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100% hardware coverage - is it a realistic goal? Re: apt-get upgrade removing ifupdown on jessie→stretch upgrade Re: [Debconf-team] for Debian Trusted Organization Re: [openstack-dev] The end of OpenStack packages in Debian? Re: [PKG-Openstack-devel] [openstack-dev] The end of OpenStack packages in Debian? Re: [PKG-Openstack-devel] The end of OpenStack packages in Debian? Re: [Pkg-sssd-devel] Bug#854354: sssd prevents system booting up Re: [RFC] The PIE unholy mess [solved] Re: apt-get upgrade removing ifupdown on jessie→stretch upgrade ABI Navigator Re: apt-get upgrade removing ifupdown on jessie→stretch upgrade apt-get upgrade removing ifupdown on jessie→stretch upgrade Re: Archive no longer accepts uploads signed using SHA-1 or RIPE-MD/160 aren't unreliable tests worse than none? (Re: Help requested: Packages which FTBFS randomly) Re: Bug#785480: ITP: bcg729 -- ITU G.729 Annex A compatible audio codec Bug#818705: general: multipackage issue Bug#818705: marked as done (general: multipackage issue) Bug#829076: general: Random freezes but the mouse can still move Bug#829076: marked as done (general: Random freezes but the mouse can still move) Bug#843906: tftpd, removal in favour of tftpd-hpa Re: Bug#848063: Help requested: Packages which FTBFS randomly Bug#853804: ITP: golang-github-bshuster-repo-logrus-logstash-hook -- Logstash hook for logrus Bug#853806: ITP: golang-github-mrunalp-fileutils -- collection of utilities for file manipulation in golang Bug#853811: ITP: golang-github-mailru-easyjson -- Fast JSON serializer for golang Bug#853813: ITP: golang-github-go-openapi-swag -- General utilities for the go-openapi projects Bug#853814: ITP: golang-github-go-openapi-jsonreference -- Fork of gojsonreference with support for structs Bug#853815: ITP: golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer -- Fork of gojsonpointer with support for structs Bug#853816: ITP: golang-github-go-openapi-spec -- OpenAPI specification object model Bug#853853: ITP: node-base64-js -- Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS Bug#853909: ITP: golang-github-tonistiigi-fifo -- Go package for handling FIFOs in a sane way Bug#853911: ITP: golang-github-docker-go-metrics -- Package for metrics collection in Docker projects Bug#853924: ITP: golang-github-rsc-letsencrypt -- Go library to manage TLS certificates via Bug#853932: ITP: adnauseam -- firefox extension that hides ad and simulates clicks on each blocked ad Bug#853942: ITP: golang-github-pkg-profile -- Simple profiling for Go Bug#853955: ITP: python-fusepy -- simple Python interface to FUSE Bug#853961: general: Add single click option to XFCE file picker Bug#853982: ITP: libconfig-mvp-slicer-perl -- Extract embedded plugin config from parent config Bug#853983: ITP: libdist-zilla-role-pluginbundle-pluginremover-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin to add '-remove' functionality to a bundle Bug#853984: ITP: libdist-zilla-role-pluginbundle-config-slicer-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin to pass portions of bundle config to its plugins Bug#853985: ITP: python-scrapy-djangoitem -- Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models Bug#854014: ITP: prometheus-postgres-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for PostgresSQL server metrics Bug#854015: ITP: python-hupper -- Integrated process monitor for developing servers Bug#854016: ITP: kubernetes-addon-dns -- DNS service addon for Kubernetes Bug#854018: ITP : node-is-npm -- Check if your code is running as an npm script Bug#854024: ITP: python-perf -- Toolkit to run Python benchmarks Bug#854026: ITP: python-scrapy-djangoitem -- Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models Bug#854027: ITP: python-scrapy-djangoitem -- Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models Bug#854037: ITP : node-constants-browserify Bug#854045: ITP: libcrush -- C library to control placement in a hierarchy Bug#854067: ITP : node-prepend-http -- Prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like and localhost Bug#854108: ITP: node-has-yarn -- Check if a project is using Yarn Bug#854114: ITP: node-cipher-base -- abstract base class for crypto-streams