debian-cloud May 2013 by subject
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Adding cloud-init in the next Wheezy point release
Are there qcow2's or raw's for use with openstack for wheezy?
Aw: Re: Adding cloud-init in the next Wheezy point release
Bug#705474: marked as done (cloud-initramfs-tools: wrong Vcs-Git control field)
Re: Bug#709475: euca2ools: euca-bundle-vol and euca-bundle-image to EC2 require ec2 certificate
Re: Bug#709773: Wrong handling of debconf
build-debian-cloud plugin to build instance-store based AMIs
Cloud not commit to cloud-init
cloud-init_0.7.1-3~bpo70+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into wheezy-backports, wheezy-backports
Re: cloud-init_0.7.1-3~bpo70+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into wheezy-backports, wheezy-backports
cloud-initramfs-tools_0.18.debian2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debdiff pour les fixes cloud-initramfs-tools
Debian archive distribution via CloudFront CDN
Debian on Google Compute Engine announcement
Debian on Google Compute Engine becomes more available in ~3 hours
Re: GSoC : Interested In "cloud image for bioinformatics " Project
Last-minute Google Compute Engine image tweaks
Making Debian one of the "Quick start" options for EC2.
New version of cloud-init & OpenStack cloud image
Re: Official Debian image request: Google Compute Engine (was: Re: Please let's not talk about "clouds")
official images status quo
Processing of cloud-initramfs-tools_0.18.debian2_amd64.changes
Re: Status GCE images and trademark (was Please let's not talk about "clouds")
Re: Straw poll - cloud-init in base AMIs (was Re: cloud-init_0.7.1-3~bpo70+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into wheezy-backports, wheezy-backports)
Straw poll - cloud-init in base AMIs (was Re: cloud-init_0.7.1-3~bpo70+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into wheezy-backports, wheezy-backports)
Trying to change topic in IRC channel.
UPDATED: AMIs on EC2 (Re: Wheezy AMIs now in all regions)
Wheezy AMIs now in all regions
Wiki pages on the differences between standard, cloud and live systems.
The last update was on 19:52 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 133 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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