On 4/05/2013 6:40 PM, Christian Kaenzig
build-debian-cloud script already installs some init scripts[1] in
the generated images that do the same thing as far as I can tell,
that the cloud-init package would do. Is this correct ?
The support for executing shell scripts on boot (by looking at the
UserData first line containing "#!/bin/sh" or similar) is the same;
but cloud-init also permits a alternate formats of UserData that
supports more functions - as shown here:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit. Of course much of this
you can script yourself in a standard shell script with the current
support. So moving forward to cloud-init should be backwardly
compatible with what we have now.
One point to consider. Although cloud-init was developed by Canonical for use with Ubuntu, it has also been adopted by Redhat (Fedora/RHEL/CentOS), SuSE and Amazon (Amazon Linux), as the standard instance bootstrapping framework for EC2 images.
Most Linux distros in common use on EC2 support it. In addition, cloud-init has been adopted by users of private FLOSS cloud stacks, like OpenStack, and is considered at this point the "industry standard" for bootstrapping Linux images in many public and private IaaS clouds. (Seems GCE has it's own methods, but Rackspace, and Azure do support cloud-init.)
I don't know the process it would take to get this officially supported in Wheezy, but it would be a shame to have to wait for Jessie to become stable for us to support this, without requiring our users to build custom AMIs to add the support in themselves.