Bug#854116: ITP: node-minimalistic-assert -- minimalistic-assert Bug#854119: Bug#854121: ITP: node-p-limit -- Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency Bug#854138: ITP: node-unicode-property-aliases -- Unicode property alias mappings in JavaScript format. Bug#854150: ITP: node-babel-code-frame -- Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations. Bug#854152: ITP: node-unicode-property-value-aliases -- Unicode property value alias mappings in JavaScript format. Bug#854153: Fwd: ITP: node-babel-code-frame -- Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations. Bug#854156: ITP: node-time-zone Bug#854161: ITP: node-is-utf8 Bug#854168: ITP: node-babel-messages -- Collection of debug messages used by Babel. Bug#854169: ITP : node-lowercase-keys Bug#854171: ITP: node-chalk -- Terminal string styling done right. Much color. Bug#854172: Fwd: ITP: node-chalk -- Terminal string styling done right. Much color. Bug#854181: RFH: busybox -- Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems Bug#854183: ITP: node-time-out Bug#854185: ITP : node-safe-buffer Bug#854187: ITP: node-p-finally Bug#854206: ITP: node-brorand -- Random number generator for browsers and node.js Bug#854246: ITP: node-buffer-xor -- A simple module for bitwise-xor on buffers Bug#854265: ITP: node-array-filter -- Array#filter for older browsers. Bug#854267: ITP: node-os-browserify -- The [os]( module from node.js, but for browsers. Bug#854275: ITP: node-path-platform -- Provide access to win32 and posix path operations; sourced directly from upstream Node.js Bug#854299: ITP: node-urix -- Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly. Bug#854360: ITP: node-array-map Bug#854363: ITP: spyder-unittest -- Plugin to run tests from within the Spyder IDE Bug#854364: ITP: node-buffer -- Node.js Buffer API, for the browser Bug#854365: ITP: pytest-qt -- pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications Bug#854387: ITP: node-parents Bug#854393: ITP: libtest-abortable-perl -- module to handle subtest failures with exceptions Bug#854418: ITP: gpiozero -- simple interface to everyday GPIO components used with Raspberry Pi Bug#854422: ITP: multitime -- an to time which runs a command multiple times and gives detailed stats Bug#854435: ITP: node-write-file-atomic -- Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership Bug#854439: ITP: node-sort-keys -- Sort the keys of an object Bug#854445: ITP: node-browser-resolve -- resolve which handles browser field support in package.json Bug#854451: ITP: node-des.js -- DES implementation in javascript Bug#854490: RFP: xva-img -- Citrix XenServer .xva disk extraction tool Bug#854501: ITP: node-array-reduce -- `[].reduce()` for old browsers Bug#854503: ITP: node-strict-uri-encode -- A stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986 Bug#854504: ITP : node-is-ci Bug#854508: ITP: node-hash-base -- abstract base class for hash-streams Bug#854509: ITP: node-date-now -- A requirable version of Bug#854510: ITP: node-astw -- walk the ast with references to parent nodes Bug#854525: ITP: golang-github-google-certificate-transparency -- Framework for monitoring and auditing SSL certificates Bug#854526: ITP: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl -- Cloudflare's PKI and TLS toolkit Bug#854532: ITP: node-imurmurhash -- An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 Bug#854533: ITP: node-has -- Shortcut for Bug#854538: ITP: node-stack-utils -- Captures and cleans stack traces Bug#854560: ITP: node-max-timeout -- Max amount of milliseconds that can be passed to `setTimeout()` Bug#854569: ITP: node-convert-to-spaces -- Convert tabs to spaces in a string Bug#854570: ITP: node-bn.js -- Big number implementation in pure javascript: Required for browserify Bug#854572: ITP: node-clean-stack -- Clean up error stack traces Bug#854578: ITP: node-source-map-url -- Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments. Bug#854606: ITP: libnfc-nci -- NFC stack for NCI based NFC Controllers by NXP Bug#854622: ITP: libfunction-parameters-perl -- module for subroutine definitions with parameter lists Bug#854630: ITP: prometheus-apache-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for Apache Bug#854635: ITP: