: pycryptodome -- cryptographic library for Python
Bug#864300: ITP: fcitx-autoeng-ng -- Fcitx autoeng module for Sogou pinyin
Bug#864303: ITP: fcitx-fullwidthchar-enhance -- Fcitx fullwidthchar enhance module for Sogou pinyin
Bug#864304: ITP: fcitx-punc-ng -- Fcitx punc module for Sogou pinyin
Bug#864313: ITP: ipcalcng -- Tool to assist in network address calculations for IPv4 and IPv6
Bug#864314: ITP: libsml -- C Library for the Smart Messaging Language (SML)
Bug#864322: ITP: node-es6-promise-polyfill -- JavaScript Polyfill for ES6 Promise
Bug#864335: ITP: ppx-deriving-yojson -- OCaml syntax extension for JSON serialization
Bug#864355: ITP: cod-tools -- tools for manipulation of Crystallographic Information Format v1.1 and v2.0 files
Bug#864358: ITP: bitfield -- bit array manipulation library
Bug#864374: ITP: nheko -- desktop IM client for the Matrix protocol
Bug#864375: ITP: quaternion -- desktop IM client for the Matrix protocol
Bug#864393: ITP: elpa-rich-minority -- Clean-up and beautify the list of minor-modes in Emacs' mode-line
Bug#864394: ITP: ayatana-indicator-power -- Ayatana Indicator showing power state
Bug#864408: ITP: dehydrated-dnspython-hook -- dehydrated dns-01 challenge response support
Bug#864428: RFS: bitfield/0.6.3-1 [ITP #864358]
Bug#864454: ITP: ghub-el -- Minuscule client for the Github API
Bug#864515: ITP: apiwrap-el -- api-wrapping macros
Bug#864521: ITP: ghub-plus-el -- a thick GitHub API client built on ghub
Bug#864526: ITP: flake8-polyfill -- polyfill package for Flake8 plugins
Bug#864527: ITP: flake8-docstrings -- flake8 extension to check docstrings
Bug#864541: ITP: magithub -- Magit interfaces for GitHub
Bug#864542: ITP: tryton-modules-stock-shipment-measurements -- Stock Shipment Measurements Module for the Tryton Application Platform
Bug#864559: ITP: shaarli -- Personal, minimalist, super-fast and no-database bookmarking service
Bug#864567: ITP: arduino-reference-en -- English reference documentation for Arduino IDE
Bug#864570: ITP: mapbox-geometry -- Generic C++ interfaces for geometry types, collections, and features
Bug#864571: ITP: mapbox-wagyu -- Wagyu Geometry Processing Library
Bug#864610: ITP: php-netscape-bookmark-parser -- generic Netscape bookmark parser
Bug#864621: ITP: racket-mode -- emacs support for editing and running racket code
Bug#864634: ITP: php-klogger -- simple logging class
Bug#864646: ITP: golang-github-dcso-bloom -- highly efficient Bloom filter library for Go
Bug#864653: ITP: node-stream-http -- Streaming http in the browser
Bug#864689: ITP: node-read-only-stream -- wrap a readable/writable stream to be read-only
Bug#864710: ITP: segyio -- Simple SEG-Y library
Bug#864740: ITP: ruby-roo -- can access the contents of various spreadsheet files
Bug#864759: ITP: libusrsctp -- portable SCTP userland stack
Bug#864760: ITP: weechat-el -- Emacs client for weechat IRC relay
Bug#864778: ITP: fparser -- Python parser for the Fortran language
Bug#864792: ITP: cypari2 -- Python interface to PARI
Bug#864815: ITP: libbytesize -- library for common operations with sizes in bytes
Bug#864816: ITP: volume-key -- library and utility for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
Bug#864817: ITP: psyclone -- Domain-specific compiler for Finite Difference/Volume/Element Earth-system models in Fortran
Bug#864823: ITP: python-treetime -- inference of time stamped phylogenies and ancestral reconstruction
Bug#864828: ITP: sogoupinyin-installer -- Sogou Pinyin Input Method installer
Bug#864866: ITP: lightdm-remote-session-x2go -- LightDM Remote Logon Support for X2Go sessions
Bug#864871: ITP: libpam-x2go -- PAM Module to check credentials against X2Go servers
Bug#864887: ITP: python-django-netfields -- Django PostgreSQL netfields implementation
Bug#864996: ITP: ruby-autoparse -- automatic parsing for any given JSON Schema
Bug#865066: ITP: cashier -- A self-service CA for OpenSSH
Bug#865067: general: Custom keyboard shortcuts combination issues
Bug#865072: ITP: gen -- simple, efficient iterators for OCaml
Bug#865082: ITP: node-process -- process information for node.js and browsers
Bug#865126: ITP: convert3d -- tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats
Bug#865134: ITP: golang-github-gin-gonic-gin -- fast HTTP web framework written in Go
Bug#865280: general: I requested a PowerMac GPU reset in the next version number of Jessie (8.8). Need again.
Bug#865280: marked as done (general: I requested a PowerMac GPU reset in the next version number of Jessie (8.8). Need again.)
