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Re: Help requested: Packages which FTBFS randomly

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:45:00AM +0100, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Time is a limited resource and we need to set our priorities. Having
> test suites that work 100% of the time with constrained resources is not
> a goal I find worthy of the time I can spend on Debian. Unfortunately,
> those bugs are popping up as RC and I have the choice between
> downgrading them and appear as a bad player or fix them.

The pragmatic solution should also be a quick one (depending on the specifics
of the test suite, of course): adjust things so the failing test does not 
cause the test suite to fail: then, the builds aren't broken; the test still
runs, the bug still exists but it is not RC.

Jonathan Dowland
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