golang-github-karlseguin-ccache -- A golang LRU Cache for high concurrency Bug#854636: ITP: golang-github-karlseguin-expect -- testing framework for Go with more consice syntax Bug#854637: ITP: golang-github-wsxiaoys-terminal -- Colorful terminal output for Golang Bug#854639: ITP: golang-github-cockroachdb-cmux -- Payload-based connection multiplexer for Golang Bug#854642: ITP: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway -- gRPC to JSON proxy generator for Golang Bug#854645: ITP: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus -- Prometheus monitoring for gRPC Go servers Bug#854673: ITP: pytest-xvfb -- pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests Bug#854717: ITP: emacs-which-key -- display available keybindings in popup Bug#854749: ITP: prometheus-bind-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for BIND Bug#854774: ITP: libseqlib -- C++ htslib/bwa-mem/fermi interface for interrogating sequence data Bug#854793: general: debian jessie kde shutdown problem gui/acpi Bug#854824: ITP: ht-el -- hash table library for Emacs Bug#854882: ITP: golang-github-nebulouslabs-bolt -- pure Go key/value store Bug#854891: ITP: case -- Python unittest Utilities Bug#854901: ITP: squashfuse -- FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives Bug#854902: ITP: appimagekit -- package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based distributions Bug#854903: ITP: node-anymatch -- Matches strings against configurable strings, globs, regular expressions, and/or functions Bug#854904: ITP: emacs-git-messenger -- pop up last commit information of current line Bug#854916: ITP: seriousproton -- C++ game engine coded on top of SFML from scratch Bug#854917: ITP: empty-epsilon -- EmptyEpsilon is a spaceship bridge simulator game Bug#854920: ITP: python-pyflow -- lightweight parallel task engine for Python Bug#854947: ITP: sphinx-celery -- Sphinx Celery theme and utilities Bug#854951: ITP: recipes -- Recipe application for GNOME Bug#854975: ITP: python-django-dynamic-scraper -- Manage Scrapy spiders through Django Bug#855006: RFP: github-release -- Command line app to create and edit releases on Github (and upload artifacts) Bug#855011: ITP: py-isort-el -- use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer Bug#855026: ITP: fonts-bebas-neue -- Flat, rounded style font designed by Ryoichi Tsunekawa Bug#855028: ITP: fonts-sansation -- Clean, futuristic font by Bernd Montag Bug#855061: ITP: ndctl -- ndctl is a utility for managing the "libnvdimm" kernel subsystem. Bug#855065: ITP: thunderbolt-software-user-space -- Thunderbolt daemon and userspace tools for thunderbolt NVM flashing Bug#855074: RFP: installer -- [SHORT DESCRIPTION] Bug#855086: ITP: ruby-jar-dependencies -- manage jar dependencies for gems Bug#855089: ITP: ttygif -- generate gif animations from terminal recordings Bug#855211: ITP: qcumber -- quality control of genomic sequences Bug#855311: ITP: vine -- Python promises Bug#855342: RFH: ntp Bug#855386: ITP: automat -- Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go Bug#855388: ITP: elisp-bug-hunter -- automatically debug and bisect your init.el or .emacs file Bug#855402: ITP: examl -- Exascale Maximum Likelihood (ExaML) code for phylogenetic inference Bug#855452: ITP: el-x -- Emacs Lisp extensions Bug#855454: ITP: mocker-el -- mocking framework for Emacs Bug#855504: ITP: pyvenv-el -- Python virtual environment interface Bug#855530: ITP: golang-github-bsphere-le-go -- Golang library for Bug#855594: ITP: bidi-clojure -- bidirectional URI routing for Clojure Bug#855597: ITP: phyx -- phylogenetic analyses on trees and sequences for UNIX Bug#855666: ITP: peek -- create animated GIF screencasts Bug#855679: ITP: golang-github-lpabon-godbc -- Design-by-contract library for Go Bug#855680: ITP: golang-github-vmware-photon-controller-go-sdk -- VMware Photon Controller API library Bug#855682: ITP: golang-github-xanzy-go-cloudstack -- CloudStack API client for Go Bug#855683: ITP: golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc -- Convert strings to here documents in Go Bug#855708: ITP: beckon-clojure -- handle POSIX signals in Clojure Bug#855709: ITP: cheshire-clojure -- fast JSON encoding for Clojure Bug#855712: ITP: clj-http-clojure -- Clojure HTTP client library Bug#855713: ITP: clj-digest-clojure -- message digest library for Clojure Bug#855714: ITP: clout-clojure -- library for matching Ring HTTP requests Bug#855715: ITP: clj-yaml-clojure -- YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure Bug#855716: ITP: clj-tuple -- efficient implementations for small maps and vectors in Clojure Bug#855717: ITP: crypto-equality-clojure -- Clojure library protecting against timing attacks Bug#855718: ITP: pantomime-clojure -- Clojure library dealing with MIME types Bug#855719: ITP: specter-clojure -- data structure transformation library for Clojure Bug#855720: ITP: core-match-clojure -- optimized pattern match and predicate dispatch library for Clojure Bug#855721: ITP: compojure-clojure -- consice routing library for Ring Bug#855722: ITP: data-priority-map-clojure -- priority maps for Clojure Bug#855723: ITP: core-memoize-clojure -- Clojure memoization library Bug#855724: ITP: cpath-clojure -- transparently collect files on the classpath Bug#855725: ITP: crypto-random-clojure -- secure random generator for Clojure Bug#855726: ITP: core-async-clojure -- asynchronous programming using channels for Clojure Bug#855727: ITP: hikaricp-java -- High performance JDBC connection pool library Bug#855728: ITP: instaparse-clojure -- simple way to build parsers in Clojure Bug#855729: ITP: hiccup-clojure -- fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure Bug#855730: ITP: java-classpath-clojure -- examine the Java classpath from Clojure programs Bug#855731: ITP: lazymap-clojure -- transparent wrapper around Clojure's map types Bug#855732: ITP: prismatic-schema -- Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation Bug#855733: ITP: medley-clojure -- Clojure/ClojureScript utility library Bug#855734: ITP: math-numeric-tower-clojure -- math functions for Clojure Bug#855735: ITP: potemkin-clojure -- collection of facades and workarounds for Clojure Bug#855736: ITP: puppetlabs-dujour-version-check-clojure -- software update version checking for Clojure Bug#855737: ITP: puppetlabs-i18n -- Clojure i18n library Bug#855738: ITP: puppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure -- common Ring middleware for Puppet projects Bug#855739: ITP: puppetlabs-kitchensink-clojure -- utility library for Puppet Labs clojure projects Bug#855740: ITP: puppetlabs-jvm-ssl-utils -- library for SSL certificate management on the JVM Bug#855741: ITP: puppetlabs-trapperkeeper-clojure -- framework for configuring, composing and running Clojure services Bug#855742: ITP: puppetlabs-stockpile-clojure -- Simple, durable Clojure queuing library Bug#855743: ITP: puppetlabs-trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure -- Trapperkeeper Metrics Service Bug#855744: ITP: puppetlabs-trapperkeeper-status-clojure -- status monitoring for trapperkeeper services Bug#855745: ITP: puppetlabs-trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure -- trapperkeeper webserver service Bug#855746: ITP: puppetlabs-typesafe-config-clojure -- Clojure wrapper around libtypesafe-config-java Bug#855747: ITP: raynes-fs-clojure -- filesystem utility library for Clojure Bug#855748: ITP: ring-anti-forgery-clojure -- Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks Bug#855749: ITP: clojure-ring -- Clojure web applications library Bug#855750: ITP: ring-mock-clojure -- library for creating mock Ring request maps Bug#855751: ITP: tools-analyzer-clojure -- analyzer for host agnostic Clojure code Bug#855752: ITP: tools-analyzer-jvm-clojure -- analyzer for Clojure code providing additional jvm-specific passes Bug#855753: ITP: tools-nrepl-clojure -- Clojure network REPL Bug#855754: ITP: tools-reader-clojure -- complete Clojure and EDN-only reader Bug#855755: ITP: typesafe-config-java -- configuration library for JVM languages Bug#855756: ITP: tools-trace-clojure -- Clojure tracing facility in Clojure Bug#855757: ITP: honeysql-clojure -- library for mapping Clojure data structures to SQL Bug#855758: ITP: fast-zip-visit-clojure -- Clojure zipper-based visitor library (fast-zip version). Bug#855759: ITP: fast-zip-clojure -- modification of that uses protocols and records Bug#855760: ITP: metrics-clojure -- Clojure wrapper for Coda