Bug#865289: ITP: ruby-tool -- general purpose Ruby library used by Sinatra 2.0 and Mustermann
Bug#865296: ITP: ruby-po-to-json -- convert gettext PO files to JSON
Bug#865339: ITP: no-littering-el -- help keeping ~/.emacs.d clean
Bug#865345: ITP: ruby-validates-hostname -- checks for valid hostnames
Bug#865358: ITP: ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic -- generic OmniAuth strategy for OAuth2 providers
Bug#865419: ITP: libmysofa -- C library to read HRTFs stored in the AES69-2015 SOFA format
Bug#865438: ITP: dired-du -- dired with recursive directory sizes
Bug#865564: ITP: wslay -- WebSocket library written in C
Bug#865621: ITP: oomox -- Graphical application for generating different
Bug#865627: ITP: gmavenplus -- Maven plugin to build Groovy source files
Bug#865638: ITP: fonts-lohit-deva-marathi -- Lohit TrueType font for Marathi
Bug#865639: ITP: fonts-lohit-deva-nepali -- Lohit TrueType font for Nepali
Bug#865642: ITP: libgtk3-webkit-perl -- WebKit bindings for Perl
Bug#865643: ITP: libgstreamer1-perl -- Bindings for GStreamer 1.0, the open source multimedia framework
Bug#865724: ITP: php-luasandbox -- PHP extension that provides a sandboxed Lua environment
Bug#865757: ITP: node-ansistyles -- prints output in different styles
Bug#865761: ITP: r-cran-ttr -- GNU R package to construct technical trading rules
Bug#865771: general: always stuck before reaching gui mode and can not reach text mode with ctrl + alt + f6 (debian 9 stable, asus rog552vx)
Bug#865784: ITP: gigalomania -- Mega-Lo-Mania-like god game
Bug#865794: ITP: octave-divand -- n-dimensional interpolation for Octave
Bug#865821: ITP: matrix-js-sdk -- JavaScript Client-Server SDK for the Matrix protocol
Bug#865865: ITP: octave-zeromq -- ZeroMQ binding for Octave
Bug#865876: ITP: ruby-html2text -- convert HTML into plain text
Bug#865881: ITP: eternal-terminal -- Remote terminal for the busy and impatient
Bug#865904: ITP: ruby-string-direction -- Automatic detection of text direction (left-to-right, right-to-left or bi-directional) for strings
Bug#865958: RFP: multimc -- A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
Bug#865989: ITP: ruby-native-package-installer -- Ruby library to help install native packages on "gem install"
Bug#866001: ITP: node-debuglog -- used for debugging
Bug#866009: ITP: python-aiosmtpd -- Python3 asyncio based SMTP server
Bug#866010: ITP: ruby-public-suffix -- Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
Bug#866047: ITP: factorio-server -- headless server for the game Factorio
Bug#866053: ITP: emacs-ivy-doc -- documentation for emacs' Incremental Vertical completYon
Bug#866099: ITP: libtwelvemonkeys-java -- collection of plugins and extensions for Java's ImageIO
Bug#866111: ITP: standardskriver -- Tool for dynamically setting a user's default printer at desktop session logon
Bug#866196: ITP: ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml -- extension for Asciidoctor to enable support for PlantUML diagrams
Bug#866242: ITP: node-editor -- Launch the $EDITOR in your program.
Bug#866316: ITP: svgpp -- SVG-framework with parsers for various syntaxes and adapters
Bug#866334: ITP: lean -- theorem prover from Microsoft Research
Bug#866599: ITP: peframe -- tool to perform static analysis on PE malware
Re: Call for Signatures: stretch dedication
Call for testing: APT 1.5~alpha1/experimental
Catalan translation stretch dedication
Corruption in CPU
Re: Debian Installer Stretch RC 5 release
Re: Debian Reiser4
Fwd: debian stretch being released without fixing wpagui and wpasupplicant ?
Re: Declarative packaging
Declarative packaging (Was: Re: Intended MBF: maintainer scripts not using strict mode)
Dedication signature
DEP 15: Reserved namespace for DD-approved non-maintainer changes
Re: game engines, game data, dependencies
Re: Help me
IMPORTANT: Do live Debian images have a future?
Inclusion of best practices for packaging database applications in Debian policy
Intended MBF: maintainer scripts not using strict mode
ITP: bazel, but it builds against its earlier version.
New Stack article on general vs. rolling releases
Re: Permanent transition tracker for Perl6 ?
Re: Permanent transition tracker for Perl6 ? (was: Re: Packaging of libraries with unstable ABI (D, Rust, Go, ...))
Please add lzip support in the repository
popularity-contest reachs 200000 submitters!
Possible bug
Re: Post-stretch mass bug filing: build-depending on automake1.11
Processed: reassign 859877 to general
Processed: reassign 865061 to general
Recommends-If-Manual: ?
Replacing apt's http method (dropping curl)
Shotwell publishing plugin status in stretch
Re: Subject: UMASK 002 or 022?
Subject: UMASK 002 or 022?
Switch default installation image link?
Re: Too many Recommends (in particular on mail-transport-agent)
Re: UMASK 002 or 022?
Re: UMASK 002 or 022?
Re: unblock: webkit2gtk/2.16.3-2
unblock: webkit2gtk/2.16.3-2 (was: Re: Mitigating the problem of limited security support)
versioned Provides status
What does "freeze" mean?
What HN would like to see in buster
Work-needing packages report for Jun 16, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Jun 2, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Jun 23, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Jun 30, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Jun 9, 2017
xvi patch to generate UDEB for Debian-Installer
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