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Re: changelog practice, unfinalised vs UNRELEASED vs ~version

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 10:53:18AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> So, my idea was, in short: Thinking in a post-Buster world, do we even
> need the finalized line? I mean, take a look at debian/changes. The
> archive handling tools do get both «Date» and «Changed-By» fields,
> which reflect when the package was last *built* (which has a much
> clearer meaning than a nondescript finalization line). Debian tools
> can act from there. We could then just remove this dissonant bit :-)

The final line of a finalised changelog indicates who signed off on the
package: the person who said "it's time to upload this".

I think that we should continue to record the person who made that
judgement.  Someone who made a small change and whose name appears [in
square brackets ] shouldn't automatically have responsibility for the
whole upload -- but *someone* should have that overarching

Sean Whitton

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