Hale's metrics library Bug#855761: ITP: adql -- Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries Bug#855764: ITP: puppetlabs-http-client-clojure -- wrapper around libhttpasyncclient-java Bug#855765: ITP: puppetlabs-comidi-clojure -- HTTP route definitions for Clojure Bug#855766: ITP: ring-headers-clojure -- Ring middleware for common response headers Bug#855767: ITP: math-combinatorics-clojure -- generate lazy sequences for common combinatorial functions in Clojure Bug#855768: ITP: ring-defaults-clojure -- Ring middleware that provides sensible defaults Bug#855769: ITP: tools-namespace-clojure -- tools for managing namespaces in Clojure Bug#855770: ITP: riddley-clojure -- code walking library for Clojure Bug#855771: ITP: overtone-at-at-clojure -- simple ahead-of-time function scheduler for Clojure Bug#855772: ITP: clojure-ring-codec -- Clojure library for encoding and decoding data Bug#855773: ITP: ring-ssl-clojure -- Ring middleware for managing HTTPS requests Bug#855774: ITP: java-jmx-clojure -- produce and consume JMX beans from Clojure Bug#855775: ITP: prismatic-plumbing -- Clojure utility belt library Bug#855776: ITP: skyview -- Image generation from a range of remote databases Bug#855779: ITP: kuropatkin-healpix -- Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization Bug#855780: ITP: ivoaregistry -- IVOA registry search Java library and tester Bug#855781: ITP: starjava-util -- Miscellaneous utilities for the Starjava classes Bug#855782: ITP: starjava-pal -- Starlink Positional Astronomy Library (Java version) Bug#855783: ITP: starjava-connect -- Abstract classes for persistent connections to remote services Bug#855784: ITP: starjava-table -- Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Bug#855785: ITP: starjava-array -- N-dimensional array manipulation and I/O in Java Bug#855786: ITP: starjava-registry -- Starlink IVOA registry access Bug#855787: ITP: starjava-task -- Java framework for invoking user-level tasks Bug#855790: ITP: starjava-fits -- Classes for general FITS handling Bug#855792: ITP: starjava-votable -- Classes for VOTable input and output Bug#855793: ITP: starjava-vo -- Virtual Observatory access classes Bug#855794: ITP: starjava-datanode -- Classes for hierarchical browsing of data structures Bug#855795: ITP: starjava-ttools -- Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set Bug#855797: ITP: starjava-topcat -- Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables Bug#855900: ITP: paleomix -- pipelines and tools for the processing of ancient and modern HTS data Bug#856033: ITP: brailleimg -- produce text images and graphs abusing Braille glyphs Bug#856158: ITP: g810-led -- LED configuration tool for Logitech G410/G610/G810/G910 keyboards Bug#856165: ITP: pupnp-1.8 -- Portable SDK for UPnP Devices, version 1.8 Bug#856176: ITP: pweave -- scientific report generator with embedded Python computations Bug#856179: ITP: polybar -- fast and easy-to-use status bar Bug#856193: ITP: node-https-browserify Bug#856230: ITP: python-django-progressbarupload -- Progress bar for Django (Python 2) Bug#856256: ITP: afaq-dl -- Download/update the sources of anarchism book Bug#856318: ITP: imm -- Execute arbitrary actions for each unread element of RSS/Atom feeds Bug#856339: ITP: kanboard-cli -- kanboard command line client Bug#856394: ITP: python-kanboard -- minimalist kanboard python client Bug#856425: ITP: scap-security-guide -- security guides and conformity checks using SCAP standard​ changelog practice, unfinalised vs UNRELEASED vs ~version Chromium browser Code in Description [Was: Re: node-tty-browserify_0.0.0-1_amd64.changes REJECTED] convention on listen port local or all network interfaces etc. Re: De-Branding of Icedove, reintroducing Thunderbird packages into Debian Debian packaging with meson The end of OpenStack packages in Debian? Re: Git hosting for code that provides Debian services Re: github and its workflows (was Re: has been modernized!) gitlab alternatives for a debian instance (was Re: has been modernized!) Help requested: Packages which FTBFS randomly The last update was on 06:05 GMT Mon May 27. There are 638 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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