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Catalan translation stretch dedication

Hi Jonathan Wiltshire,

I attach the Catalan translation of the note dedicatori to Ian: I have
seen that you have sent an email to other lists. I hope it's useful!


I. De Marchi 

> Hi,
> My apologies that this is rather short notice. We deferred discussion
> of the subject in 2015 to "nearer the release", and then promptly
> failed to add it to any checklists.
> Debian 9 "stretch" will be dedicated to Ian Murdock. Whilst
> dedications in more specific areas of Debian development are
> generally preferred, the founder of the project is a common sense
> exception. As is traditional, the dedication will be expressed by a
> file on the mirrors and CD images.
> We welcome every Debian developer, maintainer, translator, or
> contributor in any other field to join us in signing this dedication.
> If you wish to do so, please:
>   * Download the dedication file:
>     https://people.debian.org/~jmw/dedication-9.0.txt
>   * Verify the sha1sum: fb37a995eebad8ced194709a9a2eb7a68ad8979c
>   * Create a detached, ascii-armoured signature in a file with your
> name, underscore-separate. Use of proper capitalisation is
> appreciated. For example, mine is called Jonathan_Wiltshire:
>        gpg -bao Your_Name dedication-9.0.txt
>   * Mail the file as an attachment directly to me, jmw@debian.org
> with the subject line "Dedication signature". I will collate them.
> Owing to the proximity of the release, the deadline for signatures
> is 2016-06-16 18:00 UTC (Friday). I am aware that this does not leave
> very much time and I'm sorry about that; I will make one further
> update to the signatures archive around the time of the first point
> release for anyone who cannot meet this schedule.
> Thanks,
> For the release team:

A la memòria d'Ian Murdock

Ian Murdock, el fundador del projecte Debian, va traspassar el passat 28 de 
Desembre de 2015 a casa seva a San Francisco. Tenia 42 anys.

�s difícil exagerar la contribució d'Ian al programari lliure. Va liderar el
Projecte Debian des del seu inicia en 1993 fins a 1996, va escriure el manifest
Debian el Gener de 1994 i contribuir al projecte al llarg dels seus estudis a
la Universitat de Purdue.

Ian va ésser director fundador de «Linux International», CTO del «Free
Standards Group» i desprès de la «Linux Foundation», a més de líder del
«Project Indiana» de Sun Microsystems, que va descriure com «traslladant
l'experiència que Linux a aportat als sistemes operatius i aplicant-la a

L'èxit de Debian és testimoni de la visió de Ian. Ha sigut inspirador per a
innumerables persones per contribuir gratuitament amb el seu temps i habilitats.
Hi ha més de 350 distribucions derivades de Debian.

Per tot això, dedicam Debian 9 Stretch a Ian.

-- Els desenvolupadors de Debian

Attachment: pgpWio8cKWPiU.pgp
Description: Signatura digital d'OpenPGP

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